49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for phorce

Hello could someone explain what I'm doing wrong to get the error: Segmentation fault: 11 when trying to fill in a 2D array from two for loops? Here is the code: Matrix.h [code] #ifndef _Matrix_h #define _Matrix_h using namespace std; class Matrix { public: Matrix(); // Constructor Matrix(int M, int …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for XO39

Please be easy on me and don't shoot me as I'm still newbie. I'm totally confused and can't for life figure out why when I run this code: [CODE]y = 9; cout << "++y = " << ++y << "\n--y = " << --y << "\ny++ = " << y++ …

Member Avatar for XO39
Member Avatar for MrEARTHSHAcKER

Hi, Has anyone any clue why message boxes keep showing 2-3 times after clicking one of their button in Borland? Please answer, I need help. Thanks!

Member Avatar for MrEARTHSHAcKER
Member Avatar for myrongainz

btw this is a part of a battleship code i want to know what the integers a,b,c,d,e,f... do I know this has something to do with placing ships randomly but it is a little complexed for me. I'd appreciate it if someone took their time to explain it [CODE]int placeship( …

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for mitrious

I have a node class that has a pointer to Node indicating its parent Node [CODE] class Node { . . . Node *parentNode; }; [/CODE] I receive a pointer to node in the constructor being the parent Node of the current node being created or a NULL value if …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for king03

any ideas how to solve this?: I am using Visual Studio 2008 for compiling c++ programs and when I press f5(which is at default, the start debugging button) the console window flashes for a bit and then closes, but when I click on start without debugging, the console window stays …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Earlier when I came here I had only a minimal set of utilities and a WinXP comp.. Now i'm here and serious, with kubuntu (and Internet!!!!) and willing to learn all of that dd, mov, eax, and bochs stuff. Here is my delemia: I have a C++ Program, have no …

Member Avatar for Zssffssz
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

I have been given a task to send a file (.odt) via e-mail using no external libraries (stuff that doesn't come with GCC on ubuntu) and not using .NET. Compiler: GCC/G++ (with limited access to ACK) OS: Kubuntu 11.10 32 Bit IDE (like it matters): Code::Blocks Help Point Me in …

Member Avatar for DezineGenerator

Here is code which i am using Please check it first [CODE] for(x=0; x<=y; x++){ if(a=x||b=x||c=x){ printf("Value =%d",x); } } [/CODE] In this code x is a base for the loop i want loop till y (variable). Now inside the loop i want to check a condition if x (variable) …

Member Avatar for DezineGenerator
Member Avatar for Suzie999

Hi I have a function I use in a win32 dll which downloads the source of a web page to file. The primary windows function used in it is "URLDownloadToFile" in "urlmon.h" But I would like to have a function that downloads directly to a string or char array. I …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for rfrapp

I'm writing a program that adds two hexadecimal numbers of up to ten digits. I'm trying to use the POW function, but for some reason it's underlined. Why is that? [CODE] // hex addition.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> …

Member Avatar for LRRR
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

Here's the code. Uncomment line 9 and you get the following error. [quote] ISO C++ forbids initialization in array new[/quote] Leave it commented out and it works just fine. I'm not sure why it has a problem with one but not the other. Each object is a 16 byte array. …

Member Avatar for phorce

Hello, I'm trying to create a matrix that dynamically defines the rows and columns.. Now, everything is fine, apart from when I include a function to output the 2D array.. The error: Matrix.cpp:20: error: invalid types ‘double[int]’ for array subscript ... The code is: Matrix.cpp [code] #include <iostream> #include "Matrix.h" …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for RavesCoder

Hello Daniweb users, i wanted to ask you guys , if you can help me with making a game with C++, Do you know how to do it? or any suggestions? I prefer RPG Game... So if you have any suggestions, could you help me? Thanks, Jordan

Member Avatar for jaskij
Member Avatar for aashishsatya

Hi, I'm an absolute beginner in Visual C++ (Express Edition 2010). I've just been trying out this very simple program, and I can't get to use the '\b' tag like I did when I used Turbo C++ v4.5. The cursor moves backwards, but the text does not get erased, as …

Member Avatar for LRRR
Member Avatar for daryll1

Hi, I'm having a major problem with passing GCC link flags in Xcode. I created a C program that creates and runs a neural network using the FANN library. When I compile this command line I use the command [CODE]gcc main.c -o train_test -l fann[/CODE] to link the fann library …

Member Avatar for mikeshadow

I need an algorithm that finds how many prime numbers are in a set interval; the interval maximum range is 1 000 000 so a brute force method of checking every number is kinda inefficient

