909 Topics

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Member Avatar for rcavezza

I'm using these libraries for an email application I'm building. [CODE=php]$storage = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap($imap); if (strpos($storage->getMessage($i),'chocolate') !== FALSE ) { //Move to chocolate folder here } [/CODE] Also, is there a way to put incoming emails from this sender to automatically go into the chocolate folder from now on? ...similar …

Member Avatar for rcavezza
Member Avatar for suntom

Hello, new coder here :-) I've been working on one of my first scripts, an SMTP script for sending mail with Gmail. It works and all, but I wan't to have an "if" the login to the server failed, it would print and message saying so and return to the …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have a form that users fill out to send denial letters to customers. I have been struggling to figure out how to pass CHECKED checkboxes from a form to be passed to the $mail_body of the email. Here is what i'm working with: [CODE] <?php require_once "formvalidator.php"; $error_hash = …

Member Avatar for guyinpv
Member Avatar for captain.don

I have a small website,I have created html page having form in it.the form contains 3 text boxes that is.. name,email,comment.I need an e-mail script that can submit this form fields to my gmail or yahoo account.I have tried lots of script on internet but they are not working.Can anyone …

Member Avatar for DonaldAlexander
Member Avatar for fvdave30

Hello: I have a client who got an email from a friend which seemed ok until it was set on to 5 other people. Now it has replicated itself 25 times to these people and everytime the computer opens outlook expess it wants to send another 5 replications out. The …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for jonow

I know how you can send text messages through PHP like you send an email (explenation: [URL="http://venture-ware.com/kevin/?p=106"]Sending a Text Message (SMS) with PHP [/URL] and more info: [URL="http://www.stemkoski.com/sending-text-messages-using-php-for-free/"]How to Send Free Text Messages Using PHP[/URL]) but the person has to give their cell phone provider (ex: Sprint, AT&T, Verizon). I …

Member Avatar for jonow
Member Avatar for nquinlan

I am trying to pipe an email to PHP. I currently have set up a forwarder in cPanel that does the following : [B]|/home/username/public_html/mailscripttest.php[/B] mailscripttest.php has permissions 755 and contains: [CODE=php] #!/usr/bin/php –q <? /* Read the message from STDIN */ $fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $email = ""; // This …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for pietpiraat

hello everyone, i think this a rather complex question but i'll have a go. i have this output from mysql printed on a php page: user1 ------------------- week | hours worked | hours had to work | missing hours 32 | 30 | 32 | 2 user2 ------------------- week | …

Member Avatar for pietpiraat
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

Hello, I was hoping somebody could help me. I have an estimator on a page that calculates cost. Its in a form and I Post action to pricing.php. On pricing.php I display line by line cost for the user. What I would like to do is once the user is …

Member Avatar for saadsaidi
Member Avatar for Elihu5991

My friends and I are wanting to start a site. We're not sure want company to go with. We're willing to pay as much money needed; its not an issue. But we want a good company that has excellent support and superb servers that can handle high traffic. We would …

Member Avatar for Elihu5991
Member Avatar for jindalarpan

hello all i am already having one domain name also having a hosted email services for that domain [domain.com] but now i want to setup one more email account services with on same domain in this format [in.domain.com]. it is possible to have a sub domain poiniting to some different …

Member Avatar for devilish demon

[url]http://pakcom.pk/clients/saddar%20site/[/url] please have a view of this web-survey simple coding and let me know what problem it has that it does not send any info to my email address which i have specified in mail function and not even echo the message of "thankyou for feedback" please rectify my mistakes …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for devvos

Hi Guys, Any help would be appreciated here. I'm running Outlook 2003 on Windows 7. Outlook was geeting stuck and 'detect and repair' was run (under help menu). Now I cannot recover the original mailbox (inbox, sent, contacts etc etc). I've tried going into C:\...\Outlook and picking up the *.Pst …

Member Avatar for markolini

guyz pls i need help writting d php script for a registration form...i want all the contents of the form to be emailed to an email address i will provide here is a copy of the html code, its juss the php script i need not pls someone help [CODE]<FORM …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for David Mac

