6,559 Topics

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Member Avatar for cali_dotcom

i have 3 form on a page and unfortunately i am not allowed to change that. the problem is when the third form is submitted, i would need to grab the data displayed from the second form to update the database incase the user changed anything on it. does anyone …

Member Avatar for danielh
Member Avatar for Kitten84

I have a 3 column css layout which I got from [url]http://matthewjamestaylor.com/blog/perfect-3-column.htm[/url] As is, everything works fine, but I'm trying to make the side columns thinner and the middle column wider. I'm just having a hard time adjusting the layout to meet my needs. Wondering if someone can help me …

Member Avatar for lightningrod66

I am trying to collect data from a form, store that data in mysql database, and send the info in an html mail (so the info looks "pretty"). I have everything working except for the HTML mail. I have read numerous things and tried numerous things, but so far, noting …

Member Avatar for ImMoRtAl-
Member Avatar for nelliott10

I am trying to produce a piece of code which can be included into a system which will decide the user's colour scheme from the user's account information. I have also far configured the database which the user information runs off so that it has a style column, which has …

Member Avatar for scottloway
Member Avatar for scru

Does anybody know of any libraries or scripts or even code snippets that can generate HTML code from a diff or comparison of the contents of two files? I know of the HtmlDiff class in difflib, but the format it outputs is not the one I want (it puts both …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

I have a css that when i put my mouse over the image it displays the image bigger. the issue is that i have alot of images and when i scroll down the page the larger image displays on top and i cant see it. I want to position the …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for mtroute

I m trying to create a table using the results of a SUM on separate tables within a single DB. I have tried various join scripts but can't seem to get it right. As a work around, I have created a single SUM table for each Table and run the …

Member Avatar for stewie griffin

I trying to get text only from html code (no tags and exec) I used the next command (regular expression): htmlSurce = htmlSurce.replaceAll("\\<.*?*\\>", ""); it works fine but all the text between <!-- --> is not removed how can I remove it???

Member Avatar for stewie griffin
Member Avatar for sarahgn4t

Can someone help me add a css rule to my web template? I want to change the width of it?? It is wider than the normal size template so it runs off the page. How do I make it skinnier?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for agrarian

I have some code in PHP which I need to translate into Delphi: [CODE]$xsl = new DOMDocument(); $xsl->load('http://www.fda.gov/oc/datacouncil/stylesheets/spl/spl.xsl'); $proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $proc->importStylesheet($xsl); $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->load($xmlFile); $domTranObj = $proc->transformToDoc($xml); $strHTML = $domTranObj->saveHTML();[/CODE] What I need to do is take a snippet of XML (from a database field), transform …

Member Avatar for agrarian
Member Avatar for Shreerang

Hey all, I wish to execute a shell script on click of a button from a simple html page. How do I do this? Need help!!! Thanx, Shreerang Patwardhan.

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for kevindougans

[url]http://www.foodinthecity.com/[/url] in firefox the page starts displaying funny after you scroll down on the middle products section. in chrome it almost displauys right but you can see its out by a few pixels... but the weirdest thing is that on our development server it works fine in firefox but we've …

Member Avatar for kevindougans
Member Avatar for gruffy321

Hi peeps and thanks for reading. Brilliant responses to my last post and thanks for being so welcoming .... My question is one i cant find any solid reference on . I have a bunch of text that i would like to have styled in the futura font family but …

Member Avatar for gruffy321
Member Avatar for Bubbleboy

I am really confused. I want to make a <p> tag hidden using javascript, and then, if i detect its running IE, i want to make it visible. I can't even make it hidden though. I have tried [CODE]<script type="text/javascript> document.warning.style[visibility] = 'hidden';[/CODE] i've tried [CODE]<script type="text/javascript> document.warning.style.visibility = 'hidden';[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Bubbleboy
Member Avatar for electrogear

I'm struggling. I'm trying to make a website using the google weather API. Here's where I'm at: 1) I've got the PHP code working, and it gets the current temperature & images showing the forecast for the next 4 days. Simple enough 2) I decided I wanted to have a …

