1,136 Topics

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Member Avatar for rwe0

Hi, Is there a Python 3.x library that does mostly what a File Manager (Nautilus, Windows Explorer, PCmanFM, etc) does? I would like the typical features, mime programs launch in the native os, navigation and some GUI file pickers provide some of this. I don't think I can just invoke …

Member Avatar for rwe0
Member Avatar for MatthewYeend

So I've made a bit of the directory and I want to make a tester that tests the methods that I've declared. The code for the directory is shown below. package TelephoneDirectory; public class TelephoneDirectory { String name; String telnumber; /** * * @param name a person's name * @param …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for nalini@121

Hi, Can anyone help me for uploading files into different folders using Code Igniter. Right now all files goes into a single folder insted of different folder even I have set path for them in config variable. Thanks

Member Avatar for A@DFGFGN.IN
Member Avatar for Ruan_1

How can I get images from a server and save them locally. I want to import images from a url and upload it to my server. I have all the url of the images stored on my database (ETSP_GET_PHOTO_URL) I am very new to this so any help would be …

Member Avatar for Daemon_CC
Member Avatar for momonq1990

gud day! why my upload files not really uploading in my online server? im using this ref. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/fileupload.php but in offline its working the file upload was move to my localhost folder.

Member Avatar for hafiztn
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

I am working on a python code that is supose to search a directory and see if a file in the directory has a _add_ or a _update_ and to change a few fields in my code that call the add and updata and change the directory name to match …

Member Avatar for abaddon2031
Member Avatar for ايمان_2

It is possible to use any number of characters '/' as a delimiter in path instead of one traditional '/'. For example, strings //usr///local//nginx/sbin// and /usr/local/nginx///sbi n are equivalent. The character '/' (or some sequence of such characters) at the end of the path is required only in case of …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for nufftalon

I usually use wp clone wordpress plugin which basiclaly zipped the database and folder of wordpress to upload to a new install of wordpress. I can't use it however on a bridal woocommerce website. It tries then eventually gives me a 404 page not found error. The is has about …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

I have been trying to work around a problem but am not having much luck. I have classes that include a file with my db settings. The problem is I have a functions directory that calls some of the classes. I get failed to open stream: No such file or …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for Asan23

i am having issues embedding a video file any thoughts? when your on the financial aid website and you click on the video. the video is embedded and and window pops up with the URL (below) http://embed.financialaidtv.com/cms/embed/video/9390?hd=&iid=131&w=640&h=480&ap=1 i figured out the video file name is 9390, the last half of …

Member Avatar for maryjane9110024
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

Ok so I have been searching for several days on how to write a simple python script that will HTTP post to my server. I am jsut looking for some tips on how to write this properly cause as of right now im having to upload my add and update …

Member Avatar for abaddon2031
Member Avatar for Anark10n

So, if - like me - you find yourself in need of installing SQL Developer on Ubuntu 12.04 and have for some or other reason ended up downloading the rpm instead of the zip from the Oracle [site](http://http//www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html) or you already have an rpm of SQL Developer lying around follow …

Member Avatar for arunbohare
Member Avatar for martuspatatus

Hello, I need a litle help here. I am creating a program that finds a specific sentence in a word path and replaces it with a given value. Specific sentence: l="600" And it has to be changed to : l="300" This is not to dificult and works fine: Public Class …

Member Avatar for martuspatatus
Member Avatar for vegaseat

This AVI file player has some nice features like adjusting size and speed. The program uses the standard MSvfw32.lib (called libmsvfw32.a in the DevCPP lib directory). Another example of using BCX to translate to C code and modify to something Dev-C++ can handle. Enjoy!!!

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hallo, I have been trying to add SCORM in my moodle LMS (Learning Management System). I already choose SCORM for activity and upload my SCORM file. Yet, when I try to run my SCORM file : A plugin is needed to display this content. If anyone ever try moodle before …

Member Avatar for Ju

hello programers i made upload pic from my pc to the project folder so i need to diplay this pic on web page i m using ASP.net with Vb Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If Me.FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName = Nothing Then Me.Label3.Text = "nothing choosed …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hallo, I already install openmeetings (webinar) and I unable to upload file correctly. HTTP: 500 - that's the error. Can anyone help me fix this error? Someone told me that I might be mapping the path incorrectly. This is the path that I have so far: SWFTools Path: /openmeetings/swftools/swftools-0.9.2/ SoX …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

I m getting the following error when trying to add a .mdf file and .log file to my account on somee.com ERROR--> "You don't have the permission to open this file, contact the file owner or a administrator to obtain permission". I need to get my database on the server …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ferizhandi

hi all i want to open a file but this file in other directory.and i want to use this function: int open( char *filename, int access, int permission ); i can not use other function, because i have use only system call function. when file exists beside of my code, …

Member Avatar for naveen1993
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hi Everyone, I am here to start a defferent project, intresting for me of video clips comparison in C#. I would like to develop a destop application which can compare a video sample clip A with a destination video clip B. All I want to do is E.g if I …

Member Avatar for akkbkht
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

1. For all the accounts that have authority="admin", set permision to modify all of the files (attribute changes is datatype YES/NO),,, so basically a user can set yes or no depends on his will. 3. For each directory, print out his name, in which directory it is located, and how …

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi Please I need your help with this script. I have an logfile.xml and I need to picks the file names of the path but not duplicate and writes them into a bat file, like copy %windiw&\system32\<filename> %1% Output example for my .bat file should look like copy %windiw&\system32\ dbghelp.dll …

Member Avatar for tony75
Member Avatar for aisha.edris1

hi everyone i need website for free to create a domain name and hosting server to upload my project

Member Avatar for rozermartin28
Member Avatar for maxpaine69

Hi all, i having a little problem, i have a webpage on iism that has 2 virtual directorys each with one project. Now the problem is bechas of "Paths", how can i get the path(virtual path) od the first level of the virtual directory?? Best Regards

Member Avatar for maxpaine69
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

Ok so i didnt know where to post this but i am getting two errors while useing cURL. The first says cURL: (26) coudn't open file "test.csv". The second one keeps saying please upload a file. I have been trying to fix this for over a hour now and can …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for kostas89
Member Avatar for souad

I have this code that outputs the tfidf for all words in each file in the directory. I'm trying to transfer this to a matrix where each row correspond to each file in the directory and each column to all words in the files and I have some difficulty in …

Member Avatar for centenond

Hi, i working on a profile system, each users has their public profile and its directory is in http://website.com/username but the proble is that my root is gonna get a bit messy if all folders of each user is created ther, so i want to put all users folder in …

Member Avatar for centenond
Member Avatar for jwenting

Similarly, you can add more fields to an enum and simply provide accessor methods to retrieve them. For example you could change it to have an extra field indicating an output directory to write specific types of data to, and a getter method to return that directory.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hello everyone, -->>I curently faced the problem with My project that the Main Form (Which is My startup form) in My project is NOT loaded in.. -->>project explorer window during the design time,when I lounch the project I get the following error: Microsoft Visual Basic Errors during loading. Refer to …


The End.