912 Topics

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Member Avatar for mikegeig

Hello everyone, I am running Exchange 2007 and outlook 2003. I have a user who created a folder and filled it with emails. She then wished to send the entire folder to another user. Is there a simple way to transfer the folder from one mailbox to another? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Buly
Member Avatar for metalix

I know I am probably missing something small but I can't seem to get it running I need to send an html email for newsletters and on registration But it needs to be authorised so it doesn't get marked as spam or filtered. here is what I have so far: …

Member Avatar for mikegeig

Hello everyone, I have an issue with an installation of Outlook 2007. I am also running Exchange 2007. On this client PC whenever I authenticate (it asks for username and password since this PC is not a member of the domain) Outlook freezes. I have other non-domain PC's that work, …

Member Avatar for CWorl
Member Avatar for lewilaloupe

Hi - new to ASP... I have a form with a dropdown list. Based on what option is selected I want the form to be send to different email addresses. Sample code I have is: [code=asp]<p>Gender: <br> <select name="gender"> <option selected value="">Choose....</option> <option name="gender" value="male">Male</option> <option name="gender" value="female">Female</option> </select> <% …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for sissydream

Ever missed an appointment or important email because you were away from your desk? Now Google Mobile App can help with push notifications from your Google account to your iPhone -- an icon badge shows you’ve got new mail in Gmail, and Google Calendar event reminders appear right on your …

Member Avatar for suasi2007

My outlook reminders are not showing when you set them. when the time comes for them to pop up, a message shows instead: ie; there was a problem in one of the reminders and might not show. Some one please help.

Member Avatar for suasi2007
Member Avatar for carlogl

I have problems with this part of my code, I try to make a dynamic email and send it, I already can send a plain email with this but now I need to make an email with personalized info. I hope you guys can take a quick look. [CODE=php] $smtp …

Member Avatar for carlogl
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi there. I am trying to use a html form to send a PHP email but I am having some problems when I enter the message in the text area. The messages that I send have line breaks in but instead of doing a line break it shows the [B]<br …

Member Avatar for Daiva
Member Avatar for punkrockbboy

Hey everyone, so my work wants me to update their website with a email contact form, i foolishly agreed not realising what i was getting myself into, i didn't know how complicated php is (i am an artist, not a coder :icon_redface: ), it's taken me about a week and …

Member Avatar for punkrockbboy
Member Avatar for jv_web

Hello, Im trying to generate an email with Multiple Listbox selections... Unfortunately the listbox allows me to select multiple choice but when I submit the form only one "selection" is shown... Im assuming a for each or something will be needed here... all tests using that method have failed. Could …

Member Avatar for jv_web
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

I have one website name e.g. [url]www.mydomain.com[/url] Now i want to configure smtp setting in my local pc. Below is the phpini code i have set. Here i have not used any username and password. [CODE] [mail function] ; For Win32 only. SMTP = mail.mydomain.com smtp_port = 25 [/CODE] And …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for DiMono

My web host has closed off port 25 to user code as it was being used by other users to send spam. Unfortunately, I have the following code which I use to validate email addresses: [code=php]function fixed_gethostbyname ($host) { // Try the lookup as normal... $ip = gethostbyname($host); // ...but …

Member Avatar for phpstan
Member Avatar for happygeek

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of former US President Ronald Reagan, has accused people who use email services from Apple, AOL, Google, Hotmail and Yahoo! of "supporting the Obama, Pelosi and Reid liberal agenda" and ultimately "hurting our country". His answer, for those supporters of what he calls true "Reagan …

Member Avatar for ing
Member Avatar for ApocDen

for this to work you need to add some text boxes and name them accordingly, make sure when you add a text box add [CODE]$_POST["new_text field"] = $new_text field;[/CODE] etc etc. html coding can be used within the html tags only.

