13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for php_noob

I am kinda mixed up right now..... CAN IIS and APACHE work in the same machine? from my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread203902.html"]thread [/URL](marked as solved) XAMPP + VISUAL STUDIO + MS SQL SERVER [while mysql is running] can exist in one machine. I have projects both in APACHE and ASP +IIS [not in …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for santhoshvarma.a
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for meghagoel

I need the functionality of move up and down the nodes in tree view in c#.net site.If any one knows please tell me .

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for karthik4444

hello friends.. im doing testing application by using C#..here the candidate entered into the test part, the system should not allow to view other file/folders in the PC by using key board shortcuts like ALT+TAB.. after exiting from test screen we can use evrything.. give some suggestions for this issue …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for ariez88

hello all, i m making an online aptitude test website in ASP.NET using C#. ur help will be highly appreciated. * 1st is that how can we display the time(we want to disply the time in digits while the student is taking test so that he can keep track of …

Member Avatar for yoteach
Member Avatar for Piya27

Hi All, I just don't know whether how correct my quetion is. But the problem i am encounterign while deveoping a website in ASP.NEt is that, when I run my website in IE it shows me the correct design as it has been set in the Forms, but when I …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for car123

Hello all; I have a couple of DropDownList fields and a submit button. When the button is clicked, I'd like the 'ddlPartNumber.SelectedValue' to populate a field on a DetailsView. The DetailsView1 is in Insert mode and the field I would like to populate is 'PartNumber' which is a Text field. …

Member Avatar for lm111

Hello, Please help me. So far nobody was able to help. I am trying to assign a dynamically created LinkButton to a string value. I have a function and there is definitely something wrong with it and I need someone to tell me if it can be done or not. …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for icarium

Hi, I have a project in asp.net which includes mssql database. when i tried to back it up simply by copying the folder, I then tried to open the project through visual studio, but it did not open. So how can i back up my project ? also my operting …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for Ana D.

Hi, In my page, I have a GridView and a FormView. Every time a selected item in the GridView is edited in the FormView, both the GridView and the FormView are updated. In the FormView, I have a couple of textBoxes and a checkBoxList. I want to bind the checkBoxList …

Member Avatar for RonRad

Had visual web developer 2008 installed and was instructed to download and install SP1 all kinds of problems and now can't install at all. machine is running Vista Home Premium. I am baffled and have used these products for several years now. Here is a list of the errors and …

Member Avatar for vasanth.kanna

Dear All, For handling session time out i have used the asax for writing log files. I got the IIS event viewer - Application warning saying that unhandled exception occured. The warning message is below. Please help me to fix this issue. Event occurrence: 1 Event detail code: 0 Application …

Member Avatar for hericles

Hi, I'm using a dataTable to process some data onto a webpage. The Page_Load calls the sub that access the database and sets up a dataTable. Another sub is then called which processes the dataTable and outputs to the webpage. That all works fine. I want to add a drop …

Member Avatar for mohankumar554

hi, how to add the values of two text boxes when the tab index changes ie i have entered value in 10 in textbox1 and entered value 15 in textbox2 when i press on tab then the cursor changed to text box3 and the sum 25 is printed in text …

Member Avatar for phillon

I'm fairly new to C#. I’ve recently embarked on a web project using asp.net Visual Web Developer. I'm having some issues with the commands for running calculations on a number of web forms. Some of the web form consist 10 or more numerical fields. Each form has a Total field. …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I have a Vista Home Premium SP 1. I installed Visual Studio 2005 n it was working fine until today. When i tried to open VS 2005 it gave the following dialog box: "One or more components missing. Please reinstall the application" First of all i repaired the …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for bshyama24@gmail

Hi All, I'm working on [B]online security register[/B].So I want to caputre image using webcam to the application and store the image path in database. How can I implement this using c#.net?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for EatenByAGrue

I have created a custom error page for 404.13, which is what occurs when a user attempts to upload a file larger than a size set in the config files under maxAllowedContentLength. I want my .aspx file to say something like: Maximum allowed file size=________KB Trouble is, I can't figure …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for AbhishekGoenka

My web application developed on O.S. ====Windows XP Professional IIS ------- IIS 5.1 Dot.net framwork 2.0 AjaxControlToolkit----ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi Database – Access2003 But when I access that application and do some of task on web page like add,modify or delete, below given error occured. Please do the needful if you have any …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, I have a table maintenance page, and it has several details rows (and its respective maintenance page for that detail). Then I want to edit the detail using the modalpopupextender. I don't want to duplicate codes using the same that I have already. So I'm wondering, if its possible …

Member Avatar for nikweb

Hi everyone, Please, I need source code for calculating molecular weight(molecular weight calculator) in asp.net using C#. My application is to allow users to enter molecular formular into a textbox say textbox1 expecting the corresponding molecular weight in another textbox called textbox2. All of these should be stored in the …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for alensole

Hi friends, I would like to achieve a task which can be better understood by pics The url is :[url]www.samachar.com[/url] In the below pic u can see the link to the different news sites. Used rss I guess , but the thing is when we click the link the content …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for coollife

I am having a form where in user enters their details and at the end i am displaying an image and verification code ( which is 6 digit number and i am generating this by using rand function ) The only thing for which i need solution is i want …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for sakhi kul

hi to all, I want to give user facility to download files from my website. so, user first view it. I saved file path in data table, but I don't know how to change href value dynamically..? or any other solution exist?

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for Mongz

Anyone please help me i want to add a splash screen on asp application. I want the splash which can appear for few seconds(E.g when u just log in here in this site)

Member Avatar for bshyama24@gmail

Hi All, I want consume a web service in my application that is in a different network or different system. If the name of the web service is unknown to me then what is the procedure to find out?

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for jaybiet

Hi I am using xml and xslt for generate MS word doc. In xml there is a attribute <Comment></Comment> This comment attribute contains Rich text(HTML formatting) and this attribute is populated dynamically. I generate doc by using following function [code=c#]public static byte[] CreateWord(XmlReader xmlData, XmlReader xsltReader) { // Initialize needed …

Member Avatar for jaybiet
Member Avatar for coollife

I am retrieving the byte contents from the database I am creating a new file using [CODE] Byte[] bindata = (byte[])dr.GetValue(0); FileStream fs1 = new FileStream("C:buffer.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs1); [/CODE] Please tell me what to do next to store the binddata byte[] into buffer.txt

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for daveyb91

Hello everyone, Could someone please give me a good explanation about what I can do with it? I can't really find it on Google.. Thanks in advance, Davey

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Blaine Tuisee

I have a web based application and i want the objects (i.e. textboxs, labels) to be locked into position. If i resize the window it rearranges everything amd starts looking sloppy. Any help?

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

The End.