4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for oceantrain

I have a datagridview with 10 columns. Every month the user will update new info in the grid. I would like to have a datetimepicker next to the binding navigator. The purpose of the datetimepicker is to scroll forward or backward month by month. If scrolling forward the datagridview creates …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jawaad17

hi can anyone tell me how string ends in C# does it have a null in the end or any other way and if there is null character at the end of string then which function or how to get the index of that null?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ziedbhz

Hi, I'm new to network developpement but not to c#. I want to create a desktop application in wich the user provide a serial number to validate his acount. This serial number must be sent to a web server for verification purposes. Please, i need your suggestions to start: - …

Member Avatar for ziedbhz
Member Avatar for Kitten84

I have this website with a login and a password recovery link. When I click the "forgot my password" link it takes me to a page which asks for username and security question answer. When I fill it out and hit submit. I am taken to a page that tells …

Member Avatar for Kitten84
Member Avatar for Ngup

Hello C#ers, I apologize for the rudimentary question but I did not realize my issue till now. I have a large csv file some 214MB. Initially I made my program readalllines and it takes forever. I understand to fix this problem streamreader can help. However any of the tutorials I …

Member Avatar for stryker4526
Member Avatar for mingas

Hi forum! My name is Eduardo and I´m from Portugal. I´m a newbie to C++ and I hope to learn a lot with you I´m facing a doubt that I couldn´t solve yet. (I will also post this thread at c++ area, hope you don´t mind ) My doubt lies …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for RoyMicro

Hai I have to provide icons for my C# application (just like any other application!) But what is the optimum size of these icons used for different purposes? GUI has a icon, menu has got images etc. I got downloads in which different sizes of icons and even images in …

Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

How to get timer_tick event in Asp.net. i am making one web server control. i want to add timer control in its property. please give some examples of property which uses timer control in it.

Member Avatar for kdcorp87
Member Avatar for subcom

[B]Introduction[/B] In this sample,It shows how to move files to another folder. [B]Background[/B] It can be used in winForm applications.

Member Avatar for logiccool
Member Avatar for tuckerblue

I have a few C# questions too, but this is mainly an ASP problem I think. All the code I mention below takes place in the code-behind of my Master Page. I worry a lack of knowledge on master pages may be the problem too. Excuse the database name; my …

Member Avatar for ravick4u

[b]Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread106146.html[/url] [/b] [QUOTE=GeniXmeN;517655]Thanks man a lot for the help i solve the problem!!! :) I put the new button for Deleting and now is working. Once again thanks for the ideas and for the link!!![/QUOTE] I tried almost everything but did not got success. I am not …

Member Avatar for wen30

Hi , i got an application API interface written in C++. i wanted to inherit the interface in C#. can somebody be kind to teach me how may i write this code in C#? [CODE]HRESULT _stdcall ExampleFunction() [/CODE] thanks!

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for aquaticdeity

Hi am learning c# myself.I have created a [B]Breakout [/B]using c#.But am struck with one problem.When I run the program the paddle and the ball moves properly,but when the ball hits the brick it, the brick does not disappear. The problem I believe is with the [B]Invalidate()[/B] method.I think when …

Member Avatar for aquaticdeity
Member Avatar for reyarita

hey guys gudday!!! guys do u have idea how to use listbox or datagridview? sample if i want to create another data and save it, i will see it in listbox or datagrid or any. pls need ureidea guys

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I am trying to declare a Doublebuffered panel in C++ I can only find the declaration for this in C#. So I wonder how this could be converted to C++ ? [code] public class DoubleBufferPanel : Panel { public DoubleBufferPanel() { // Set the value of the double-buffering style bits …

Member Avatar for Lukezzz
Member Avatar for WargRider

Hello Everyone, As you can see, I am new to DaniWeb, and might I say this is a VERY good community. Either ways, my problem is a pretty complicated one, which I have been working on for a while now, 2-3 weeks. I am assigned by my team to create …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for jamesonh20

Is there a way to reference winmm.dll's to get ID3 info. Everything I have looked at online shows programming of your own mp3 data (i.e. Title, artist....). There has to be a way to just retrieve the file info from the DLL right??? JamesonH20'

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for madcloud

Hi all! I would like some help for getting a value out of a selected row of a datagrid. To do this i used the following code but it returns an empty string (DG is my datagrid) string val = DG.SelectedItem.Cells[1].Text; Response.Write("*"+val+:*"); The rouput of this its: ** although there …

Member Avatar for Kapil Vaichalka
Member Avatar for mnf
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for zeeven

Hello guys, Been doing good in my thesis: Face Recognition System, a little more improvements and its all done. Now, I'm planning to deploy my application in terms of a installer (i.e. .msi). I know that VS2008 Pro can have this with no pain but I'm using VC# 2008 Express …

Member Avatar for JuhaW
Member Avatar for borkoBorule

Hi everyone, I'm n00wbie to C# and I I have one question. I'm writting class for access to MySQL over DbLinq and I need to know connection string. I know that I can read connection string from webconfig file. My question is is there any function in C# that I …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for renoxp

plz convert this to vb.nettttttttttttttttt thanx [code] attachment attachment = new attachment(); attachment.caption = "facebook.com"; attachment.name = "Publish Test"; attachment.href = "http://www.facebook.com"; attachment.description = "a sample description"; attachment.properties = new attachment_property() { category = new attachment_category() { href = "http://www.facebook.com/mycategory/sample", text = "sample category" }, ratings = "5 stars" }; …

Member Avatar for pauldani
Member Avatar for hypnos4

Hello, I've got a problem with my project... in short I've got a mysql db bond through a DataSet and BindingSource - if I'm editing like a user the gridview then all changes are commited to the db no problem... But I need the user to responsibly change foreign keys …

Member Avatar for kdcorp87
Member Avatar for muthu1802
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for redrose123

Can any software testers out there help? I've noticed a lot of job adds asking for a tester with c# experience. I would like to learn a new language and apply it to software testing. Please can you tell me the type of programs testers creating in C#? Thanks, RedRose123

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rams.amma

Split from : [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread95153.html[/url] hi iam doing leave management system&document managemet system as prjects.so, pls send me the source code and the way to present them in C# and ASP(2005) with sql server 2005. plsssssssss............

Member Avatar for sakhi kul

hi to all, I want to develop site like GIS system(geographical information system), how to crate it using c#??? plz help!!!

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bords

hey guys... can anyone help me in connecting xammp to vc#.net?? xammp is a package and mySQL is one of its softwares... i cant connect to my database... can anyone give me a code/s....tanx guys....

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for amlanjyoti.s

Hi there again, looks like I ran into trouble again. Well, programming doesn't look simple to me. What I want to know is how do I invoke an executable file from a c# application? Are the procedures same in both console applications and windows application?

Member Avatar for amlanjyoti.s
Member Avatar for denniskhor

I tried below code... it's doesn't work as well... any got solution for this? Thanks. [CODE]using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\"" + fileName + "\";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"))[/CODE]

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The End.