49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for GARO

This is what I have so far. It's wrong in a bunch of ways. I can't seem to find whats wrong. It worked well on paper though :D So... I need some help. Can't use strings. It's giving me wrong palindromes. The numbers have to be prime and palindrome. [CODE]void …

Member Avatar for DoctorBinary
Member Avatar for KRal

I am trying to return the number of letter matches. No matter the number of matches, I get a return of no matches. Can anyone help???[code]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int number_right (char let1, char let2, char let3, char let4, char let5, char let6); int main () { …

Member Avatar for Qmage

for example [CODE] cout << "User Name: "; getline( cin, s.userName); cout << "Gender: "; cin >> s.gender();[/CODE] but i can't use s.userName or s.gender, because they are protected value(incapsulation), how do i use setUserName(string)/ setGender(char) together with getline/cin?

Member Avatar for Peppercat101
Member Avatar for james16

i have just start to learn how to program i was just wondering how long does it take to learn and has anyone got any advice

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for charizmatic_shi

Is it possible to ask a user, in a program involving stack operations -push and pop using a template class , to enter the data type he wish to store in the array used in program and then accordingly dynamically creating an object of that type at run time through …

Member Avatar for Peppercat101
Member Avatar for Peppercat101

I have a slight problem, I have a dynamicSizeMatrix that has a member [CODE] ListAsLinkedList** theList; [/CODE] Now this ListAsLinkedList can be either DLL or SLL, now it all works fine but when I add elements like this: [CODE] DynamicSizeMatrix hello(ListAsDLL(),5); hello.addToList(0,2,new Integer(10)); hello.addToList(1,4,new Integer(6)); hello.addToList(2,6,new Integer(8)); hello.addToList(3,8,new Integer(7)); hello.addToList(4,10,new …

Member Avatar for rr0

sir, i am a student of software programming, i am very comfartable using c++ but i dont know about hard ware programming. please tell me how to do hardware programming i want to learn. razi .

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rr0

Sir how to start hardware programming in c++, i am student of software engingeeing. I want to groom myself in hardware programming. Plz help me how i start it. Waiting. My email address is SNIP

Member Avatar for pspwxp fan
Member Avatar for Excizted

Hello eveyone! :) I am making a rather huge application, and I'm starting to face a global problem. Whenever my application is doing sommething, i have a functional [B]progress bar setup to show the progress[/B].[B] My problem is now[/B], that, atleast on Windows Vista / Windows 7, my application whitens …

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Member Avatar for number87

ok so I am trying to read in a file. Do some string checking. And output the counters. But somehow I think something is wrong with my strcmp. And I do not know where is the problem. Everything compiles fine too. [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstring> #include <iomanip> …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mirn27

how to program a program to calculate the area and the perimetre of a circle? pls answer me asap i need to know quickly thank you!

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for matasko24

Hallo I would like to make some simple mp3 player as my diploma work,but I dont have a lot of skills about this problematic.Can you help me? Thank you.

Member Avatar for matasko24
Member Avatar for somaja

[B][COLOR="Red"]hi every body i need a lot of help in my assignment : and of course i will show my work .[/COLOR] really biggeners :confused: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [COLOR="Red"] this is the task :[/COLOR] The factorial of a number n (written n!) is the number times the factorial of itself minus …

Member Avatar for squ
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

Hello, I'm having problems passing an array of structures to a function by reference. Is this a) needed b) achievable? My assignment's requirements aren't very thorough, but it is however in the "Reference parameters" section. [CODE]struct x{ int a; // this is irrelevant float b; }stud[10]; void mod( ??? ){ …

Member Avatar for Gaiety
Member Avatar for dylank

Hi, I am a begginner programmer that is attempting to create a program that will spit out the (x,y) plots for a graph. Currently, I only need it to give me the x and y data in (x,y) form, so here is my current code. By the way, I am …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for nevets04

Heres the situation so far.I'm in 9th grade and I've been programming in python. I enjoy python however, my high school doesn't offer any courses for python. In 11th and 12th grade, I can take C++. So here's my question: Should I: A) Learn python for the next to years …

Member Avatar for hawash
Member Avatar for UKmason

***************************************************** Write a program that will get some input from the user about a visit to an oil change service. The program will calculate the bill for the services requested. Prompt the user to input whether or not they want each of the services. You can assume the input will …

Member Avatar for alg
Member Avatar for th3learner

[code=c] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { char s[100],z[10]; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter your name:"; gets(s); cout<<strupr(s[0]); cout<<"."; getch(); } [/code] what I am looking for is that when user input deniweb,then it should output [B]D[/B] please help Thanks

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for puks25

suppose there is one class which is derived from another class and contains one friend function with pointer of class-name data type so my problem is it is difficult to access memeber function of that class through friend function using pointers.

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for geg13

I would like help with making a program 'type' out the text as the program is running i.e. not having the entire line appear at once but letter by letter.

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Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for luskbo

I have a program that creates a struct. It also has a class that creates a pointer to an array of structs that is created. I'm having trouble accessing the elements of the structs in the array, with the pointer. Below is a sample of the code. Struct definition in …

Member Avatar for luskbo
Member Avatar for alexcarrero

Please, I need some help with my hw. I have to create a program that stores the scores for a football team. I need to record the score by quarter for each of the 20 games. I have to initialize all games to 0. Then, the user is asked to …

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Member Avatar for #www#

hi every one i need help please i want a program to evaluate a postfix expression i have made a code for it . but it works just with numbers between 0 &9......but i want to use the program with larger numbers e.g: 20 30 + = 50 i will …

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Member Avatar for Epi23

Ok, so I am trying to write a program that will solve simple math and physics problems, and am trying to use strings and words more, so my question is: is it possible to use a char in an if statement? I'm new to this so yeah. Here is what …

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Member Avatar for Shinedevil

Ok, I know I'm probably programing in some kind of archaic way for C++ but my knowledge base is rather limited. I'm having problems with my input not being identified correctly (or however you would say it, rusty is me) [code]cin>>StatsChange; if (StatsChange == "Strength" or "strength" or "str" or …

Member Avatar for Shinedevil
Member Avatar for geg13

How would i go about making a program wait before printing the next line? Keep in mind that i would like the next line to print automatically after a few seconds. Also if at all possible i would like to know how to make the text act like it is …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for bui520

Format the output in fixed point notation with two digits after the decimal point, even when the number is zero or has no fractional part. Omit the input validation for this program. You may assume the user input is in the valid ranges described. Remember to turn in your program …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for James19142
Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for gokhanxyz

[CODE]template <class T> class Node{ private: T data; Node<T> *ptr; public: void set_data(T parametre){ data = parametre; } void set_ptr(Node<T> *ptr){ this->ptr = ptr; } Node<T> * get_ptr(void){ return ptr; } T get_data(void){ return data; } }; template <class Type> class Stack{ private: Node<Type> *head; public: Stack(void){ head = 0; …


The End.