13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Omar123

Hello, I wrote all the code and everything works good on the project (web site using Visual studio 2008) that I'm working on, and now the only thing that I have to do is to have at least a simple layout of the webpage I'm doing. I don't know css/html …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for gdp_87

Hi i am new to asp.net and have followed a tutorial in creating a shopping cart and thats working fine. I would like to modify it to produce the products from my database rather than get static products from a class which it does now. Sorry for the masses of …

Member Avatar for gdp_87
Member Avatar for mornej

Hi I am a beginner programmer and I would like to know how I can create a new page(.aspx) usong a button. So What I am actually asking is: I want to have a page that you can enter your information in. eg name Then if you press submit it …

Member Avatar for mornej
Member Avatar for Naveed88

Hi, we have a site uploaded as [url]http://mystore.com[/url] it is accessible through [url]http://[B]www[/url].[/B]mystore.com also google is currently indexing pages such as [url]http://mystore.com/searchproducts.aspx[/url] as different from [url]http://[B]www[/url].[/B]mystore.com/searchproducts.aspx when they are actually the same page. We would like to do some form of redirection so as to forward all requests made to …

Member Avatar for RickyG

Hi guys I am trying to create a code that allows me to take either first name or last name or both and display accordingly on the gridview.. Much help is appreciated viewrecords.aspx [code] <asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/JABILMCALLEN.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT Employees.Name, TrainingDocuments.ReferenceDocument, TrainingDocuments.Description, Certifications.[Started Training], Certifications.[Ended Training], Certifications.TrainedBy, Certifications.Approved FROM TrainingDocuments …

Member Avatar for RickyG
Member Avatar for gptArun

Hi there, Any idea about ---> how to change "Response to this Survey" in sharepoint ? thanks in advance,

Member Avatar for scorpio222

hi, i have an aspx page, Default.aspx, which runs when a web service is called. the output of the web service is something like this: http:\\xx.xx.xxx.xxx\FileDownload\Default.aspx?download=2.csv&type=csv This link above will download the csv file present on the server. The code for the default.aspx is given below. I want to know …

Member Avatar for murugavel84
Member Avatar for Vpurshottam

hi, i want report viewer with adodb connection + vb.net please can any one help on this thaxs in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for BC3

I am using Visual Basic 2008. I am trying to create a web page. I can't seem to get the labels, controls, etc. to let me place them where I want them on the page. I found several articles that suggest to make sure document shows in property window then …

Member Avatar for mitulmodi.rcc
Member Avatar for samkutty
Member Avatar for sniigg

Hi, I have [code] SessionData sdc = new SessionData(); [/code] And all the properties of sdc are stored in a table in sql server. I want to retrieve the properties of the sdc dynamically. And i know [code] sdc. reader1["xmlname"]= [/code] is a wrong way of doing it. So can …

Member Avatar for sniigg
Member Avatar for shanprab
Member Avatar for mitulmodi.rcc
Member Avatar for gptArun

hi all, i m new to sharepoint pls help - Any idea about the Sharepoint Databse structure ? I am using SqlServer 2005 with .NET, Sharepoint How to access my database? where is connection file in sharepoint ?

Member Avatar for gptArun
Member Avatar for jamshed ahmed

JAVA SCRIPT CODE [CODE] function NumbrOnly() { if(event.KeyCode==45 || event.KeyCode==46 || event.KeyCode==48 || event.KeyCode==49 || event.KeyCode==50 || event.KeyCode==51 || event.KeyCode==52 || event.KeyCode==53 || event.KeyCode==54 || event.KeyCode==55 || event.KeyCode==56 || event.KeyCode==57) { event.retunValue=false; } <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" onkeypress="NumberOnly('TextBox3')" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> [/CODE] WHAT IAM MISSIGN AND WHEN I WRITE event. then after 'dot' it …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mIssy_ricco

