13,153 Topics
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How do i update a database from dataset. [code]SqlDataAdapter.Update()[/code] is not working | |
hello everyone, this is my first post. i'm working on something that seems quite simple but i don't have the know-how. i want to populate a gridview in a web application with a field selected from a drop down list. basically, once you select an item is selected from a … | |
[COLOR="Red"][I][/I][/COLOR] hiiiiiiiiiii ds is kiran as a software tester i`m changing my platform to dot net i need ur help how to get a job in Malaysia and pls support me plsss | |
Hi, I have some problem with using variables, I am making a form in C#?asp.net . Now in my web application form I am having two controls on web page (dropdown, button); depending on the selection in the dropdown I have changed some value in a integer variable. [B]PROBLEM:[/B] the … | |
hi, how to save an image into database. ie how to insert an image into database and how to get the image back. i am using the asp.net(C#.net) and mssql server 2000 . so can u tell me the solution. | |
Select One. I just spent about 3 hours deploying an ASP.NET application and it made me wonder what others think. | |
I have made connection in web.config file,Its working ,I want to just confirmed dat Whether i m doing it in right way or not! Web.Config File- [code] <configuration> <appSettings/> <connectionStrings> <add name="Connection" connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial catalog=sonia;User ID=sonia;Password=sonia;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </connectionStrings> [/code] Code Behind Page [code] public partial class FrmPractise : System.Web.UI.Page { … | |
i'm have Error above. I'm try all you answer but not completed. I'm user VS 2005 and .net framwork 3.5 on vista Ultimate Please. [QUOTE]Error 1 Assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.0.30512.20315, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e' uses 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' which has a higher version than referenced assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' [/QUOTE] | |
the somewhat complex run command built below: cmd = "" & htmlDocExe & " --webpage --fontsize 8 --fontspacing 1.3 -f " _ & """" & outPdf & """" _ & " " _ & """" & inHtm & """" _ & " --datadir " & """" & dataDir & """" … | |
(small question - big help)... i have some web form that handle digital print order from website that fill by the company customers. the form including some information about the customer, print information and upload files. After the customer ending fill the form and click send there is a code … | |
I know how to fetch the records from DB,But i want to ask u just small thing. SQL TABLE [code] roll name marks 1 Ritu 10 2 Sneha 20 3 Ruchi 30 [/code] CODE BEHIND PAGE Default.aspx [code] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { cmbRoll.Items.Add("--Select--"); cmbRoll.Items.Add("1"); cmbRoll.Items.Add("2"); cmbRoll.Items.Add("3"); cmbRoll.Attributes.Add("onChange", … | |
I have an ascx control that inherits from ValidatableUserControl. I have several requiredfieldvalidators on the page, and all of them are getting fired except the one inside an asp:panel This code is inside a <table> [CODE]<asp:Panel runat = "server" ID = "PurchaseOrderPanel"> <tr> <td><div class="txtClass"> <span class="required">*</span> Number: </div> </td> … | |
I have problem with positioning ModalPopupExtender in the center of the screen when it's PopupDragHandleControlID property is set (without this property it works fine ). ModalPopupExtender is not positioned in the center of the screen. I thinks what causes the problem is the page's CSS layout cause when i disable … | |
I want to just bind the dropdown with DB,I have three rows in mine DB.Instead of adding the column data,In mine dropdown System.Data.DropDown is coming three times y So??? [code] using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; … | |
Hello i want help on saving large text into the database and the structure of the data should be maintain i.e the paragrah,insertion point, list example if i enter a an html code structure in a textbox on saving and retriving it to display i should retain the structure, I … | |
Hi Guys I have a GridView th show my data. When I am including the data I have TextBox and DropDownList.Thesse data are going to populate a GridView using a DataTble. In the update routine I populate the GridView with the recorded data but I can keep on including other … | |
Hi, I have a FormView where records can be visualized, edited and inserted. When inserting or editing, I have a CancelButton. In my routine all I have is: [code=vb.net] Protected Sub CancelLinkButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) SitemapFormView.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly) End Sub [/code] When debugging, I could see the routine … | |
i have a drop down list in my Gridview. I want to poplulate it with the values from the database ... However i am confused how to proceed ......here is my code snippet: In the source i have written the followin code : [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" … | |
Hello everyone, I need to do an assignement for school. But i'm kinda stuck on a bit, so i'm here to ask some help :D Okay, my question: In my C# application I need to make a webrequest to a php page. This worked, but i want the php page … | |
I have button in td, I want to change the backcolor of button when the mouse move over it .. As we change the backcolor of td, when we moves move over it.Eg Below- [code] <td onMouseOver="this.bgColor='#00CC00'" onMouseOut="this.bgColor='#009900'" bgColor=#009900 style="width: 33px; height: 81px"> </td> [/code] | |
hi i download ajax tool kit..3.0.30512.1 n also installed .net framework 3.5 n i add the dll file into my project bt when i drop any of the control of ajax it shows the following error: [COLOR="Red"]Error 1 Assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.0.30512.20315, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e' uses 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' which has … | |
hi friends,when we open gmail compose mail ,we see an attachment link.when we click on that link we select some attachments and then it will be changed to download link. how is it possible . is there any control for that. if there from where i can get it. and … | |
i want to change activetab of tabcontainer using timer cotrol.. i have three tabs in <cc1:TabContainer> n want to change automatically at runtime without refreshing the webpage.. it should be like the website : [URL="http://homeshop18.com"] homeshop18.com[/URL] In this at home page images are on different tabs | |
Hi.. Am using response.redirect() to go to another page from the current page. But it is giving me the exception "System.PlatformNotSupported",Operation not supported, change the pipeline mode of IIS. Am working in VS 2008,IIS v5.1 Any Help?? | |
Hi, In my page I have a formView with <ItemTemplate>, <EditItemTemplate> and <InsertItemTemplate>. In the <ItemTemplate> I have a linkButton "Edit" that, when clicked by the user, should show the FormView in Edit Mode. I have the following: [code=ASP.NET] <asp:LinkButton ID="EditLinkButton" Text="Edit" OnClick="EditLinkButton_Click" runat="server" /> [/code] And in the code … | |
I can't get my website to connect to the built-in db for ASP.NET login funtions (ASPNETDB.MDF). I've been trolling multiple forums for weeks now, and nothing seems to work. I've tried every combination I can think of but get some variation of 'cannot open database' or 'login failed'. Where am … | |
Hello I have been trying to access Visual Fox Pro 9.0 tables using asp.net. I can access the tables using VS2005 by running the app (F5), but cannot access them through any explorer or another remote computer i get the error "invalid path or file name"...I have read its a … | |
Hi, I have been asked to develop an application for a coalition of disabled users. It therefore has to conform to accessibility standards. One of the requirements is that pages work with javascript disabled (compliance with old screen reader technology). I wish to use the calendar control but have a … | |
hi guys, i have use listbox control in my appli. i want to get selected items when listbox is bind in display process basically i want selected item when records is in update process | |
Hi, I am dealing with AJAX UpdataPanel. I created 2 radio button during run time. By default there is a button in the updatepanel. A user will check either one radiobutton in updatepanel and then hit the button. How do i got to know which radiobutton is checked? [CODE] RadioButton … |
The End.