156 News Story Topics
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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16325[/ATTACH]Today, the [I]Entertainment Software Association[/I] released findings from two studies by Dr. Christopher Ferguson of Texas A&M University. In an interesting twist, Dr. Ferguson's findings suggest that not only are violent video games okay to give to children, they may actually be beneficial. Video games are often blamed for violent … | |
2014 was not a good year for Microsoft, with the Xbox Live network being disrupted at both ends of December by [Lizard Squad DDoS attacks](https://www.daniweb.com/software-development/game-development/news/488412/lizard-squad-claims-responsibility-for-taking-down-xbox-live-today) and then as the year was finally coming to an end a different hacking collective dropped another bomb onto Xbox. A posting on Twitter simply … | |
A group describing itself as "DDoS kings" who "just want to watch the world burn" has claimed responsibility for taking the Microsoft Xbox Live network down for an hour or two earlier today. The [Lizard Squad](https://twitter.com/LizardPatrol), posting from a Twitter account called LizardPatrol, published a message warning that "Microsoft will … | |
As a gamer myself, I thought that last year was a pretty good one. After all, not only did I get to play both GTA V and Call of Duty: Ghosts (indeed, I'm still playing it and working my may through the prestige levels) but if I had enough spare … | |
Nintendo is sitting firmly at the top of the games console tree right now, having just been 'bigged up' by the release of the US sales figures for October which show the Wii on 803,000 and the DS on 491,000. Both well ahead of nearest rival, the Xbox 360 on … | |
When [Exponential Interactive](http://exponential.com/), an advertising intelligence provider, analysed the actual behaviour of more than two million Brits viewing Grand Theft Auto content online, the [results](http://meteorpublicrelations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/GTA-insights-from-Exponential.jpg) were rather surprising.  Here are the key conclusions: The GTA audience are 33% more likely than the average internet user to have children; … | |
According to research covering more than 100 universities across the globe from earlier this year, 58% of the academic leaders questioned believed COBOL programming should be on the curriculum. Yet only 27% could confirm that was the case, and only 18% had COBOL as a core part of the course … | |
A couple of years ago, a 17 year old was arrested for his part in a denial of service attack against gamers playing the online multiplayer version of Call of Duty: Black Ops. The teenager was accused of selling cheat software called 'Phenom Booter' which prevented others from playing (it's … | |
Konami, the Japanese games developer responsible for such genre defining classics as Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill, has confirmed that tens of thousands of customer accounts have been put at risk due to a breach of the Konami ID portal site. During a period between the 13th June and … | |
The study of interactions in online game recently proved an 80-year-old psychological theory, confirming the idea that "a friend of my enemy, is my enemy." The theory is known as Structural Balance theory, which means "individuals tend to avoid stress-causing relationships when they develop a society resulting in more stable … ![]() | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16207[/ATTACH]The [URL="http://disney.go.com"]Walt Disney Company[/URL] has acquired gaming company [URL="http://playdom.com"]Playdom[/URL], a major player in the field of online social gaming. Robert A. Iger, President and CEO, The Walt Disney Company, said in regards to the acquisition: “We see strong growth potential in bringing together Playdom’s talented team and capabilities with our … ![]() | |
The latest VIPRE report, detailing the ten most prevalent malware threat detections spotted by [GFI Labs](http://malwareprotectioncenter.com/) and the ThreatNet Detection System, reveals that Google, LinkedIn, Skype and Mass Effect 3 were amongst the big brands being exploited by cybercriminals in order to leverage trust whilst distributing malware-laden emails. As a … ![]() | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16519[/ATTACH]As of August 3rd, users of 3DVIA Studio and 3DVIA Scenes can publish their work directly to Facebook with the click of a button. With 500 million Facebook users, that's quite a target audience to showcase and beta test your talent. “We have taken the guesswork out of launching 3D … ![]() | |
...but will users 'LIKE' it? Today, Namco Bandai Games, Inc. announced that they will be launching two made-for-Facebook games, [I]City of Football[/I] and [I]Treasure Abyss[/I]. With over half a million users on Facebook, it's become one of the most popular ways to advertise today. Namco Bandai plans to make full … ![]() | |
It's going to be a great Easter for Modern Warfare 2 gamers, and that's official. Robert Bowling, Creative Strategist at Modern Warfare 2 developers Infinity Ward, has [URL="http://twitter.com/fourzerotwo/status/10738022531"]posted confirmation on Twitter[/URL] that for the weekend of April 2nd to 5th there will be double experience points on offer to players … | |
