6,559 Topics
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Hey guys i have a table made and when a value changes i want to update the table to the new value so other can see it on their screen. example ( if i update the status dropdown too unavailable i want other users to see that change) Anyone have … | |
<?php //connecting to the database and running query $dbc=mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','sam_telephone'); $get_list_sql="SELECT id, CONCAT_WS(',', l_name, f_name) AS display_name FROM master_name;"; $get_list_res= mysqli_query($dbc, $get_list_sql); ?> <!--Building of drop down menu start from here--> <form action="post.php" method="post"> <select name="sel_id"> <option value="">--Select One--</option> <!--Starting while loop for fetching the array--> <?php while($x=mysqli_fetch_array($get_list_res,MYSQLI_BOTH)){ ?> <option value="<?php … | |
HI guys, I wonder if any could help with this. In my daily job I often find myself picking up code written by other developers and making additions to it. Now, this is often a problem because if I change a css rule I might end up breaking the layout … | |
this is my html and javascript coding. how to do contenteditable div onkeyup calculation. i tried it but i doesn't work... <td><div class="inputclass" id="quantity1" contenteditable> </div></td> <td><div class="inputclass" id="unitprice1" onkeyup="maths();" contenteditable> </div></td> <td><div class="inputclass" id="total1" contenteditable> </div></td> function maths() { var qt = document.getElementById("quantity1").value; var up = document.getElementById("unitprice1").value; qtup = … | |
With the new changes to make it mobile friendly and the removal of the menu bar that moves down with you, is it possible for us to have a "Back to Top" or similar functional button on the header that will return us to the top of the page so … | |
This is my php & html code for show numbers in words. this works correctly `<input type="text" value="<?php include("number_words.php"); echo convert_number_to_words(123); ?>" size="70" readonly="readonly" />` this is my final total amount html code `<input type="text" name="totalamount" id="totalamount" size="8" readonly="readonly" />`. here i am doing convert numbers into words. but i … | |
Hi Guys and to all programmers, I have a website wherein my header appears on all pages of my website. Did a test by disabling the display; however, the header was gone on all pages of my website so I turned the display back on. My question is, is there … | |
Hello, My question is a bit theoreric at the moment. I have a XML file that contains some data, i would like to know if it is possible to write a PHP page that reads the XML file, and if he recognizes a spesific string in the XML file, he … | |
Hi, I am looking for when you select a value from dropdown and submit. The results has to show in the same page with percentage. It is like voting. Thanks in advance. | |
Hi, I like to scroll all the scroll bar at the time.first scroll is working fine.but other scroll not working anyone have idea <html> <title></title> <head> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.box').each(function(){ $(this).bind('scroll',function(){ var leftPos = $('.box').scrollLeft(); var leftPos = $('.box').scrollLeft(leftPos); }); }); }); </script> <style> .box{ width:500px; overflow-x:scroll; } .clear … | |
Hello, We uploaded some videos in the back to YouTube and they reproduce perfectly on our webpage. The thing is, with mobile becoming more and more intresting, playing them in a HTML5 video player would be more universal. How can we make this change? | |
Hi all. I am designing a HTML website that only runs on smartphones. When I test the website on my smartphone it cuts off the words right at the bottom... It only allows the user to scroll down with +- 2mm or 1cm. I've put in underneath the styles.css a … | |
Dear friends i have developed a report using php/html/css. i have included @media print css style using div tag for page break because i want to print on different pages. each and everyting is working fine but only problem is delaying during printing..the printer print one page and sleep for … | |
hi i am new in the development field i want a little guide line about the WYSIWYG editor i have website and i want to integrate a wix html 5 type http://www.wix.com/ editor in it i try to edit the tinymce editor but i does not found it flexible as … | |
Hello guys. I have a small problem with the following code: main.html <html> <head> <link rel="style" href="main.css" > </head> <body> <ul> <li>Home</li> <li>About</li> <li> Portfolio <ul> <li>Web Design</li> <li>Web Development</li> <li>Illustrations</li> </ul> </li> <li>Blog</li> <li>Contact</li> </ul> </body> </html> main.css body { font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding: … | |
does anyone know how to make a website that has a background that changes every time you go to the home page just like the tumblr home page. | |
Hi friends, In my web site, I have added Google Translator. From the moment I add Google Translator my some div elements are not working properly. I have set header div 0px from the top. (See the attachment 01 or http://i40.tinypic.com/2lcbcef.jpg) But after I adding GT (Google Translator) header section … | |
Hi I am studying html5 and have a hard time understanding exactly how those tags function.Maybe I am used to the old div tags and cannot figure out what is going on. For example I look at a page made with html5 and css3.In the page there are 3 article … | |
Hello I want to have a drop down menu showing small thumbnail pictures and text in a "smartphone like" grid. What can I use to accomplish this? Thank you | |
I have an HTML table which displays records from a database. The data are stored in sql database and the records are retrieved as a JSON object and then appended to the table. Rather than loading all the data in the table, I have a button which allows the user … | |
I need a help in my css.., i am using an [Isotope](http://isotope.metafizzy.co) for my portfolio, I want my grid to be responsive but I have a problem with the grid look in 960px below size browser. here's the screenshot: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/LGvVPrQ.png[/IMG] it looks like after the first row, the divs are … | |
controllers/admin/clogin.php <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /* Author: Jorge Torres * Description: Login controller class */ class Clogin extends CI_Controller{ function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); } public function index(){ // Load our view to be displayed // to the user $this->data['assets'] = array('logincss' => base_url().'assets/css/login.css', 'logo2' => … | |
I need a way to store x y height and width in 4 jquery variables I was thinkink about the jquery ajax get but don't know how to achive this. This is my code <?php $result = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM figures'); foreach ($result as $row=>$value) { echo '<li>'."My value is" … | |
Does anyone know the safe tags to use on a website or know where I may be able to find a list of them? Thank you. | |
I think Big website like Daniweb should be responsive. So users can discuss in the mobile platform. Yeah,having a mobile app would increase use activity. So, is it build a responsive website is difficult ? putting @import media screen only codes can make website responsive | |
Hello everyone again, I'm trying to do some web studies here and of course, digging deeper into responsive web design. Recently I came across this web page: http://kumanimedia.com/portfolio You will notice when you rescale your browser window, the boxes fluxuate based on it's size. On that, I inspected the element … | |
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I'm new to these forums, but not to html and css. Currently learning Python, with PHP next on my to do list, and I'm looking for some advice from fellow web developers on what would be the best programming and scripting languages to learn. I come from the graphic design/web … | |
I have an idea that has been growing and have been learning all of the necessary languages, methods, technologies etc. to get this idea put into reality. However there is so much out there that I don't know if I am going down the road that a rookie would take, … | |
hello, i was wondering if anyone could help me find a way to allow a user to click items in a combo box and have its value populate an input field. Thanks |
The End.