Member Avatar for electrogear
Member Avatar for winbach

Greetings. I am using this code for a photo gallery. <script language="JavaScript"> function LoadGallery(pictureName,imageFile,titleCaption,captionText) { if (document.all) { document.getElementById(pictureName).style.filter="blendTrans(duration=1)"; document.getElementById(pictureName).filters.blendTrans.Apply(); } document.getElementById(pictureName).src = imageFile; if (document.all) { document.getElementById(pictureName).filters.blendTrans.Play(); } document.getElementById(titleCaption).innerHTML=captionText; } </script> With an onclick statement like this: <a href="#_self" onclick="LoadGallery('Gallery', 'image.jpg', 'Caption', 'captiontext')">Link</a> It totally works but I would …

Member Avatar for Bubbleboy
Member Avatar for jasystweb

My page is not displaying correctly in Internet Explorer. Its displays properly in all other browsers. The issue: Internet Explorer When the page is loaded-- Internet Explorer places DIV tags between the the <LI> elements on my page and in other areas of the controls which have been dynamically added …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Renukavani

Hi All, I am having html content in text format and want that to convert as image to send to user instead of Html content to prevent the modification.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for leroi green

hey all, i found a way to click a link and load it into a div. the only problem is that i keep getting the "AHA error" from the if statement in my div. i'm not sure if it is me or the coding but i'll post what i'm using …

Member Avatar for memaddy
Member Avatar for levsha

Here is my problem: I have a checkbox and text input elements inside the same ID. I need checkbox to be 20px wide and textbox - 200px wide. I have this: [CODE]#check input { float:left; border:solid 1px #afd45a; width:20px; margin:2px 10px 10px 6px; }[/CODE] What's my solution should be for …

Member Avatar for levsha
Member Avatar for Snowdiddy

Hello People, I would like to learn how to write in basic HTML. My question is what are some good websites that have good tutorials to help someone learn HTML, and also what are some good books that I could pick up at my local bookstore. Any help is greatly …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for lordspace

Hi, Can somebody point me to a visual web CSS editor + live preview similar to Blogger > Layout > Page Elements where you could drag and drop elements and change styles. Thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Altairzq

Hello, I have a web layout inside a table that allows it to be both vertically and horizontally aligned. It was working well in all browers, until I needed to make a div with a relative positioning. Now that div does not align vertically in IE6 and IE7. It works …

Member Avatar for Altairzq
Member Avatar for cass84

I was wondering if there was a way to create a PHP Contact Form where the email that is sent can be formatted for html. So that for example the email that is received is formatted like an html page where it contains a background, images & formatted text. I …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for anabreu

I'm sorry about posting this again, but as I said I'm on a deadline, and I'm sure there's someone out there that can help me... I am using a dhtml "Image Slideshow", and I was really happy with I customized its layout to my needs, and it runs perfectly on …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

Hi guys for my first piece of work on javascript i have to check a few html form questions which is provided. But im pretty clueless on how to do it, or even start it. First of all how would i check like a drop down menu had the right …

Member Avatar for alipica
Member Avatar for gruffy321

Hi all, I am very new ( 1st Post) and i have to apologise in the first instance as it would seem that i may end up falling into this nasty category of annoying student types who do not attempt coding themselves first before asking a question and expect some …

Member Avatar for scottloway
Member Avatar for laelzio.mosca

I`m trying to write a sample program in java, but the book doesn`t explain how I should write my html code to execute it, I don`t even know what I should use to write a HTML code, I looked online, but didn`t find much. this is the java code: [CODE]import …

Member Avatar for sincerelibran
Member Avatar for DBB1

[B] Hi ! Lately, I bought "The Complete Reference HTML & XHTML 4th Edition 2003 by Thomas A. Powell" to enhance my knowledge on this subject. It also covers CSS1 and CSS2. Do you think this book is too old to learn HTML , XHTML & CSS ? Thank you …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for jasystweb

I am creating controls which are added to the page at run time. As these controls are added I separate them into a UL/LI list by injecting literals assigned as (<ul>, </ul>,<li>,</li>). The page in question uses a master page template. The ul/li function is called in the page_load event …

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The End.