49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for obeem

Hello guys, I'm trying to get this employee class to work correctly and everything seems to be fine, up until the part comes where it should output all of the information (such as hours worked, hourly pay rate, gross pay, tax amount, and net pay). My program allows me to …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for Martje

I am trying to make a list of array pointers, Is there a way that after declaring an array i can adjust the size? For example at start i create a array called : "list[2]" Is there a way that later on i can change "list[2]" and make it "list[3]" …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for xofth

I have problem in reqruired output [B]the input is[/B] 333-0092-8868389 [B]required output is[/B] Country code is = 0092 City code is = 333 7-digit number is = 8868389 Phone number in correct sequence is = 0092-333-8868389 The full code is [CODE] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> void main() { [COLOR="Red"]char ch,*str,*country,*city,*digit;[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for dinesh.isuranga

i'm a C# developer and new to C++. I have to learn about C++ due to my new Project. but no clear idea about Pointers.. therefore if someone who know about Pointers,please teach me them..

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for mmgoicochea

So heres a portion of my program... the program has several functions (each doing diff. things) Im having a problem I can not find the way to write the sum of the third row in costOfSports array. the book says something like this: for(col=0;col<5;col++) { for(row=0;row<3;row++) { row_sum[row]=array[row][col]; } } …

Member Avatar for trillionaire
Member Avatar for dchunt

It takes a long time for my comp to execute this simple loop. Now the final do while gives me the problem,even if i use if statement,it takes about 10 secs before displaying the result,which is quite ridiculous. [CODE] int counters[255] = {0}; ifstream in("ut2.txt", ios::binary); unsigned char c; while( …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for Donnovan

hi everyone, i have a constructor like this, [CODE] CStack(int n) { bottom_ = new char[n]; top_ = bottom_; size_ = n; } [/CODE] In my main class i call the constructor by creating a[CODE] CStack(5); // bottom_ = new char [5]; [/CODE] my question is can increment the size …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for shekar.bdn
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hi guys, Looking for opinions on what would be the best/easiest xml parser to use. Size and speed aren't really an issue here, just ease of use. Using std::strings as well would be beneficial. Please reply only if you've had experience using one.

Member Avatar for scrontch
Member Avatar for genesistr

hi, I have mfc c++ activeX object and javascript code to use that object. there are 2 types of callback in my activeX object. First: triggered itself(my activeX object) second: triggered via external dll. My javascript code can catch the first callback but although the message arrives to the FireEvent …

Member Avatar for ilikewii

i am actually recording this right now, and i need help on how to make the hyper cam 2 window visible. meanwhile i will be trying to solve the problem too

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for Leppie

Yep, I'm a newbie and totally out of my depth! Playing around with the idea of a dungeon crawl but when I populate my traps into the 2d array, rand duplicates and overwrites its previous locations (for example 99 traps randomly generated into a 10 x 10 does not fill …

Member Avatar for Leppie
Member Avatar for babydol

Hi i have an array [CODE]static int virtual_addr[10]= {8196,34893,38583,22883,61843,43532,333,8448,2334,9492};[/CODE] that i am trying to pass to a function [CODE]int determinePage(int virtual_addr){ int page_num; int page_size = 4096; page_num = floor(virtual_addr/page_size); return page_num; }[/CODE] however I am getting errors.Any help would be appreciated

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jelinky

hey guys. any help would be greatly appreciated. im getting a few errors and im not sure why. HEADER FILE: [ICODE]// HEADER FILE floatlist // // INCLUSE STANDARD I/O HEADER #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> class floatlist { // DECLARE PRIVATE DATA private: // // DECLARE A …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jamesbondbest

HERE IS SIMPLE XOR PROGRAM WHEN I TRY TO COMPARE TWO SAME STRINGS ENCRYPTED WITH SAME KEY THEN IT SAYS COMPARISON IS WRONG HERE IS CODE [CODE]#include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<windows.h> #include<string.h> using namespace std; int main() { char st[100]; char key[100]; cout<<"ENter string ::"; cin>>st; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Enter key::"; cin>>key; cout<<"\n"; int …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for JohnJ_21

Hello all! I just joined this forum in need of major help. I got this program to write as one of my final grades in a class im taking. I was wondering if anyone could help me (if you wanna do it... that would be awesome, i got 3 other …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for boiishuvo

Ok firstly I want to show you my code here: [B][COLOR="Red"]Trader.h file[/COLOR][/B] [code] const int NumSeller = 1; const int NumBuyer = 1; const int NumBids = 10; const int MinQuantity = 1; const int MaxQuantity = 30; const int MinPrice =50; const int MaxPrice = 100; class Trader { …

Member Avatar for boiishuvo
Member Avatar for coding101

I have two files with an unknown list of integers in ascending order. What i want to do is send the contents of the two files into another file in ascending order. We dont know the contents of the two numbers files. so for example File 1 may have the …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for corby

In my experiment.cpp i have Test *tests[maxTests]; as private data. How do i access this in my runExperiment function to call functions from the test class or its derived classes?

Member Avatar for corby
Member Avatar for Scu

Hello, I'm new to C++ but after reading two books regardin this language I made this part of a program. While those two files (.h and .cpp) were concatenated in the main cpp file the program worked without errors, aldo it did not return anythig. As I split the program …

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Member Avatar for LevyDee

So im going to try and write a simple instant message program using MFC. Basically, Im wondering the concept of how the client server process works. I need to write a server that is its own seperate .exe, then a client which contains the gui and the information to contact …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for ollie60

Hi I am trying to create a function in my linked list where I access an element of the list and from this element pull out a certain value from each element. An element looks like the following: 3 1 0 0 0.4 0.5 0 1 1 0 0.3 0.8 …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Roses89

Hey, Ok i needed quick help on vectors in C++.I have a vector which consits of a complete bidlist for Traders i.e Askers and Buyers. Now what i want to do is,Get the first ask bid and compare that with the Buy bids,via the price and quantity. The traders have …

Member Avatar for Roses89
Member Avatar for Roses89

Hey, Ok i needed quick help on vectors in C++.I have a vector which consits of a complete bidlist for Traders i.e Askers and Buyers. Now what i want to do is,Get the first ask bid and compare that with the Buy bids,via the price and quantity. The traders have …

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Member Avatar for rohitn
Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for 0x69

I have interesting question. Why this code is legal in C, but not legal in C++ ? (tested with GCC 4.2 compilers) [CODE=C] void Function() {} int main () { Function(1); return 0; } [/CODE] We can simulate same C++ compiler error in C compiler by changing function definition to …

Member Avatar for 0x69
Member Avatar for e-law

i have to this the data structure and algorithm past question to solve and i am find difficult in some of the question. these are some of the questions 1. Draw the internal memory respresentaion of a binary tree using the linked - list structure. 2. if a 2-dimensional array …

Member Avatar for inisca

Hello all I am working on a program that can load a wave file, read the wave file and play it.Next I want to display the waveform of the wave file. Can someone give me an idea on how can I do this? I use VC++.

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for prototyppe

Having trouble trying to copy the vector 'sel' in main to vector 'ask' in class A. Can someone either explain or show me? Thanks in Advance![code]class A{ private: public: vector<Trader> ask; void AskMatchList(vector<Trader>&); void showAuct(); }; void A::AskMatchList(vector<Trader> &list){ vector<Trader>::iterator it; f1= new Trader; //I understand this is the WRONG …

Member Avatar for prototyppe
Member Avatar for jalpan

i m using borland c++ 3.0 i want to inseert image (jpg,bmp) files.. did anyone tell me how to do this..? i dont know anything about this..?

Member Avatar for LevyDee

The End.