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The annual [URL="http://www.mcafee.com"]Virtual Criminology Report[/URL], published today, warns that international international cyber espionage is set to be the biggest single threat to national security next year. Right there on the front line of this cyber cold-war is China, according to report authors McAfee. However, that is just the tip of …

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I have two mobile phones. One is purely for personal calls and so that number is only known to my family and closest friends. The other is purely for business calls, the number is printed on my business. A couple of times last week I received what are known as …

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The security experts at [URL="http://www.avertlabs.com"]McAfee's Avert labs[/URL] have been consulting the Tarot card, rubbing their crystal balls and generally predicting what levels of IT doom and gloom we can expect to be experiencing during the course of 2008. Unsurprisingly, they expect to see an increase in web exploits and those …

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Back in May, I [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1466.html"]broke the story[/URL] on DaniWeb in this very blog of how the online application facility for UK visas was not only insecure, but that it had potentially been so for years. The company concerned, VFS Global, which operated the visa online application form filing service on …

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Research commissioned by Internet security software makers [URL="http://www.avguk.com/stop-cybertheft"]AVG[/URL] has revealed that one in three people in the UK have experienced some kind of cyber theft over the Internet. What's more, it is also one of the UK's most feared crimes, outranking burglary, assault and robbery according to the independent study …

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All is not well for Apple, in a week when it should be flag waving the release of Mac OS X 10.5 'Leopard' the firm finds itself, and its users, under attack instead. The culprit being a new Trojan which, once installed, changes the Mac's domain name system server. This …

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I've long been a loyal Windows user, even as I've watched people I know (my wife included) switch platforms over to Apple. They talk of happier times with much less crashing and easier to use interfaces. Yet I still grudgingly hold on to Windows like a dog guarding his bone. …

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[URL="http://www.mcafee.com"]McAfee Inc[/URL]. has today released the results of new research which found that nearly one in four people in Europe are putting themselves at increased risk of online fraud or identity theft simply because of poor password habits. The research, of 3500 consumers in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain …

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Everyone was excited about the launch of a new range of iPods, everyone apart from Linux users of course. In its wisdom, [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] decided to prevent media players other than iTunes from syncing with the MP3 devices, and in so doing locked out Linux users for whom there is no …

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Finjan Inc has published its latest Web Security Trends [URL="http://finjan.com/content.aspx?id=827"]report[/URL] which contains everything you would expect, plus something you probably would not: your widgets are out to get you. Widgets, or desktop gadgets if you prefer, are exposing users to a whole host of not so delightful security exploits. Finjan's …

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A new forensic computer from a UK based company promises to make the task of gathering evidence at the scene of a crime much easier. The dual booting Windows XP and Suse Linux [URL="http://www.dataduplication.co.uk/details/trecorder.html"]TreCorder portable forensic lab [/URL] is built into a rugged portable chassis and can simultaneously copy up …

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In the UK last year there were a staggering 3,237,500 cybercrimes committed according to a new [URL="https://www.garlik.com/index1.php?page=cybercrime"]report[/URL] from online identity specialists [URL="http://www.garlik.com"]Garlik[/URL] in collaboration with leading criminologists. Do the math and that works out to one cybercrime committed every ten seconds in the UK alone. Of these, some 60 percent …

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A survey by secure data specialists [URL="http://www.cyber-ark.com/news-events/pr_20070530.asp"]Cyber-Ark Software[/URL] has revealed that the least trustworthy members of staff include temps, cleaners, security guards and the board of directors. PR, marketing and sales staff were also low on the list. At the other end of the trust scale, the personnel and legal …

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According to a report in the [URL="http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/9dba9ba2-5a3b-11dc-9bcd-0000779fd2ac.html"]Financial Times[/URL] of all publications, the Chinese military has hacked the Pentagon in what it describes as the most successful cyber attack on the US defense department to date. Although the Pentagon has acknowledged that a computer system which serves the office of US …

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[URL="http://www.mcafee.com"]McAfee Inc.[/URL] has today announced the findings of new research which reveals that, as far as European small and medium businesses are concerned, size does matter when it comes to security and risk. Having sampled more than 600 IT decision makers from small and medium sized businesses across Europe, McAfee's …

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The number crunchers at security specialists [URL="http://www.sophos.com"]Sophos[/URL] have published the figures revealing which bits of malware have been spreading the fastest during August. While the fact that infected spam attachments have dropped from one in 322 for the first six months of the year to one in every 1000 for …

