49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for vicky30312

I'm still stuck on my number guessing game. (The program guesses the number the user inputs)I have wokred out some kinks but i am stuck again. I have a bunch of stuff but i am focused right now on getting the program past asking if the first guess of 50 …

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Member Avatar for Instinctlol

I am studying performance analysis and character instance gets brought up a lot. I am unclear to what this means. It also talks about functions of instance characteristics. Can someone elaborate?

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for 330xi

I have an usb-camera with its drivers and dll with some funtions to use this camera in my solutions. I want to use it in any wide-spread applications, to be able just to choose and use it in Skype, for instance. So. I want to develop some soft that will …

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Member Avatar for christinetom

Is it possible to set Environmental variables other than the ones set by default. I am trying to build an application though it keeps on telling me that it needs a file from another directory which doesn't seem to be in the include path. I am using a Mingw compiler …

Member Avatar for christinetom
Member Avatar for poloblue

Good Afternoon, I'm having a little trouble with a class. The error that I'm getting is: a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object in the function void B::printStatic() { cout<<"size is "<<size<<endl; Here is the code that I have. #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <string> using …

Member Avatar for poloblue
Member Avatar for highonbikes

I have this assignment to make an infix calculator I think I have all the logical things figured out, but I am having trouble converting values. the return is a double, but the read in is a string and outputting as a double, I know that there is the difference …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for trantran

I am thinking of writing a path_name_class that would be easily adaptable to any file system, but I have run in this difficulty: it appears that some file systems allow **ALL unicode except null** characters in their directory entry (this is the case for example for exfat and many others …

Member Avatar for trantran
Member Avatar for sbrohee

Dear all, I am certainly not an expert in C++ development but after some time, I had some code running and compiling for a bio-informatics tool. As always in Science, I changed my area of research of a while and when I came back to my tool, I had changed …

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Member Avatar for rajat.sethi93

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class X {public: int a[50],n; char b[20]; char name[20]; void input() { cout<<"Enter the limit upto which you want to enter "; cin>>n; cout<<"Enter the numbers "; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"\n enter the string"; cin>>b; } void large() { int c; c=a[0]; for(int i=1;i<n;i++) { …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Eclip7e

Hello everyone, I want to implement Kruskal algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree in Adjacency Matrix for my program. So I want to write method Graph& getMinSpanningTree() . I have 2 classes: class Graph { public: /* Adds an edge between given vertices. Third argument is a weight of an …

Member Avatar for Eclip7e
Member Avatar for Jsplinter

I understand how to write a function to loop through a vector<double> and calculate the mean and standard deviation of its values, but I was wondering if there is a library which I could simply #include<> and then just call a function to compute such values.

Member Avatar for Jsplinter
Member Avatar for cacadi

So i am doing a program that opens a file that contains grades and shows the average, total, etc.. But at the end I am supposed to make a histogram that would look something like this A= * * B= * * * C= * * * * * * …

Member Avatar for rstralberg
Member Avatar for yeliabsamoht

Hello New here I am looking for some information on Splay Trees. I can't find any c++ source code on splay trees. any idea on where to look

Member Avatar for cedricve
Member Avatar for marcel.gybels

Improper use of typedef 'TManagerProc' struct TManagerData { public: // Card is inserted callback procedure TManagerProc CardInserted; // Card was activated callback procedure TManagerProc CardActive; // Card was removed from the reader callback procedure TManagerProc CardRemoved; // Invalid card was inserted into the reader callback procedure TManagerProc CardInvalid; // There …

Member Avatar for marcel.gybels
Member Avatar for SphirosOkelli

I have been working on a program for class- yes this is homework. I have completed the program, it runs- yay newbie me- but it does not run correctly. I am working with functions, wether referenced or not, and I have passed several values to a function inorder to calculate …

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Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hello everyone. As the title suggests i need to implement a type of timer based function inside a UI Thread in MFC. Although CWinThread is a UI Thread and has a message pump it does not have a Timer function as CWnd::OnTimer Is there any way i can implement a …