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16368[/ATTACH]Users of multiple Google accounts have found it inconvenient in the past to have to log in and out of the individual accounts in order to access a particular one. [URL="http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?answer=181602"]Now you can access all of them from a single browser window[/URL]. The functionality, which is in the process of …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

If you’re one of the outstanding users yet to make the pilgrimage to Gmail from your dilapidated Hotmail account, you may have been one of the lucky ones (like myself this morning) rewarded recently with a handful of e-sunshine for your continued loyalty. The once affluent e-mail service received a …

Member Avatar for Charles1718

Hi, is there any php form mail script with file upload like this website [URL="http://passportclone.com/order.php"]link[/URL]? or like the picture I've attached below, so if you the user submit, it will automatically send to my email? thank you... :)

Member Avatar for EverWebby
Member Avatar for madkat3

Bear with me, I'm new here and new to PHP...at first I thought it was just me, so I started trying to copy and paste example code I found online...but even that seemed not to work. I've tried this: [code] $to = "my@email.com"; $subject = "BUSINESS"; $message = "blah"; $headers …

Member Avatar for seventeen
Member Avatar for CatRambo

If you've ever had an e-mail's tone misinterpreted, rest easy. New software [URL="http://tonecheck.com/"]ToneCheck[/URL] allows you check your e-mail messages before you send them and flags sentences and phrases that might lead its reader astray.[ATTACH]16183[/ATTACH]ToneCheck is the brain child of Matt Eldridge. After losing a deal due to appearing too pushy …

Member Avatar for jindalarpan

hello my system is effected from virus it seems as from last 2 days i have started getting lots of popups of symantec email proxy is blocking emails. As i am not running any email server or any thing so that made me conclude that there is some virus which …

Member Avatar for jindalarpan
Member Avatar for Charles1718

[CODE]if(response==="success"){ $('<p></p>&nbsp;|').appendTo('form textarea').html(''+file); } else{ $(''); }[/CODE] Hi!, I'm trying and playing arround with the .appendTo, to specify only on one text area, rather than .appendTo to every text area, is there any way to do that? or it is not possible? i try with the "div" and "id" "p" …

Member Avatar for Jayavardhan
Member Avatar for zMastaa

One of our clients is using a webhost that blocks all emails sent from an unknown i.p. address....basically blocking any email forms being used on their server. The hosts have said for emails to be sent via their server the form needs to act as if the email was sent …

Member Avatar for zMastaa
Member Avatar for ptara1

Basically I have a database and a form set up that enters information into the mysql database using php code. This works perfectly. The problem I'm having is writing a php sequence to send an email that confirms the user wanted to post the information. I would also like the …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for IT LIMITS

Please help I want to submit my contact form to my email. This is my project and I have to submit it today Here is the code that I used for ****HTML file**** <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <html> <head> <title>Salus Management Consultants</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi All, I am in the middle of developing an admin center for my friend's website. He has asked to be able to read his emails by clicking on a link which takes him to a page which displays all his emails. I nodded slowly (thinking to my self "I …

Member Avatar for racertim
Member Avatar for happygeek

Stand up if you like paying your income tax. To all of you who have remained seated, which I will assume is indeed all of you, I have some more bad news: the bogus tax collectors want your money as well, and now they have botnets helping them. [attach]15770[/attach]According to …

Member Avatar for thehap

I've noticed some inconsistencies in the way different Outlook version handle the file creation and modification timestamps for saved attachments. Whenever my coworker (running Outlook 2007 SP2 on Windows XP) saves an attachment, it is timestamped using the moment that the attachment was saved to the file system. However, whenever …

Member Avatar for thehap
Member Avatar for euroazn

Suppose I open up Outlook 2007. On the bottom left, there are four folder buttons: Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks. I will have a C# plug-in running and wondering if there is anyway to detect when the "Tasks" button is clicked. Thank you very much in advance!

Member Avatar for tonejaquim

hi, im using webdav, httpclient api, to send email to exchange 2007 with the following code i send a message successfully: String strTempRelativeURI="https://webmail/exchange/user@email.com/Drafts/"; [code] PutMethod pm = new PutMethod ("https://webmail/exchange/user@email.com/Drafts/test5.eml/"); pm.setRequestBody(body); client.executeMethod(pm); move(strTempRelativeURI + "test5.EML", strSubRelativeURI, null); public static void move(String urlOrigem, String urlDest, HttpConnection conn) throws Exception { MoveMethod …

Member Avatar for euroazn

Suppose I have an Outlook account that is logged in at the computer. How can I send an email from this account to a given contact (if this can be a group, that would be really nice) via a C# program? Thank you very much!

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The End.