2,888 Topics
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Give me convience or give me death! The would-be programmer is introduced in some way to what could be compared to a CS101 course. He is taught about algorithms, variables, procedures, recursive functions, data structures and arrays. One of the fundamental steps for any program development is ease of program … | |
I am having trouble with the following script: [code] .386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\windows.inc include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc include \masm32\include\user32.inc includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib ;adding all my libs .data nsv db "APPDATA", 0 ;i want to use this in getenv(); fnsv db 260 dUP(0) ; char fnsv[260]; ffn db … | |
Hi.The following program shows switching from RM to PM and back.At the end it has to print "Hello".The problem is it doesn't show the message. Can anybody help me.Thank you. P.S. For compilation use these commands: tasm /m name.asm tlink /x /3 name.asm Here is my code [CODE].386p data segment … | |
We are currently using assembly language in one of my classes. I have to write a loop that adds up numbers and takes the sum, however at the end of the loop (when a user types in a negative number) it is supposed to start over... My problem is I … | |
Hi, how is this done in assembly? [CODE=c++] ofstream writer("settings.ini"); writer << "launch: 1" ifstream reader("settings.ini") char buffer[MAX_PATH]; reader.getline(buffer, MAX_PATH); HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(StubPath,GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0); memset(&overL, 0, sizeof(overL)); overL.Offset = 0xffffffff; //end of file overL.OffsetHigh = -1; WriteFile(hFile, Settings, strlen(Settings), &dwBytesWritten, &overL); CloseHandle(hFile);[/CODE] How would I split a string in assembly? … | |
The aim of the program was to Write a short assembly language program which creates a divide by zero trap and modify the isr so that you change the error message that the isr issues. stepintr.asm << the sample isr << built in system trap message he said. stepintr.asm contains … | |
Im writing a project in mips, and i load a bunch of inputs into memory. when i read them back out there in the same order except for the zero which ALWAYS get moved to the end of the array. I literally load the values straight into memory after reading … | |
This procedure dispatches application defined event handlers and alternately executes default process for both standard or sub/super classed windows. Map is defined as follows. In most cases I define this table in .data, but in can be in .const also. I choose writeable memory as application can redefine characteristics. [code] … | |
I'm supposed to get a 4-digit number from the user, convert it to binary (and hex), then print it out. I have absolutely no idea where to start. I know the algorithm; taking the number, diving it by 2, repeat until the number reaches 0 and the remainders of everything … | |
I have been searching and can't quite find how to call a C++ library function from masm. I would like to be able to call printf and system. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks | |
Hi, I hope I'll get the answer here. Please tell me why do we divide by 32, when using the timer for serial communication to calculate the baud rate? Thanks, | |
please help me iam new in programming and had just joined it so how can i begib? i need to be professional in it< thanx | |
Hey guys. I am trying to print different messages in dependency of what char you press. In my case i use, F1,F2,F3, escape. The problem is that the first message is printed again after a char input is read, which it shouldn't! This is my code, please tell me where … | |
Hey all, i'm really confused what the heck is going on my program. It is a simple program that loops through an array of ints and finds the minimum. Here's the snippet of the code: [CODE]loopBody: mov bh, [edx][esi] ;Assigns element to bh to compare. cmp bh, bl ; loops … | |
I am writing a program to calculate how many times the hex decimal number 1ED used between memory locations 0400H and 07FFH and store the result in A ( for 8085) so my solution is : [B]MVI C,00H LXI H,0400H LXI B,03FFH MVI A,1EDH LOOP :CMP M INX H JNZ … | |
[i]Taking the "fright" out of Opcodes and Hex-numbers.[/i] High Level Assembly (HLA) is a modern [b]assembler[/b] + [b]standard library[/b] package that allows a programmer to ease his way toward ASM coding by leveraging concepts already learned from typical high-level languages. By using HLA, one can investigate and play with a … | |
Can anyone tell me what the assembly type for bottom assembly program? #DEFINE PAGE0 BCF $03,5 #DEFINE PAGE1 BSF $03,5 INDF: .EQU $00 ;page 0, 1, 2, 3 TMR0: .EQU $01 ;page 0, 2 OPTION: .EQU $01 ;page 1, 3 PCL: .EQU $02 ;page 0, 1, 2, 3 STATUS: .EQU … | |
Hi, I am just finishing up a semester at Uni that touched on Assembly with the LC-3 (Limited to around 16 instructions). I would like to look more into assembly. Specifically getting a better grasp on assembly opcodes (their purpose), and how they map to HL processes. As opcodes like … | |
When I do this: [CODE]la $a1, 9($t1)[/CODE] the code works, but when I do this: [CODE]marker: .word 9 la $a1, marker($t1)[/CODE] The code doesn't work.... I don't understand why....? | |
Hey guys, I am on the Windows OS using NASM16, and I'd like to know how to set the system time.. Code so far: [CODE][org 0100h] ;COM format %include "Lib_1\Lib1.asm" ;settime Hour minute second date month year ;settime "6" "35" "00" "06" "01" "09" ;-------------------- ;Lib1.asm ;string - Displays a … | |
Hi! First of all, I'm new to this, so I apologise in advance if this is a really simple thing... I am trying to write a code in assembly MIPS, in wich the program asks the user for the name of a file where it will read the text on … | |
I am trying to do this: z=(5*a-b/7)/(3/b+a*a) in assembly code and I keep getting some errors. Here is the code & the errs. [CODE] assume cs:code,ds:data data segment a dw 5 b dw 6 z dw 10 intermed dw ? rez db ? data ends code segment start: mov ax,data … | |
This is an example program that I am studying so that i can make my own mixed mode assembly/C program. I am having trouble understanding on the assembly code, why I have to push SI twice at different times and only pop it out once. Also why push and pop … | |
I am having a hard time getting my program to execute correctly. it is supposed to take two numbers entered by the user store them in an array, and reverse the array so when added they display correctly. i am to get the numbers using a procedure two seperate times, … | |
[QUOTE] ; Source name : EAT.ASM ; Executable name : EAT.COM ; Code model: : Real mode flat model ; Version : 1.0 ; Created date : 6/4/1999 ; Last update : 9/10/1999 ; Author : Jeff Duntemann ; Description : A simple example of a DOS .COM file programmed … | |
; this code gereates maximum factorial of 8 decimal ; since, A is a 16-bit register and can hold max value of ;65535 dec (255h). ; MOV A,#8d ; value for the factorial (1-8max) MOV B,A ; B=A MOV C,#1d ; C=1 here: ; LOOP SUB B,C ; B-1 MUL … | |
Hi, I have an assignment where i have to write a C and assembly mixed-mode program. [LIST=1] [*]The c program takes in two characters which stand for two hex characters. [*]The assembly procedure then passes each character in turn to a C function which determines if the character is a … | |
Hi, I was using C++ to try to write objects to the screen, and decided to try this in a lower level language. I have searched the web and found some sample code: [CODE] name "vga" ; this program draws a tiny rectangle in vga mode. org 100h jmp code … | |
To be upfront and all, this is indeed a homework assignment. But I'm not looking for anyone to write the code I need just help me with a few functions I'm needing to use (the book is VERY vague on how to use these instructions). Assignment is open an encrypted … | |
I am looking to use a string to call a variable in assembly I have the following: [code] msg_0 db "Random phrase",10,0 msg_1 db "Another Random Phrase",10 ...(more messages) msg_11 db "Final Random Message",10,0 msgIndex db "msg_%d",0 [/code] then have the program push msgIndex and a random number to print … |
The End.