13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for k.vijayakumar

hi, when session expires i want to give message and send them to my login page.for this where i have to write the code. thank you

Member Avatar for carobee
Member Avatar for konczuras

Hello, I'm using the following: Windows XP SP3 dotNet FX 3.5 SP1 IIS 5.1 SQL Server 2008 My application runs from a virtual directory, and it has a .mdf and an .ldf file, which are being attached to my database. Whenever I tamper the database files (attach to ssms, grant …

Member Avatar for ketchupaholic

Okay, at work I'm having a big disagreement with the project management team who has no database experience at all. Here is the issue. We have 10 product lines, in each product line there are certain number of attribute names, such as height, weight, color, price and so on. We …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for whitestream6

I am making my website about a radio station, and it's currently PHP-based, but I am testing an ASP-based one on my dev machine. This is the PHP querystring code: [ICODE]<? $i=$_GET['DJID']; switch ($i) { case 1: include("dj1.php"); break; case 2: include("dj2.php"); break; case 3: include("dj3.php"); break; default: echo "page …

Member Avatar for whitestream6
Member Avatar for mohankumar554

hi, i developed an application ie web application using asp.net 2005(C#.net) and sql server 2000. It is used to store the data in database via excel sheet. ie application contains 3 buttons . if we click on button1 ,it opens the excel sheet and we can enter the data. button …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for saj_amo

hi i have a textbox and a button on my asp.net page i want that when i write any value on textbox and after that when i click on textbox then a click would perform auto on button so how can i do this???

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for san_crazy

hi friends, I tried to search few best ASP.Net 3.5 tutorial in google but coudn't find one best for me. If you guys know some online tutorials or books then please let me know. regards san

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for elidotnet

Hello, I have 10 lines of FileUpload (1-10) i have some problem during the upload event. When i put 10 files there is no problem and everything work fine. When i put 3 or 4 files i get error message. Looking for help / solution Pllllease. the message is: "Could …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for aravind.s

Hello all, i have a drop down list. When user clicks select button, the value from drop down must be taken,and a web part and a web part zone must be must be created dynamic. everything in code behind. Can some one help pls.

Member Avatar for bshyama24@gmail

I am a very new in web services.Can anyone tell me how to call a web service from remote network using c#?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

I want to show progress while fetching the records from the database...How to show progress..There is no progress bar in ASP.net?????????

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I have currently two forms in mine website..I m also posting their codes-- FrmRegistration.aspx [code] public partial class FrmRegistration : System.Web.UI.Page { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=SONIA-B408A4159\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial catalog=sonia;Integrated Security=true"); string query; SqlCommand cmd; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnSubmit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "Javascript: return Validations() "); } protected void btnSubmit_Click(object …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for sandeep_1987

Suppose the user login by entering his or her details When clicking on Login button, I m setting the session variable [code] Session["UserName"] = txtUserName.Text; [/code] I want dat when he or she clicks on sign out(hyperlink)..I want to expire the session, can somebody tell me how to expire the …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for coollife

Hi i want to store an image into MS Access database . I want the image to get converted to byte before getting stored in MS access database. Please provide me the relevant c sharp code for that

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for moorcroft

Hi I am looking for help with an xsl transform of an xml file. The problem is with <xsl:with-param>. The following is what I have: [code=xml]<xsl:param name="paramTest">$LINKNUM$</xsl:param> <key name="$LINKNUM$">SELECT count(1) from applications</key> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$paramTest = '0' "> do this........ </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> do this......... </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose>[/code] This select count returns …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for mohankumar554

hi, i want to add the text in one text boxto another text in another textbox. i mean ,we enter value 5 in textbox1 and enter value 10 in textbox2 and finally when we click on button the result(15) will be displayed in textbox3. how it is possible. can u …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for sivak

i wnat to learn how to use ajax in c# .net ..can anyone tell me is there any link to download the book from net ...plz send me the link to download plz

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for mIssy_ricco

hi all. i've been doing a checkbox that is controlled by bitmaps. it is successful when i checked the check box and updated it. but it is not successful when i try to uncheck and update it. it will be as if it was checked like before. below is my …

Member Avatar for mIssy_ricco
Member Avatar for bshyama24@gmail

Hi All, I am trying to generate a mail automatically using CDO.Message msg = new CDO.Message(). But an error is showing in the line "msg.CreateMHTMLBody("maildes.aspx", CDO.CdoMHTMLFlags.cdoSuppressNone, "", ""); " The error is "The specified protocol is unknown." Please help to solve it.

Member Avatar for coollife

In an ASP.net Application (windows or web) can i write code to store the song into MS Access database . Please Help

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for vvviji

Hi, I have been trying to create a asmx web service which can download & install a msi. When the web service attempts to install MSI, the MSI throws the following error - MSI (c) (60:D8) [13:02:57:859]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server. …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for GRaymer
Member Avatar for atplerry

1.) I have problem uploading file. it work sometime and in the other hand will not work give and error that cannot find the path 'c:/upload/' 2.) i want to upload video file i could not upload video file please could anyone help me with VB.Net coding to upload video …

Member Avatar for saj_amo
Member Avatar for coollife
Member Avatar for stoymigo

Hi, what is good source code management system for .net developers. Our scenario is that we're 4 developers , working on pcs that are on a network that we don't control. Some network drives get cleared every night !! Is there way that a Master software app(on one dev's machine) …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for sakhi kul

hi to all, i want to create dynamic pdf file from database table , simply I wnat to implement "Download as PDF File" feature in my website. I don't know how to do this...! plz reply.

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for bshyama24@gmail

Hi All, actually in my web application there is downloading link.When a user click the link a folder is creating in the hard drive with a pdf file which can be accessed by the user.I want restrict the accessing of the file after 7 days from the generation and also …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for elidotnet

Hello, iam developing some site in asp.net using C# and SQL Express. The site deal with digital printing solution, and i have some upload form which handel with files upload for print. In this form there is a few kind of data (like: personal details, pre-print details etc..) there is …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for bobgates123456

I have implemented the “Sign in as different user” authentication functionality, using windows authentication, on our website. The functionality is same as SharePoint. I used explicit “un-authentication” by following code on our page which executes when user clicks on “Signin as different user” option: [code] protected void SignInAsDifferentUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs …

Member Avatar for shabbir.hussain
Member Avatar for motters

hi this may sound simple but i can not get it to work i have try for about 5-6 weeks now and this my last hope all my project is to make a job dater base that workers can add jobs and cliences can see there job but i am …

Member Avatar for motters

The End.