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Controversial media company and alleged spreader of adware Zango, formerly 180solutions, has been forced to back down from its legal attempts to get both Kaspersky Lab and PC Tools to reclassify its applications as non-threatening and prevent security software from blocking them. Kaspersky Lab [URL="http://www.kaspersky.com/news?id=207575556"]reports[/URL] that the US District Court …

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A Symantec Security Response [URL="http://www.symantec.com/enterprise/security_response/weblog/2007/08/a_monster_trojan.html"]posting[/URL] suggests that Monster.com, the huge job hunting website, has been subject to an online attack resulting in the theft of personal data in the form of resumes of its users. "We analyzed a sample of a new Trojan, called Infostealer.Monstres, which was attempting to access …

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Jeff Jones is a Strategy Director in the Microsoft Security Technology Unit, part of the team trying to make Microsoft products more secure, poor guy. No surprise that he publishes a vulnerability report on his Microsoft TechNet hosted [URL="http://blogs.technet.com/security/default.aspx"]Security Blog[/URL] which always seems to suggest that Microsoft Windows is far …

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August 9, 2007 was a tough day on Wall Street, with stocks falling 400 points on increased credit concerns over the struggling mortgage lending market. On the same day insurance giant AIG released a report showing that borrowers in the category just above sub-prime were showing increased residential mortgage delinquencies. …

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A report published today by [URL="http://www.experiangroup.com"]Experian[/URL] suggests that for many a business we are still living in the dark ages as far as making sure customers are who they say they are. Furthermore, the [URL="http://www.qas.co.uk/paperchain"]Electronic Authentication: Breaking the Paper Chain[/URL] report at least partly blames those businesses for the growth …

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If you were to just take weekly media reports and monthly security researcher statistics as your metric, then I suspect it would be a safe bet to suggest that you would say software security vulnerabilities are on a steep upwards curve. Furthermore, it is just as likely that given the …

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No less than three critical vulnerabilities have been identified by Adobe affecting upon users of Flash Player and earlier, and earlier, and and earlier. The cross-platform problem refers to an input validation error that could, potentially, lead to arbitrary code execution via content delivered from a remote …

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Romanian security developer [URL="http://www.bitdefender.com"]BitDefender[/URL] has issued a warning about a fast spreading Trojan dubbed Spammer.HotLan.A which is using Hotmail and Yahoo accounts to send spam. According to BitDefencer some 15,000 accounts have already been compromised and the situation is likely to get much worse over the next few days. Viorel …

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Forty three British MPs have backed a House of Commons motion calling for the [URL="http://www.duchyofcornwall.org/"]Duchy of Cornwall[/URL] estate, owned by Prince Charles, to make its accounts more transparent and the finances of the Prince of Wales clearer. Which is just what might happen following the disclosure that a laptop belonging …

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Mention mobile phone viruses and the chances are you will get one of two responses:[LIST=1] [*]It is a money making exercise for security vendors who have created the mobile phone virus myth so they can sell protection nobody needs. [*]Hahahahahahahahahahaha.[/LIST]However, the arrest of a 28 year old man in Valencia, …

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According to a posting by someone calling themselves Gabriel, published on the Full Disclosure list (warning – [URL="http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2007/Jun/0380.html"]this link[/URL] contains the so-called plot spoiler), the ending of the yet to be published Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book has been revealed. Not by magic or wizardry, but by good …

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In a rather ironic turn of events, the US [URL="http://www.dhs.gov/index.shtm"]Department for Homeland Security[/URL] has found itself having to admit to Congress that it has been subject to the odd one or two minor security problems in-house. Well, I say one or two. Actually the figure is more than 800. Well, …

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As reported [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1490.html"]here[/URL] last week, three security flaws had been discovered that impacted upon the 2.6.x Kernel. A NULL-pointer dereference within netfilter when handling SCTP connections with unknown chunk types that could be exploited to crash the kernel; a cpuset_task_read() function in /kernel/cpuset.c which had an underflow error that could …

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[URL="http://www.privacyinternational.org"]Privacy International[/URL] has accused Google of embarking upon a smear campaign within the media to discredit both PI and a report, to be published in full later in the year, which ranks the privacy performance of the top Internet service companies. The interim results which were [URL="http://www.privacyinternational.org/article.shtml?cmd%5B347%5D=x-347-553961"]published[/URL] on the 9th …

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The End.