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Member Avatar for prabh94

what is FPE? how do i correct this in my program....tried everything...:sad: [code]#include<iostream> using namespace std; int factorial(int a) {int f=1; for(int i=1;i<a+1;i++) { f*=i; } return f; } int main() { int factorial(int); int n;cin>>n;int x=n/2,y=n%2,d,e,f,sum=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { d=factorial(x+y);f=factorial(y); if(x==0) { e=1; } else { e=factorial(x); } if(y==0) …

Member Avatar for jaskij
Member Avatar for myrongainz

btw this is a part of a battleship code i want to know what the integers a,b,c,d,e,f... do I know this has something to do with placing ships randomly but it is a little complexed for me. I'd appreciate it if someone took their time to explain it [CODE]int placeship( …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Despairy

i have made a (not soooo good ) game using vs2008 i have a controller class which holds a level loader class once i quit the game i do [CODE]delete Controller // from the main file[/CODE] which goes to the controller destructor : [CODE]Controller::~Controller(){ delete screen; delete loader; delete eventer; …

Member Avatar for emokidzz

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int selectHero(); void Str(); void Agi(); void Int(); void Kunkka(); int Item1(); int Item2(); int ChooseI(); void NormalAtk(); void AInormalAtk(); void Choice(); void Attack(); void Skill(); void Defend(); int Run(); void AIchoice(); void AIattack(); void AIskill(); void AIdefend(); int AIrun(); void …

Member Avatar for samuelgray
Member Avatar for pseudorandom21

Here is a sort of description to my yet-unimplemented AI agent to play tic-tac-toe. It doesn't have to win, it just has to work, and my description of it has to be good. Tell me what you think: [code] /* "RATION_AL" The goal of my agent is to implement an …

Member Avatar for fastali

[CODE]char *ReadFile(string& filepath) { string buffer=""; char temp_char; ifstream file; file.open(filepath); while(!(file.eof())) { file.get(temp_char); buffer+=temp_char; } size=buffer.length(); char *result1=new char[size]; for(int i=0;i<buffer.length();i++) { result1[i]=buffer[i]; } file.close(); return result1; }[/CODE] code looks pretty normal right? but when I run it with the rest of the program this happens... [url]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/267/chararray0001.jpg/[/url] [url]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/28/chararray0002.jpg/[/url] [url]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/11/chararray0003.jpg/[/url] …

Member Avatar for fastali
Member Avatar for a.muqeet khan

guys i have a little problem in my file handling program that is i cant get the whole file to be saved just the end portion i want to know why this happens and how to counter it [CODE]// file handling flag testing and practise.cpp : Defines the entry point …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for jaskij

The program is supposed to compute the values of [URL="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GammaFunction.html"]Euler's Gamma Function[/URL] using an infinite product (formula #15 in the link), and it does so decently for low values, but the error gets too big for bigger values. Using both Mathematica and Maxima for reference this is what I get …

Member Avatar for jaskij
Member Avatar for DarthPJB

Ola' daniweb, long time no see. I've been absent for a while, mostly due to not having any problems to ask about, but also because I got one of those annoying 'job' things ^_^. Anyhow, I'm not terribly familiar with C# (being from c++ land), however I've got to use …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Down2Skills

Hey everyone, I've made basic Apps before and I'm a beginner to C++ i need help with functions on a calculator [url]http://i40.tinypic.com/f2r0i0.png[/url] This is my current GUI for it, it has no functions yet, could anyone please tell me if i click on the buttons that it would show on …

Member Avatar for Down2Skills
Member Avatar for phorce

Hello, I'm creating a Matrix, that the user can manually define the rows and columns.. (This will be defined in a class) But, I'm having trouble resizing the vector to what is set in main.. Here is the code: Matrix.h [code] #ifndef _Matrix_h #define _Matrix_h #include <vector> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for stereomatching

I need to make the last 5 bits of the unsigned int become zero(1111_1111 to 1110_0000) There are two solution [code] unsigned int number = 0xFFFF; unsigned int temp_one = number & (~0x1F); unsigned int temp_two = number >> 5 << 5; [/code] which one is faster? I write a …

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Member Avatar for LacyMacy

[CODE]//So I'm writing this program that converts change into smaller denominations. //For example .97 would be 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 0 nickels, with 2 remaining. //The program compiles and runs but it's not the completely correct output. Can //anyone help. //Converts change into small denominations. #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using …

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The End.