Hi all. I've been trying to do a sliding panel. all that i can find was collpasible panel. But it moves with my background as well. I didn't want my background to move. Can anyone help me? What I did was. [CODE] <ajaxToolkit:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender1" runat="server" CollapseControlID="LBCollapse" ExpandControlID="LBExpand" CollapsedSize="0" CollapsedText="Expand it …

Member Avatar for steve48

I have an integer variable Purchaser1PersonKey that I would like to pass as a session variable to another page. I have made Purchaser1PersonKey the CommandArgument of my LinkButton. I must be doing something wrong because when I breakpoint on response. redirect the session variable is empty. Any help will be …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for w_bryan
Member Avatar for nirveshverma

hi I am facing problem in connection of sql server in asp.net pages Actually there is error when i importing namespace [B]System.Data.Sqlclient[/B] [B] Error is:[/B] The type or namespace name 'sqlclient' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data' (are you missing an assembly reference?) now i don't idea that what …

Member Avatar for nirveshverma
Member Avatar for Ycefire

Hello, Im having some troubles with strings connecting. [CODE] retezec = "" & Session("jmeno") & ")" & " AND (table1.application_ID = " & txtCisloReklamace.Text Dim ret As String = "SELECT table.data, table.XX, table2.name FROM table INNER JOIN table2 ON table.kod_vyrobku = table2.kod_vyrobku WHERE (table1.some_value= " & retezec & ")"[/CODE] When …

Member Avatar for Ycefire
Member Avatar for Doward

I posted this up in the AJAX forum, and got word that it might be an ASP.NET problem. Here goes! Hello all, I'm hoping to get at least a pointer in the right direction here. Long story short, I've got a DB that I'm displaying information from. I'm doing so …

Member Avatar for rachS25

Hello, I am currently working on a project for my degree using asp.net, C# and Sql. The problem I am having is with my connection.cs file that I have created, the code I have is as follows: [CODE] using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Linq; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Xml; using School.SchoolCore.Core.Domain; …

Member Avatar for rachS25
Member Avatar for LJames

I need to fill my gridview with just the records that fall in the date range. The dates come from two calendar controls. If I choose dates where the day is in single figures I get a return, if I choose higher value days I get an error - "Cannot …

Member Avatar for rohitmanhas_12

I am building an application in MasterPage. Now I have an Login page from which my user is redirected to the masterpage when he is loging in. For authentication I am using FormsAuthentication and it works fine. Now when the user is on the MaseterPage I have a logout button. …

Member Avatar for miraclebos
Member Avatar for Kusno

Dear all, I created a very simple web mobile form. It worked When I runned it from Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 editor and IIS web server. But when I put the link in my device emulator manager from Tools->device emulator manager it didn`t work. I used SmartPhone 2003 SE Emulator, …

Member Avatar for miraclebos
Member Avatar for devp10

Help for right syntax in .net for defining variables in web pages I am trying to create a website in asp.net with multiple navigations links. A sample of the same in .asp is: Define a variable on the homepage: <% Dim varSection varSection = Request.Form("varSection") If varSection = "" Then …

Member Avatar for Sparky89

Hy everyone, I got a problem with doin a sum of a column where are only "int" datas, I get those data from Sql Db with a Sql Data Source and use that sds with a nested gridview. I tried with select sum() but it for each employer i get …

Member Avatar for Sparky89
Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hi Guys I'm New to web development. i need one help. I'm having list box on my form, in form load event i will bind the list box with database value. user should be able to select only 5 items from the list box and also i want to validate …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for dhanamsara
Member Avatar for songweaver

Hey guys, I am new to C# and know very little about ASP.net and classes in general. All that to say I got a project file for Visual Studio 2008 that is a C# web form that is suppose to allow you to enter address info: Street, City, State and …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i am trying to create a thubnail image and want to insert in a folder and path into database.. i uploaded image into folder but not able to create thumbnail from it [CODE]string s = @"~\uploads\" + FileUpload1.FileName; FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(s)); SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Server=praveen;Integrated Security=True;User Id=sa;Password=sa;Initial Catalog=banking"); string …

Member Avatar for carrzkiss

The End.