13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for jamshed ahmed

how to use javascirpt for client side to transfter the values suppose when i enter 2 in textbox1 then in thextbox2 it should show 4 how is it possible because there is no keypress event is there in asp.net texbox control please help

Member Avatar for jamshed ahmed
Member Avatar for Dhammakirty

i have a textbox and a button on my page. my problem is when i write something in textox and click to button , i have to redirect to google search .... so what code will be there on button_click .....

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for abisheak

in a form i have created 2 textboxes and one button when i enter a name in 1st textbox i should retrive a particular address for that name from database in textbox2.i have tried a lot ,please help...

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for wrathyimp

Hi, I have a gridview with date column. I need to show the dates in Arabic format (fonts/characters) encoding. this my english date format: [CODE]DataFormatString="{0:dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy}" [/CODE] I need the same but in arabic. Thanks

Member Avatar for wrathyimp
Member Avatar for khan17

hi, i want to programmatically click a link on a asp.net web site. first i ve navigated to that website and i ve got a code from some other website [CODE]For i As Integer = 0 To Me.WebBrowser1.Document.Links.Count - 1 If Me.WebBrowser1.Document.Links(i).InnerHtml.StartsWith("Learn HTML") Then Me.WebBrowser1.Document.Links(i).InvokeMember("Click") End If Next[/CODE] but i …

Member Avatar for khan17
Member Avatar for firesock

HI guys, I'm having a rough time trying to solve a problem left by my old colleague, he developed a dll that removes all the controls like combo's, dropdown, hyperlink's and buttons from a page before print or export to excel, but every time i have combo's or checkboxes it …

Member Avatar for udayasankark

Hai all, how to have default button in a content page. currently if i hit enter ket my master page search getting fire. i also place my master page in panel. for content for also i placed the button inside panel and set panel default button. but still my master …

Member Avatar for awaishafeez86
Member Avatar for fkcu
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Gaurav@17

Hello, I am using ASP.NET 3.5...I have a text box where I am using the AutoCompleteExtender for search. When user enter the key the serach shows the "ProjectNumber-ProjectName" in the search result....after selecting any of this...only ProjectNumber is entered in the textbox (I am using hidden control to store key …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for dougancil

I'm trying to write code for a page using VB and as I'm new to this, I'm needing some assistance. I have a button on a web page for uploading a .csv file but I also want that button to function as taking people to a destination page as well. …

Member Avatar for jbrock31
Member Avatar for rohitmanhas_12

cud anyone tell me what is session in asp.net and how to use it in login pages.... iam working on ASP.NET using C#....

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for SQL_dba

Hi world. I am trying to READ mail from an exchange server from within .net without using IMAP or POP. Both of these protocols are blocked - for security reasons - and I have an app that needs to read email in order to provide a best practice intranet solution. …

Member Avatar for Ycefire

Hi there, I'm havin a session with value of ID. I need to create a query for GridView to show only values linked with user mentioned in session. So my question is if theres any way how to modify my code which isnt working. [code] <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DbConnStr …

Member Avatar for Ycefire
Member Avatar for Omar123

Hello, I added a button from code and with it i added onclick event. here is the code [CODE] Button button = new Button(); button.ID = link; button.Text = "1"; button.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button_Click); private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image im = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image(); im.ImageUrl = ((Button)sender).ID; //ID …

Member Avatar for Freon22
Member Avatar for datapham

Pls help me , i can not run it correctly with "AddNew, Update, Update, Delete, Cxl" , i have tried many ways but no effect ? My database has 5 tables , i choose one which has 7 columns , the 7th col (name = "ID") is identity number (1/1). …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bhupendrajain

can we move from one language to another language.so user can enter the details in the specific language.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ashab27

hi, plz tell the select command of linq in asp.net i know all sql command , but linq dont know.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Rohith Reddy

Hi, I have developed a small application which makes use of ajax combo box drop down list. Problem is it is taking time while getting loaded on internet explorer. But i have seen it to work normally on other browsers. Can any one suggest me how can even make it …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for danjoe15

The Catch section is always executed even if the Try section has been executed. I am trying to send the user to one page if the delete worked properly and a different page if the delete did not work because of relationships between tables: [CODE] Protected Sub btnDeleteBuilding_Click(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for danjoe15
Member Avatar for virang_21

Hi Folks, I have created a login page that allows user to login to the system. I have a table in database called Users (userid, password, roleid) . When I try to login with proper user id and password the system let me login and redirects to proper page but …

Member Avatar for Naresh Sharma
Member Avatar for Cronox26

Hi there I make a control for my web base program in VB.Net 2005 I use the style sheet [css] for make it see like a modal pop up. I make the css style with the IE, Fire Fox , safari specification and work great but when fire fox make …

Member Avatar for bharattripathi

Hi guyz I have a problem with page-load event. When i m runing the website on local host it is working fine but On putting it to web space there is problem with page load event where on page load it is showing "Object reference not set to an instance …

Member Avatar for bharattripathi
Member Avatar for fiaolle

Hi I'm trying to set a property in the User Control. I see that the property is set when I'm debugging. But when I'm using the property in a method in the User Control the property is set to 0 everytime. I don't understand why. Here is the code I'm …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for bhavu4u

HI!! All I have one big problem for which i am not able to find solution. Here is My problem I Have one asp page on which i am generating Dynamic TabPanel all the controls like textbox ,combobox,buttons, are also generated [B]dynamically on tabpanel[/B] now on the button click i …

Member Avatar for tymaut

Hello, I am working on a multiuser web page where people log in and do some stuf(database related) What i need is for people to register a username in the same database table that i use, and stay logged in to the page when they use the system, so that …

Member Avatar for Ycefire

Hi there, I'm a beginner in ASP.NET with VB and I'm stuck on problem with a SQL query. I'd like to ask you for advice what does my page or config file miss. thats how my form looks like [CODE] <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 180px;"> <asp:Label …

Member Avatar for Ycefire
Member Avatar for Dimansu

hi, In my Dataset I have 3 columns "EducationLevel","Skill" and "PreferenceType".In the report I have a field called marks.I give marks adding above 3 column values.i.e If "EducationLevel" is (High,15 marks),(Medium,10marks),(Low,5 marks). If "PreferenceType" is ("First" 15 marks),("Second" 10 marks),("Third"5 marks) If "Skill" is (High,15 marks),(Medium,10marks),(Low,5 marks). The Marks field …

Member Avatar for Dimansu
Member Avatar for suryarao

hi, in my application i am using a music player for playing the audio (premiumbeat.com) royalty music player. Which is working fine when audio file placed directly. But in my application the audio file comes from the other page in a query string how can i write the code for …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bharattripathi
Member Avatar for suryarao

The End.