32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Zubi0777

public void printmembersdetails() { System.out.printin(member.FirstName = firstname); System.out.printin(member.LastName = lastname); System.out.printin(member.IDNumber = IDnumber); System.out.printin(members.PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber); } System.out.printin(member.FirstName = firstname); System.out.printin(member.LastName = lastname); System.out.printin(member.IDNumber = IDnumber); System.out.printin(members.PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber); } is this right

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for StephenopolousINC

Hello I am trying to create a class that called Lootable and create subclasses such as trunk, locker, etc. that will contain items that can be looted, they will inherit their lootability from the Lootable class. I am thinking of using the ArrayList for this. I have thought of different …

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Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

I've been trying to do this for the past two hours I have object of type PersonTest I managed to save the data ,but I'm not sure if it correct or not becouse I still can't read the file. I want to read and write using java Object Stream this …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Thirumuruganp
Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

I'm trying to creat simple seating for movie I have the seats as buttons when the user click btnOne then the background change to red if the user click the button again it will chnage to gray I've managed to change the color to red when it clicked using actionpreformed …

Member Avatar for softswing
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello Anyone can help me derive a validation for French phone numbers, given the following: String (max 255 chars) French telephone formats (0123456789, +33123456789, 0033123456789) T.I.A.

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Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

Hi, I've done with my project and the instructor said that the file should be excutable file how can I run my project wothput netbean .. I'm using macbook

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Derek_4

I am trying to add an item to a game that will "float" a player into the correct room. The code below is where the boat is added to a room and the the boolean newBoat is set to true: Item boat = new Item(" A boat to help you …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Necrozze

Hi, I need to make a program that can count and solve basic math problems (addition, subtraction) with natural integers using strings. I'm not aloved to use parseInt so thats basicly where my world started to fall apart... Would realy appreciate if someone could help me with this. The code …

Member Avatar for Necrozze
Member Avatar for Shari_1

I'm not sure whether my title is clear enough, a bit hard for me to explain. Basically, I have this card abstract class. I also have a CreditCard subclass. In my CardSystem, I have different methods. One of them is chargeCard. What it does is simple putting some cash on …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for gurusingh

hi friends, I'm developing a desktop application in java. But i want to make this application in such a way so that this install on other PCs. But I don't know the procedure. Please help me with yours valuable experience. Thank You in advance.

Member Avatar for raza.8590988
Member Avatar for SirDK

Hi Guys, Which language would be best for building utility applications for windows?(Tune-Up,Advanced System Care,CCleaner etc.) I'm inspired by the visual display of those programs.I'm currently learning VB.NET and I've beginners knowledge in C++ but I find it too difficult. Note : I'm a professional web designer.

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for SMYussef

Dear all, I am trying to write a code that would take in an array of numbers(salaries) and then calculating the mean and standard deviance. The number of salaries is first asked from the user, therefore the number of elements in the array is not predefined. I have written the …

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Member Avatar for Pobunjenik

Hello dear codegurus! I've been working on a pet project of mine for 3 weeks now, and I think it is ready to be released into the open! However, just for cosmetic purposes, I would **LOVE** to add an icon (both for the application and in the upper left corner …

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Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

i have a simple note and images storing java program that stores data into the server..i'm confused about what to use for building the server..should the server be built using sockets?? or which listens for http requests (the client sends json data)?? could anyone please tell me which one would …

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Member Avatar for shivakr

hi... i am trying to deploy my ejb file which i learned from youtube videos... so i go an Execption while running my clientEjb code.. it is as follows while running my client "HWorldClient"... E:\ejbDemo>java HWorldClient Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HWorldClient (wrong name: part1/HWorldClient) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:502) …

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Member Avatar for Start4me

How to give user the ability to set the decimal format rounding to whichever s/he prefers. I know that the users input can be gained by the code double decimalRoundTo; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); out.print(" Enter the number of decimal places you want to round to "); decimalRoundTo = …

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Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi Team, I have written a Sample Code in which I cast SubClass reference to point to SuperClass Object. It behaves like a SuperClass reference ( I mean when i try to use Methods which are not in SuperClass,it throws error so it means it is an instance of superclass) …

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Member Avatar for ObSys

Ok so I'm writing a program that outputs text to a file. Currently, I am writing it to a .TXT file for ease and convenience. Ideally, I would like to output some of the information so that it is formatted with Italics. I'm thinking that using a RTF file would …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rovastola

I'm trying to code an array that will make user print in 125 digits and then add the sum of it, this works but im trying to make the message like: Please enter digit : 1 please enter digit : 2 Please enter digit : 3 ... Do i have …

Member Avatar for Heanre
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

i want to develop a simple download manager..i have seen download managers downloading a file..but they have multiple download points e.g. suppose i have a file like this on a web server ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| download points : 1 2 3 4 5 they are downloading from all the points 1,2,3,4,5 simultaneously..i'm …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tyler.dahle

package hw3.categories; import java.util.ArrayList; import hw3.DiceGroup; import hw3.api.IScoreCategory; /** * Scoring category for a yahtzee. A DiceGroup * with N dice satisfies this category only if all N * values are the same. For a dice group that satisfies * this category, the score is a fixed value specified in …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for CheerfulBiscuit

Hey everyone, I really need help in solving a problem that I have to use recursion for. I have a list of paper objects. Each paper object has its own author(s) objects. Each author object knows which paper(s) objects they belong to. I have to build a scholarly neighborhood for …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for reiferdinan.picar

We need it tomorrow, the code for the assignment #3 and #4 question. There was no continuation. Date Class Project (part #3) Add the following data items to your Date class 05 points 1. int dayOfYear 2. String monthName 3. String dayOfWeek Add the following methods to your Date class …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Tu Dinh

Please take a look in my code as below: Vector<Vector<String>> AllSubjects = new Vector<>() ; // PROBLEM IS HERE if ((AllSubjects = EMSSubjectDAO.SelectAllSubjectsByCourse(this.ActiveCourse.getCourseID())) != null) { SubjectTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(AllSubjects, SubjectTableHeader); SubjectTable.setModel(SubjectTableModel); //this.SubjectTable = new JTable(AllSubjects, SubjectTableHeader) ; } On the `// PROBLEM IS HERE` line, if I init `Vector<Vector<String>> …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Anthony209

Hello, I am doing the infamous Parking Ticket Simulator for my Java class at college. I have already completed the program and it producing the correct output. The only issue however, is that I am NOT using the PoliceOfficer class to issue the ticket. In other words, he is not …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for muhammad_43

Nice to meet you, i am a newbie i would like to ask a question that bothers me out : 1).How to add the decimal representation of N! (5 <= N <= 1,000,000) is simply the multiplicity of the prime factor 5 in N! to my script? 2). I wanted …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for FaialShahzad

i am new in java. i have to made a GUI based application which is used to collect data from user such as product id, product name, category, price etc.. store in MS Access database connect with this application. please any one help me. i want to discuss some points.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for husna_norddin

hi i'm a first year student of bachelor networking but i don't have basic in java..i need to use 2D array to key in input subject code,credit,marks,grade,points and CALCULATE total credit,total point,GPA and CGPA...i have no idea what to do..if using method i can probably do it but 2D array …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Kashonna

I have a java program where users can enter data into the textfields and click a simulate button to show the results in a jtable based on distribution calculations. I'm having trouble with distributions (normal,exponential, uniform, and weibel) in java and i need help getting the entered data to add …

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The End.