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Member Avatar for phorce

Hello, So basically, I am trying to create a system based on the Singleton Pattern and I'm confused. If I have an Animal class, as well as a Cat class which is derived from Animal and then using a Singleton class will create a single object of which-ever class has …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for manuel.sabu

case 4: { cout<<"Enter the word you want to delete: "; gets(b); f1.open("anotherf.txt",ios::in); f2.open("tempf.txt",ios::out); while(!f1.eof()) { f1>>a; i++; if(strcmp(a,b)==0) { j=i; } } i=0; while(!f1.eof()) { if(i!=j) { f1>>a; f2<<a; } i++; } f1.close(); f2.close(); f2.open("tempf.txt",ios::in); f2.seekg(0); f1.open("anotherf.txt",ios::out); while(!f2.eof()) { f2>>a; f1<<a; } goto menu; } I am trying to …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for ayesh.yousaf

i have to write a code that should count spaces. i am writting in this way but its not working. if (input==' ') space++;

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Member Avatar for maybnxtseasn

How do i alter an element in the set for example how do i edit the 'm_a' member variable of a element in my set? class CPerson { public: int m_a; CPerson(int _a) { m_a = _a; } } set<CPerson*> myPersonSet; .. ... set<CPerson*>::iterator it = myPersonSet.find( CPerson(20) ); // …

Member Avatar for rstralberg
Member Avatar for Hojjat.Mojallal

Hi I've tried the code below to merge 2 linked list which f1 and f2 are the first nodes in the initial lists and the "first" is the first node in the result list. But it doesn't work! [CODE] node *merge(node *first,node *f1, node *f2,int n1,int n2){ int n=n1+n2; while(n-- …

Member Avatar for mandeepsukhwinderparmar
Member Avatar for dancks

I don't know jack about Visual Studio, and I'd like to keep it that way because I like doing stuff on the command line, I have my preferences. But my teacher uses it to compile and I'm curious what I did wrong because gcc didn't throw anything. So, code (Without …

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Member Avatar for jongiambi

Hi so I have a practice lab I am working on where I am asked to fill in the code. The program is supposed to take in two 3D points (x,y,z) and compute the distance between them. I have almosty all of the program finished im just stuck on how …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for djbsabkcb

Below is my code for Fibonacci sequence, however when I use a large number such as 100 or more it takes forever to produce output. Why? any help would be appreciated. :( [code]#include <iostream> using namespace std; long fib_num ( long ); int main() { long num = 0; long …

Member Avatar for josh2k12
Member Avatar for jghost

Ok this is the classic Towers of Hanoi question. Legend has it that in a temple in the Far East, priest are attempting to move a stack of disks from one peg to another. The initial stack had 64 disks threaded onto one peg and arranged from bottom to top …

Member Avatar for angelbellz
Member Avatar for karmmi

Hi all I need to return four dimensional array of strings during the work of background worker which is receiving data via serial port. In background worker: array<String^>^ Received = gcnew array<String^>(4); BackgroundWorker1->ReportProgress(10,Received); In report progress: private: System::Void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::ProgressChangedEventArgs^ e) { array<String^>^ Received2 = gcnew array<String^>(4); Received2 =(e->UserState); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for s_danielsz

(Before I ask my question, I have tried looking through google and the site already, and didn't find anything relevant to what my problem was. All I was finding was more complex than my current level.) Anyway, my problem is that I'm getting an "expression must have (pointer-to-) function type …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for itla

I am not grasping C++ very well and I am having a hard time with this assignment: • Write a program that does the following: Calculates the Velocity and Momentum of an object. The formula for the velocity is V=d/t and the formula Momentum is m=mass*velocity. Your program should consist …

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Member Avatar for owenransen

I'm obviously typing in the wrong search terms, but I'm looking for a REST application in C# in Web API running on Azure, but with an example of calling that REST C# from a VS2010 C++ application. I have one half (the C# bit) but I can't find any examples …

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Member Avatar for RounaqJJW

Getting the error LNK2019, eb=everything included Desparate, pls help!!!!!! 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: ConsoleApplication1, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> stdafx.cpp 1> ConsoleApplication1.cpp 1>ConsoleApplication1.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl mod_rec(void)" (?mod_rec@@YAXXZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl menu(void)" (?menu@@YAXXZ) 1>ConsoleApplication1.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl …

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The End.