49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for ConfusedLearner

I am trying to get my program to run when I input two integer numbers in the subroutine, and then do the following math (x+y)/5. Dont know where I am going wrong. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int Divide(int X,int Y); int main() { int X; int Y; cout<<"first number:"; cin>>X; …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Suzie999

background. I usually test my code in both debug and release mode each time I make changes, but forgot for half a day and now I have errors. I had gotten carried away thinking I was in the zone, and left it in release mode, when I realized and tried …

Member Avatar for dospy

first of all, sorry if this thread is in the wrong section, but i think this is the most appropiate one i need clear instructions for installing AND configuring QT for my machine(i am running windows 7 on 64bit) i don't want other reference links unless they perfectly suit my …

Member Avatar for dospy
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have a question of how it would be possible to change the IP address to a randomly new IP address. How would I go about to do this ?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for sandheer.sannidhya

Dear all, i am soon entering 11th grade and will be studying c++ in full length. I want to learn another language to compliment it which can provide me the freedom to over a variety of devices and paltforms. I have chosen asm(assembly) as i think it very basic to …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for mc3330418

I have three funcitons that all have arrays. I need to make a print function. Here is one of the functions. void findUpperCase() { infile.open("trytext.txt"); int count = 0; char letters[MAX_LETTERS]; int upperLetters[26] = {0}; while ( infile.peek() !=EOF ) { infile >> letters[count]; count++; } infile.close(); for ( int …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Dman01

Hi guys. I want to write a keylogger which logs all strings I copy via <CTRL>+<C> My problem is that I loose track of interessting links or code-snippets when overdoing it. So I want a basic keylogger which notices every hotkey event and copies the content in the clipboard into …

Member Avatar for dospy
Member Avatar for dachy12

#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class student { public: void input(string name, long id, int grade1, int grade2, int grade3); void GPA(float) const; void Display() const; private: string name; int id; int grade1; int grade2; int grade3; }; int main() { string name; int id; int grade1,grade2,grade3; float gradepoint; student …

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Member Avatar for mrnutty

## I know we haven't been doing much of these C++ Community problems so I though I'd write one up to get it started once again.## **Problem Statement:** For some integer `v,w,x,y,z` find all solution to the following equation 1 1 1 1 1 - + - + - + …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Huxaifa

int main() { float a,b,c; cin>>a >> b >>c; if(a<(b+c) && b < (a+c) && c< (a+b)) { cout<<"\nIt is a Triangle.”; if (a==b && b==c) cout<<"\nIt is a Equiletaral Triangle.”; if(a==b || a==c || b==c) cout<<"\nIt is a Isoceles Triangle.”; else cout<<"\nIt is a Scalene Triangle.”; } else cout<<"This …

Member Avatar for DEAD TERMINATOR
Member Avatar for rikkie

Hi, I am trying to calculate the distance between two points, by using Pythagorean Theorem and the x,y coordinates of two points. However, I have the following issue in line 14: "*Expression must have integral or enum type*". #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main () { float …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for idlackage

I have this code: sigc::connection conns[4]; And I get this error: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00f4b620 in g_type_check_instance_is_a () What does this mean?

Member Avatar for ram619
Member Avatar for ace8957

Hi all, So I'm trying to learn how to do a hash table with separate chaining, but it is giving me several issues. The hash table I'm trying to make will hold instances of a class named Person and uses Person's data member phonenumber for the key. Currently, the main …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for fugnut

Hello all, I am working with a program to calculate the days in a given month. We are to use functions and bool. I have the below code, which worked until I tried to create the function. I continue to get an error about "numberOfDays" not being initialized however if …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for andigirlsc

I am trying to print out a report for a 12 month interest summary. So far, I cannot seem to get the ending balance for the previous month to be the starting balance for the next month. Here is the code I have so far: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for vasuv

Hi all, I am planning to design mibile app using c,c++ if possible.can any one please suggest me how to design it if possible. Please your thoughts regarding this and appreciate your suggestions. Thanks, Va.

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for sarah.mathieson.7

I am trying to use the ncurses menu library to create a menu. I found some wonderful sample code online and it displays great on my screen, however I can't figure out how to select an option and have it go to a new menu or have it select a …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for numbplum

Hey guy I'm wondering if there is a tutorial or example code for a C++ RPG inventory system. I've surfed the website and I only discovered to make two classes, item and inventory and to use each of them for item's detail and holding the items in a linked list. …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for silvera

#include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int access=0; // for accessing data modifier functions int report_s=0; int report_u=0; class element { int at_no; float mass_no; char name[15]; char symbol[4]; int group,period; //for displaying the table public: void input() { cout<<"enter elements name \n"; gets(name); cout<<"enter its symbol \n"; gets(symbol); cout<<"enter …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for some

Hello everyone, I was working on a program that was meant to open something the user put in. Basically, the user would put in the path and then the program would open whatever was there. I can't work it though, every time I put in the file path, it says …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for TheNotoriousWMB

I'm trying to write an algorithm for a larger project that will take two strings which are both large integers (only using 10 digit numbers for the sake of this demo) and add them together to produce a final string that accurately represents the sum of the two original strings. …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for arcticman452

I am writing a program that calls the memory address of different variable types. I am having troubles with getting the address locations for my array and my char pointers. Here is what I have so far: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { const int NUMBER_LIST …

Member Avatar for arcticman452
Member Avatar for cucumalay

hi, this is my assignment and my code is below too. I don't know why it does not work. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main() { int const size=20; char word[20]; char dash[size]={" "}; char guess; int number = 6; int lives; int …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Elixir42

I have written a working templated linked list that can hold a number of Types. Each of which are created with new before sending them to the InsertNode function. in Main: CMyType* pMyType1 = new CMyType; // Create a new MyType* pMyType1->m_iData = 5; // Hold a value LLMyTypes.InsertAtEnd(pMyType1); in …

Member Avatar for Elixir42
Member Avatar for erogol

How could I add a external library to the native c++ lirary path at Ubuntu to be found by #include from source code? I have some couple of sources that I try to include them by all the codes written on my machine thus instead of coping all the library …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Chris-16

I am trying to set up a 12 month table summary in a bank account program. The problem I have is I am trying to figure out how to set it up correctly. Here is my class and application from the bank account: Here's the class part: [CODE]class SavingsAccount { …

Member Avatar for andigirlsc
Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for A Haunted Army

i've been working on a game project, its a slider platformer and i've been having problem with getting the movement working, the movement is time based instead of being fixed to the frames per secound so the movement is consistent. the movement was working when i was testing out the …

Member Avatar for A Haunted Army
Member Avatar for AndyPants

I just built a new computer and I am trying to keep it as "clean" as possible. I have the purchaised version of VisualStudio 2008 but I dont know wether I should install that, or the latest express version?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for OsamaJutt

hello. i doing my work and facing problem in "<<" operator i declare that method in the class public: friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, T theList); and in the main i am using that to print the list in this way cout<<"First List is \n"<<list1; but it creat error in the …

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The End.