I have developed an ASP.Net web application from which I want to send an email on behalf of the currently logged in user. When attempting this I get the error message: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender Does anyone …

Member Avatar for David Mac
Member Avatar for ni30rocks

I have tried to connect to gmail using IMAP and specification given on [url]http://mail.google.com/support/bin/a...n&answer=78799[/url]. My code looks like [CODE]StreamConnection socket; byte serverData[]= new byte[50]; byte accountInfo[],emailAddInfo[]=new byte[500]; try { socket = (StreamConnection)Connector.open("socket://imap.gmail.com:993"); DataOutputStream oStrm = socket.openDataOutputStream(); oStrm.writeChars("Account Name:username@your_domain.com");//my account name oStrm.writeChars("Email Address:username@your_domain.com");//my email address InputStream iStrm = socket.openInputStream(); iStrm.read(serverData); String …

Member Avatar for bade umakanth

how to send an email remainder using local sql server in my own system.

Member Avatar for akashnair

I have created log in system with your log in script . In that when the user completes the registration process an auto reply(auto-reply@domain) will generate and sent this to users email id regarding about the user name and password (Lo gin Details). After formal approval from the admin the …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for David Mac

I think this is probably a very simple question but I just couldn't find the solution! I have a procedure that handles sending emails. It currently only handles a single email recipient. I want to extend it to handle multiple recipients. I've worked out how you add email recipients to …

Member Avatar for David Mac
Member Avatar for Doomreaper

Hello I come to you today with a question i have not been able to find answer to this anywhere on the internet. I want to be able to send an Email through a Gmail account Using C++. And i cannot be persuaded to move to a different language to …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for nhanotia
Member Avatar for billy431

i can't figure out how to get recaptcha to work with my code properly and i'm just learning to code i was wondering if anyone could help with my coding. heres my code below and thanks in advance. [CODE=php]<html><head> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Evrsoft First Page"> <style>#conash3D0 { DISPLAY: none } </style> …

Member Avatar for kcrazy
Member Avatar for Charles1718

Hi, i'm new about PHP, and i try to insert the PHP Upload script in the php mail, but somehow i don't get it to work! :) [B]this actually goes to header:[/B] [CODE]<?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $errors = array(); $allowed_filetypes = array('.pdf','.zip','.rar'); $max_filesize = 52428800; $upload_path = './uploads_SS/'; $filename = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; …

Member Avatar for abogadooo
Member Avatar for GothLolita

Hi everyone! I'm a newbie here. I have a problem: I need to create the address book in python that include name, phone number, email, address, etc...The information in the address book can able to delete or change. I will give more information later! Can you help me? I need …

Member Avatar for techie1991
Member Avatar for priyam1309

I am trying to send mail for "Tell a friend" link in my website. I am using Gmail's SMTP Connection settings as Mail() is not working properly for my web host. In the code i am giving my username & password so send mail via my mailbox. But is it …

Member Avatar for svilla
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I have created a text generator that acts on certain factors. I want to send every generated sentence via e-mail to a user but I noticed that everytime I send it, I encounter some problems. Below I show my code and under my code, I will describe the …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for buzz-lightyear

Hey guys, I'm a total newbie with this PHP stuff but i'm stuck with my page that allows people to sign up to my mailing list. Every time you press the "Submit Query" button on the form it brings up the option to download the php file. Have been working …

Member Avatar for EverWebby
Member Avatar for mikegeig

Hello everyone, I am running Exchange 2007 and outlook 2003. I have a user who created a folder and filled it with emails. She then wished to send the entire folder to another user. Is there a simple way to transfer the folder from one mailbox to another? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Buly
Member Avatar for metalix

I know I am probably missing something small but I can't seem to get it running I need to send an html email for newsletters and on registration But it needs to be authorised so it doesn't get marked as spam or filtered. here is what I have so far: …

Member Avatar for mikegeig

Hello everyone, I have an issue with an installation of Outlook 2007. I am also running Exchange 2007. On this client PC whenever I authenticate (it asks for username and password since this PC is not a member of the domain) Outlook freezes. I have other non-domain PC's that work, …

Member Avatar for CWorl

The End.