6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for pakunoda

hello to *.. I am new in php can you please help me here! cant insert my data into my database. [CODE]<?php error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); $add = $_POST['add']; //Add button $date = $_POST['date']; $project = $_POST['project']; $task = $_POST['task']; $originated = $_POST['originated']; $incharge = $_POST['incharge']; $deadline = $_POST['deadline']; $status …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ghosh22

Hi..I am a newbie in JavaScript.I have two forms (in two different webpages) all with radio buttons. A user cannot select more than one option from each form. My plan is to pass the user input from both the forms to a perl script which would then query a MySQL …

Member Avatar for ghosh22
Member Avatar for pakunoda

Good day to *. I having this kind of error when i tried to view all my data in the Database. [CODE]Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in C:\wamp\www\pm website\php\bulletin_board\bulletin_board.php on line 51 Error Sir[/CODE] and here's my code. [CODE]<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$con) { die …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for raghujosh

In some cases of HTML cleaning, I would like to retain the text enclosed between the tags(which is the default behaviour of Jsoup) and in some cases, I would like to remove the text as well as the HTML tags. Can someone please throw some light on how I can …

Member Avatar for rEhSi_123

Hi Guys need your help on this :( Basically I am developing a web crawler so once the html source is converted to plaintext in a textbox, i intent to save it in dB. But the dB seems to be having trouble excepting some characters into the table and throwing …

Member Avatar for rEhSi_123
Member Avatar for observ

Hi, I am trying to update data from a column in a database using a php script. But for some reason it doesn't update the database, but i get no error feedback. So first i select a random entry from the database and i add it as a parameter to …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for OSM101

I am facing a problem displaying css in IE using secure http (https). The css is displayed correctly on other browsers (firefox,opera,chrome). Also when I use the ip of the server and connect normally without a secure connection (http) it works fine. Is it a bug in IE? How can …

Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hi guys, I've been banging my head all day with this I've got a regular expression and im trying to extract a menu from the html page source to assert within a test. For the life of me i can't get it to work correctly. Here's the page source: <span …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for ghosh22

Hi I am trying to find the answer of the following. Suppose, I am trying to build a web page to conduct a fictious online Poll and people vote their favourite candidate. Now each voter is allowed to vote only one candidate from any one party. I have made the …

Member Avatar for ghosh22
Member Avatar for WoW Me Web Girl

Hello everyone. Can someone please help me. My site looks great in Firefox of course.But for some reason in IE all my header words disappear. check it out its [URL="http://www.wowoutreach.com"]http://www.wowoutreach.com[/URL] i have know idea whats going on. i have three style sheets. Reset.css Layout.css and Style.css . I checked them …

Member Avatar for WoW Me Web Girl
Member Avatar for klemme

[B]I need to update one select box, depending on what has been chosen in an other select box. [/B] I know I need to use AJAX, but I havent used AJAX ever before, so I am a little lost on how to implement it. [B]This is the first select box:[/B] …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for lunac

I'm trying to send an html/plain text email for an invoice program I am writing. I really want the html message because it offers better layout options for invoicing and some features to help my customers with their payments. However, some email clients don't work with html email -- especially …

Member Avatar for pircoThe0ne4nd0
Member Avatar for raghujosh

I want to be able to match a HTML tag in a given string. The string could be like this [CODE]<a href = "http://learnmore.com">Learn </a>. [/CODE]I have a replace function that replaces the HTML tag with whitespace when I hard code the tag, but I want a regex pattern that …

Member Avatar for raghujosh
Member Avatar for emulman

The following little page shows 5 DIVs in the same page, everyone with it background-image, but nothing is shown!!! Why? (the images are in the correct path) [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Test</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/divs.css" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div class="erba"></div> <div class="cordolo"></div> …

Member Avatar for Skorpio07
Member Avatar for ddemesa

Hi guys, Just need help on this one, The page I'm developing is gonna be uploaded using DART for publishers when done but when tested locally using Safari 5 on a mac desktop instead of playing the video, it shows the HTML tags on the player, been looking for answers …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for jamojo