I first started writing about the 'coming soon' Xbox 720 way back in 2008 if my memory serves me well. Every now and then another rumour emerges, supposedly from 'a reliable source within Microsoft' and confirming that the release date has been fixed or announcing the final hardware specification for … | |
The whispers have been [URL="http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/08/leaks-begin-to-pile-up-concerning-legendary-apple-tablet.ars"]getting louder[/URL] lately that Apple will be be announcing the long-rumored Tablet next month at its September keynote. We have all learned that these rumors are [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3626.html"]often wrong[/URL] and Apple moves at its own pace, but the idea of an Apple Tablet with a 10 inch … | |
Music sharing with Facebook friends just became easier, and if that isn't enough to distract you, how about a game of Internet pinball? Two manufacturers are banking that these innovations will keep Facebook users entertained 24/7. Facebook users that subscribe to [URL="http://www.thumbplay.com/"]Thumbplay Music's desktop app[/URL] can combine it with iTunes … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]21994[/ATTACH]The latest in a series of round table industry events held in the UK, and featuring a panel of experts in the field of commercial software development, has warned that ignoring the popularity of casual and mobile gaming is a big mistake for any successful digital development strategy. Interestingly, it … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]22075[/ATTACH]A new survey conducted by Newzoo for casual gaming developers PopCap Games has discovered that, as far as European gamers are concerned anyway, there simply is no one platform that is dominant. I appreciate that may come as something of a surprise when you look at the money that gets … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16416[/ATTACH]This Friday, Google will announce its acquisition of [URL="http://www.slide.com/corp/index.html"]Slide[/URL], for $182 million. Earlier this year, Slide was [URL="http://www.fastcompany.com/mic/2010/industry/most-innovative-web-companies"]named one of the ten most innovative web companies[/URL] by Fast Company. If you've ever thrown a sheep at someone on Facebook, you've used a Slide product. The company, which says it's responsible … | |
It's very interesting to read that the Playstation 3 [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8478764.stm"]might at last have been hacked[/URL] by the same man who 'jailbroke' the iPhone for the first time. Interesting but not all that much use. I mean, who wants a hacked PS3 anyway? The report to which I've linked says there … | |
I am, it appears, a lot more average than I hoped. Well, at least when it comes to the world of computer gaming. A new [URL="http://www.ajpm-online.net/content/pressreleases"]study[/URL] reveals, amongst other things, that the profile of the average gamer looks a lot less like the hyperactive, cola drinking teen obsessed with kicking … | |
[ATTACH=left]19550[/ATTACH]Tap Me, Inc. launched the industry’s first [URL="http://tap.me/wp/how-it-works"]in-game advertising platform[/URL] this week. This platform gives designers the ability to place ads that are in context with the game being played, rather than disrupting it. Gamers will no longer have to get rid of banner ads or pop ups in order … | |
I saw a report that read, "Video game sales plunge in April." Software sales dropped by 22 percent and hardware sales dropped by 37 percent. What's the story, folks? Do you have all the gaming miscellanea that you can afford? Are you satisfied with your current array of video games? … | |
The cost of an Xbox 360 is dropping like a brick, which is just as well considering [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/21179/532/"]so many things can go wrong[/URL] with the Microsoft games console. In fact the whole Red Rings of Death thing has led to some frustrated users [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/21290/532/"]taking Microsoft to court[/URL]. Jesse Maiman, a … | |
I have, in the past, argued that the iPhone is more of [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22077/1168/"]a games console that happens to make phone calls[/URL] than the other way around. I admit that I had my tongue in my cheek when I penned that particular piece, but there is no doubting that the iPhone … | |
For anyone who [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22077/1168/"]doubted[/URL] that the iPhone was to be [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4622.html"]taken seriously as a games platform[/URL], and there have been many, the release today of Grand Theft Auto as an iPhone app should seal the deal that the iPhone is the real thing as far as being a games console … | |
These days, video game consoles aren't just for video games anymore. There's a CD, DVD and Blu-Ray player, internet, Twitter, Facebook, chat and more. But don't you wish you could watch MOVIES? Oh, wait, you can. Think the way you watch movies on your console is good enough? One company … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16747[/ATTACH]Sony’s impenetrable fortress, a.k.a, the PlayStation 3, has been compromised. OzModChips.com just announced their version of a “jailbreak” for the PS3. What they claim to have is a plug-and-play modchip in the form of a USB stick. When plugged into the PS3, it allows an impressive amount of access into … |
The End.