49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for inisca

Hello all I am working on a program that can load a wave file, read the wave file and play it.Next I want to display the waveform of the wave file. Can someone give me an idea on how can I do this? I use VC++.

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for prototyppe

Having trouble trying to copy the vector 'sel' in main to vector 'ask' in class A. Can someone either explain or show me? Thanks in Advance![code]class A{ private: public: vector<Trader> ask; void AskMatchList(vector<Trader>&); void showAuct(); }; void A::AskMatchList(vector<Trader> &list){ vector<Trader>::iterator it; f1= new Trader; //I understand this is the WRONG …

Member Avatar for prototyppe
Member Avatar for jalpan

i m using borland c++ 3.0 i want to inseert image (jpg,bmp) files.. did anyone tell me how to do this..? i dont know anything about this..?

Member Avatar for LevyDee
Member Avatar for misvampire

this is the question Most teachers assign various graded activities for their students to complete. A graded activity can consist of a numeric score such as 65, 89, 93 and so on. GradedActivity class is to hold the numeric score and letter grade of a graded activity. When a numeric …

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for leesho

a) INT b) my-name c) your_name d) $dollar e) stock Price f) _UnitPrice g) while h) 1$dollar i) switch j) whileYou k) ifYou l) if m) int n) int34 o) ab.3c p) ab_3c q) 4%6 r) fourTimesSix s) 4 * 6 t) apples3

Member Avatar for techsheaven
Member Avatar for Jack_1

Friends, i have written a code for finding HCF but it does not work. please help me in improving this code.Thanks in advance. [CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h; cout<<"Please input two nnumbers:"<<endl; cin>>a; cin>>b; d=a%b; c=(a-d)/b; a=b*c+d; if d==o cout<<"The hcf is:"<<b<<endl; if d>>0 { …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for TheCur3

Hello guys. I'm not very good at at programing but i need to do one program which should do this: Write a program with objects which stores student marks of exam. All the information is read. It must be realized: a. I enter all students marks; b. and see whose …

Member Avatar for ccw87
Member Avatar for sana zafar

Hi all, I just started programming.Can anyone please help me how to remove the non-printable characters of ascii from my code..I will really appreciate it. [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int num; cout<<" ASCII CODES\n -----------"<<endl; num = 32; while(num<=252){ cout<<endl<<char(num)<<" : "<<int(num); num++; } cout<<endl; …

Member Avatar for biopaul
Member Avatar for Mikhailvs

i am writing a program to find all integers that have 5 perfect squares within 30 of them... here is what i have so far: [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int range[60];//since "within 30" means to more and 30 less void integer(int testInteger) //testInteger is the integer to use to …

Member Avatar for Mikhailvs
Member Avatar for merse

I would like to read input data from text file with fstream. But I don't know how to mix different type of get functions. I would like to read for example numbers after char "=" I try to use something like this [CODE]char c; double x; while (!inFile.eof()) { inFile …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for BLKelsey

I have selected to do a hangman console game in my C++ course (9th week) in which I have a question about wait(). I want to make the game "appear" to be loading just to give it aesthetics but I'm not sure how to do it the way I want …

Member Avatar for BLKelsey
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

Well I have a gui and I want to change its process name or dont display it on process at all how do I do it?

Member Avatar for Rajesh R Subram
Member Avatar for np2100

I was wondering if its possible to embed c++ into an Html website. Is there some engine that does it for you, or is it just not possible? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Rajesh R Subram
Member Avatar for gunbuster363

Hi all, I am a beginner of C++ and I don't know many things. I happens to encounter a simple problem which I don't know how to solve. Please help me out. I intended to write a program that solve the following problem: [QUOTE]Problem A Hashmat the brave warrior Input: …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for Geek-Master

I have been playing around with different 'flavors' of programming, like QBasic, Assembly, and C++. I like all of them, but I have really begon to like C++. The only problem I have, is that I dont have any problems to solve. I'm just programming cause its FUN ^^. I …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for moods125

[[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class digits { }; class numOutofRange { }; int string_to_int(string s) throw(digits, numOutofRange); int main() { int histogram[10]; int total; int currentNumber = 0; string s; for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { histogram[i] = 0; } cout <<"How many numbers do you …

Member Avatar for moods125
Member Avatar for cableguy31

I currently have a small c++ program that will ping all hosts in a subnet and then run "net view" to get a list of shares available on those systems that respond to the ping. I want to take this to the next level. I want to be able to …

Member Avatar for yongj

I have a code here that needs to return a string from a function, but the compiler continues to tell me an error saying that "overloaded function differs only by return type from 'int Bible::getName(void)'". How can I fix this? Here is my code: [CODE]// Joseph Yong // CSC2430 // …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Donnovan

can i change the value of an int with a pointer. e.q. int n = 20; int *size = n; can i change n by doing this *size++. thanx

Member Avatar for sweetyk2
Member Avatar for pash101

I am writing a project to calculate the area and volume of 2d and 3d shapes. I have a class hierarchy with my abstract base class called 'shape'. I want to make a separate class to calculate a prism of a specified depth from any 2d shape, yet am unsure …

Member Avatar for pash101
Member Avatar for bsse007

i have to calculate the time of call in a prog. but i dont know how can i calculate the clock time on execution. will anybody plzzzzzzzz hlp me?

Member Avatar for bsse007
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

ok,i have this code to enumerate the keys,that is working fine,and the code to enumerate the values and datas for a key that is working good also,but,if i combined them i doesnt produce the expecting result,i tried to call enum_value() in the enum_keys() function : [code] void enum_key(HKEY Hkey , …

Member Avatar for Carter12

Hello, I need some advice from some of the more expert programmers on what path should I take further in my learning process. I started with PHP and now I can say I do ok, not an expert of course. I like programming very much and I love PHP, it's …

Member Avatar for omol
Member Avatar for leesho

its a random number generator [CODE]#include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <iomanip.h> using namespace std; int main () { const int MAX_RANGE = 100; int value; int random = rand( ); int num = ((random % 100) + 1); int quit; do { srand (time (NULL)); value = rand() …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Sinaru

I wrote this code for fun. Wanted to do such a thing so that I would be able to use this in the future. I'm kinda new to this forum. I like to know what you think about the code. If can point out some mistakes or ways to improve …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for new2programming

Hi i am using Visual c++ with SDL I have been using a tutorial from lazy foo productions but when i go to build my solution my complier says: Cannot open include file: 'SDL.h': No such file or directory

Member Avatar for new2programming
Member Avatar for NathanOliver

Hey All Yesterday I was writing a recursive form of a prime factorization program and I wasn't sure about the syntax I used. the function works as is but I'm curious if I am being redundant or if this is the proper way to code it. Here is what I …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Roo0ond

Hello frind>> I need solve this equation >> Chebyshev differential equation in c++ >>Let us solve togather>>> first the equation is : [url]http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/c/a/e/cae214684f8d6fcaa89fbbe1a195524b.png[/url] let start with someone >> Thankyou

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for giodoli93

I know: -basic cout/cin -declaring single integers/strings -currently learning 'for' loops as you can see, my knowledge is extremely limited as of now, and i wish to have a few practice problems to have a go at. May i have some suggestions?

Member Avatar for giodoli93
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm working with several programmers to get a program to compile & run on Windows and Linux. It compiles fine under Windows using SDL for most of the functions (sound, graphics & input), but we're getting an error when using a makefile under Linux. We've tried several things without any …

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The End.