Hello Everyone, Can you please give me some advise on how to validate input or select based on the class used? For example: <input id="name" type="text" class="alphanumeric" value=""> Then for the validation: if input class = "alphanumeric" if !isAlphaNumeric(input.value) alert(Enter valid value);input.focus Before, I used onblur on the input to …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for ivanCeras

Hi everyone, Does anybody knows how to position the scroll bar of the code generated by the css div{overfolw:scroll}?.. The default position of the scroll bar is on the top.. now, what i want is to position the scroll bar at the bottom of the <div> overflow:scroll... I need help... …

Member Avatar for phpdude
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Evening All I have Silverlight application and it is rendering better(not Good) in IE and it renders differently from different browsers, like IE8,Firefox 3, 4, and worse in Chrome. i tried different examples , i used one example that was good , but the moment i view this in …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for uselessninja

hi ... im searching on google and i cant find it.... how to display the texts form my main html form to another html form?....since i didnt know how to hide the textboxes and select list for printing the html form... my plan is that im gonna pass all the …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Julietta

Hello. Currently I am using XP and I wanted to save a CSS-file, yet I cannot save it correctly which results in the fact that I cannot properly link to it, meaning that every style I try, will not be accomplished. Can anyone help me? I'm grateful for any reply.. …

Member Avatar for Julietta
Member Avatar for wilko1995

Hi all, I want some help with this code, the problem is that the content and menu are stretching all the way to the right... but should be centered. [CODE=css]/* BEGIN BASIC FORUM STYLES */ body { background-color: #4E4E4E; text-align: center; /* make sure IE centers the page too */ …

Member Avatar for Skorpio07
Member Avatar for balaji44

Hi, I am new to XSL. I don't know how to loop through XML and filter duplicates using XSL. I tried several ways but i could hot get it done. Here is my requirement. My XML --------- [code] <?xml version="1.0" ?> <X12Summary> <Unit volume="10" Amount="100"> <Identifier Name="Customer ID" Value="12345" /> …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for diakonos1023

Hey folks! I've been working on a site for several days trying my best to conquer the ever plaguing issue of creating a parent div that expands as the child divs inside it grow with their appropriate content. And, so everything is on the table, this is being built on …

Member Avatar for Skorpio07
Member Avatar for alaa sam

Hi everyone , I've just started to learn html , and I want to change the position of the images that I insert in my page , how can I do this ?? [CODE]<img src="networking.jpg" width="200" height="300" />[/CODE]

Member Avatar for alaa sam
Member Avatar for Dragonbaki

Hi experts., I need your kind help on about how to handle Naviswork ActiveX control integrated with HTML, PHP and Javascript. I need to display a Naviswork viewer in my website. For that, I created a Browse button to select Naviswork file. After selecting the file, the file path has …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for urtrivedi

Dear friends I need free vertical tree menu as shown in the link (green one) [url]http://dhtml-menu.com/menu/dhtml-floating-menu-sample.html[/url] I have heard something related to FISH, fishmenu or starfish menu, I am not sure. I have seen some fish named menu, but now I am not able to find that link or forgot …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for zjbarden

I'm currently in progress of designing a web platform in regards to a personal project of mine, and came upon a frustrating conflict in my script. I am using DHTML windows and a CSS Fisheye Dock Menu, and when I click on a dock item to load a DHTML window, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for harius

[code] While dr.Read() //read from access database Dim tb1 As New TextBox() tb1.ID = "tb" + i.ToString() WallDiv.InnerHtml += dr(0) WallDiv.InnerHtml += "<br>" WallDiv.InnerHtml += dr(1) WallDiv.InnerHtml += "<br>" WallDiv.InnerHtml += dr(2) 'Create TextBox under each Comment WallDiv.Controls.Add(tb1) i = i + 1 End While [/code] Problem is that :-Loop …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for candyfist

I have a social community where I would like members to exchange gifts. But I want it to be in a html format where they can jot down the code and put it in their members comment or status box. I want the widget to be at least 300px in …

Member Avatar for aru211285

Dear friends, I have created a html page with dynamic select boxes and included the below line in the form [COLOR="red"]<form action="sqlpage.php"target="_blank" method="post">[/COLOR]. The mentioned sqlpage.php contains some php code which connects to MySQL DB and search for queries and displays the results on a webpage. But when i run …

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The End.