6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for abhay1234

i wish to create a cookie for an html form. I wish to get value from textbox(how do i do this). i wish to get the values displayed when i click the submit button my code [code] <html> <body> <form> <button type="button" name="rollno">rollno</button> <input type="text" name="rollno"> <br> <button type="button" name="name">name</button> …

Member Avatar for PierlucSS

Thank you for reading, I am currently trying to pass through a project or whole sites containing many pages to determine wether they are xhtml-strict or not with a local xhtml-strict.dtd file. I cannot go through a webservice it would be too overkilling for server and host might even probably …

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for f_atencia

Hi all, I have an XML File: staff_record> <staff> <username>user1</username> <password>password1</password> </staff> <staff> <username>user2</username> <password>password2</password> </staff> <staff> <username>user3</username> <password>password3</password> </staff> </staff_record> I have a form (login.html) and I need to use an ASP page (login.asp) to redirect the user to home.asp when they have successfully logged in, based on the …

Member Avatar for Famous16

Hi to all, I want to know that how to include one html file to another html file. I am facing problem in coding. Need coding for this purpose. With Regards,

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for jeetudaljit
Member Avatar for tasteypaste

I am currently trying to edit a page that has a bunch of links on the page. All of them are in tables and are supposed to turn a dark gray color and then become darker one they become visited. However, they show up like normal links. (Blue) The page …

Member Avatar for tasteypaste
Member Avatar for jimminni

Dear all, I'm looking for DHTML for a screensaving function please. I've looked through all of my HTML & web development books and can't find anything of the sort. T.I.A. Jimminni

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for sniigg

Hi, I have a html document when i run in Internet explorer i am getting the desired output(j query working fine). But i copy pasted the same code in aspx page...the same code is not working properly...

Member Avatar for sniigg
Member Avatar for RobotFX

Hi! I'd like to know if there's a way to save a webpage address, as HTML (like the browser displays it) and store it under a folder. What I want to do for my website is to create some sort of cache image of the index page, available for me …

Member Avatar for RobotFX
Member Avatar for rahul8590

Well i got some weird problem here . We have a web team and we disributed our work equally , where i mainly created the web application in php and i am glad its working file . But for simplicity purpose i used basic html tags and created the web …

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for MandaloreFett7

Hi, Im new to CSS and have watched a couple online vids, but I have run into a problem that I can't seem to fix. My menu displays fine in IE 7 and 8, but the background color disappears in Firefox. Any suggestions? Sorry if my code is messy. I …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

What css do i use to set up the standard 5 box website? i forget its formal name, whats it called? The website layout, with a header, footer, centred centre page and the a right and left side.

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for celinehgl

Hi guys, The codes below is running perfectly fine. But I have a problem - if there are no records found in the database, my dropdownlist will not display nothing. However, I want it to display something like "no records found" instead of havng it blank Can someone tell me …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for x_mysterious_x

I m trying to make a template for my website. there is a top box and a navigation box. Position of navigation box is relative to top box and at a 5% of distance from top box. This distance is visible in Internet explorer but in mozilla navigation box appears …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for tiffythom

I need to know how to set an html page to only open at a set size. I had learned this in my basic htm code class a long time ago but have forgotten and can't seem to find any instructions about how to do this. I have dreamweaver 8 …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for pjrey

site with issue: [url]http://pjrey.com/guestbook[/url] ok, ive tried and tried, no luck. what i am trying to do is: 1) the modal dhtml sign/window auto load (but only one time per user) 2) on completing the form, and hitting submit, i want the parent window refreshed (to show new content that …

Member Avatar for pjrey
Member Avatar for z_jun

Hi, I am having problems with the passing of a variable to the next page. I want to pass the $title so that I can use it in the changejob.php page. The following is my code:- [CODE]<td> <a href="changejob.php?id = "<?php $title; ?>""><?php echo $title; ?></td>[/CODE] Please help me. Thanks.

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Member Avatar for pjrey

ok, ive tried and tried, no luck. what i am trying to do is at [url]http://pjrey.com/guestbook[/url] is have 1) the modal dhtml sign/window auto load (but only one time per user) 2) on completing the form, and hitting submit, i want the parent window refreshed (to show new content that …

Member Avatar for still_learning

Hey guys, Got a quick question for you. If I have an text input field for a search engine and I want the font to be larger, how would I do this? Right now changing the size attribute only changes the length of the field. Here is my code right …

Member Avatar for NaveenRahul
Member Avatar for nakul_pancholi

Dear All, Hello..! I have one problem with html links. Suppose we want to set the link in our html document, we use <a href="filename.html"> Link </a> Suppose we want to go to a particular section to other html document then we use <a href="[COLOR="Green"]filename.html[/COLOR]#name> Link </a>. Here in this …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for nakul_pancholi

Dear All, Hello..! I have one problem with html links. Suppose we want to set the link in our html document, we use <a href="filename.html"> Link </a> Suppose we want to go to a particular section to other html document then we use <a href="filename.html#name> Link </a>. Here in this …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for s32ialx

Ok so i have a template script my friend built for me. I'll include all file names OK so what is not working is file_get_contents is not grabing the content (1 I don't know where the content should be placed and 2 i want it placed in a directory so …

Member Avatar for s32ialx
Member Avatar for cssquestion

I can understand coding: [CODE] body { color: #ffffff; text-align: center; margin: 5px 0; } [/CODE] But I don't understand what is the following code meaning: [CODE]* { margin: 0; padding: 100; outline: 0; }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for StickerAA

My css inline submenu won't stay open long enough to select an option. As soon as the cursor leaves the main selection the submenu box closes. Can be viewed at: [url]http://isite.thevatraininginstitute.com/home.htm[/url] html code [CODE] <div id="ao_nav"> <ul> <li id="first">Accessibility Options: </li> <li><a href="home.htm">Default Font Medium &nbsp; -</a></li> <li><a href="#">Large &nbsp; …

Member Avatar for StickerAA
Member Avatar for Unebrion

I'm having trouble with classes and the display element. I need to display elements of a class in my html document as list items. i have 9 of these in the document, all basically the same [CODE] <div class="notes" id="point0"> <a href="longs.htm" style="position: absolute; left: 560; top: 60;"> <img src="image0.jpg" …

Member Avatar for Unebrion
Member Avatar for tryphy

How do i send a form data in html format in a php email.. ? Use of html tags in $message = ' '; Any sample example.. cos i tried many.. and coudnt able to work... ur help is much appreciated... thanks again tryphy..

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for itslucky

Dear Friends, im receiving a XML file which contain a HTML code in the value of a node.. i have fetched the html code, but now i have to show that on my ASP .NET page. please tell me how can i do that... is it possible to assign that …

Member Avatar for itslucky
Member Avatar for aniljadhav15

Hi! I'm trying to use ABCpdf.NET to render an HTML page as a PDF. I'm using the AddImageUrl function which works fine on my local machine, but when I run it on the host server I get the following error:Unable to render HTML. Page load timed out. Unable to load …

Member Avatar for AffineMesh
Member Avatar for ameen3388
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14158[/ATTACH]I love my iPhone. It's a cool device with lots of free and low-cost apps at my finger tips, but I've been wondering lately if some of these Apps are a good thing. I mean, why do I need a dedicated New York Times app, for example? Why doesn't the …


The End.