32,207 Topics

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Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

I'm practcing for my test and I couldn't solve these questions I spent hours trying to solve it but every time I get error ArrayList<objClass> li = new ArrayList<>(); public objClass RemoveAtPos(int pos){ // I'm trying to remove the object at the given pos , but first I want to …

Member Avatar for Seldar
Member Avatar for JohnOSull4021

Hey guys, I have a program similar to X's and O's. But I need to put the "CheckWin" method in another class and call it from there. Im having no luck, can anyone help? (CHECKWIN PART AT VERY BOTTOM) import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm taking a database class, to be more specific MySQL. I want to know if I will use this if I enter the programing field as a C#, C++, or Java programmer. If so what will I need to know

Member Avatar for RomelynCastillo
Member Avatar for nirmeen.asad
Member Avatar for nirmeen.asad
Member Avatar for lobnaallam

****Hi everyone! I have to make a pig latin translator for cs hwk. I've made my code and everything works up until i put it together. I need to debug it, but can't figure out the if statement in the main. The assignment is "Here's how to translate the English …

Member Avatar for lobnaallam
Member Avatar for sankubha

I am doing one java application.... i want to create uninstall program for that application... thanks ...

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Member Avatar for nikolaos

ProducerConsumer_Using_ExecutorService class in a for loop initiate producer consumer threads using worker threads from ExecutorServiceThreadPool class. consumer thread takes an element from queue adding it to ArrayList consumerdata. Seems that consumerdata has no elements. why is that; Both producer - consumer threads seem to work. import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; public …

Member Avatar for nikolaos
Member Avatar for nirmeen.asad

Hi (Salm).. In my java code i have to insert a table into a text area, by choosing "insert table" from the menue "Insert" so then the program will ask me to enter the number of rows & cols to create the table with the numbers i've entered.. the image …

Member Avatar for nirmeen.asad
Member Avatar for Benjamin_4

I want to create a jTree which when i right click on a node, should give me the options of "rename","add Region(parent)","add City(child)". the name of my jTree is branches As i am new to swing,Could any one help with code. Thanks in Advance. Regards, Sarkwa

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for PaulDel

Hello All, Just looking for code snippets to remove color from jpg image. I would like to remove red, blue, green from a picture, leaving black and white. For instance, imagine a newspaper cartoon with an "X" on the picture. I want to remove the colors leaving the "X". I'd …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for techyworld

Hi i need help to retrieve data from DB. I am trying to retrieve from database the number of cars that we registered each month in 2013.Based on that i will draw a line chart.so on my x-axis will be cars, and y-axis is number. Note: i have different models …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for ZombieKnight93

I am havin an issue with the findVolume for the sphere part. It seems to ignore the "4/3" part but calculates everything else. Is there a way I can make it include this function? Here is the code: public class Sphere extends threeDShape{ double r; public Sphere(double x, double y, …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for andrewriebel

Hello, all. I'm creating a program that lets a user play Hangman. I've attached the directions for the program for clarification. My code is pasted below. I've set up a couple methods for it, but I'm having difficulty in understanding how to call these methods in the main class (assuming …

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Member Avatar for loody

Hi guys i am new here i want to help about: how to convert digit(number) into word for example: Enter a number:123 Output:one two three

Member Avatar for loody
Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

Hi, I'm working on my assignment there are two parts of the assignment first part was to create class (ClassOne,ClassTwo,ClassThree,ClassFour,ClassFive) ClassFive extends ClassTwo and ClassTwo is abstract the secod part is to add the iobserver and iSubject , but I don't know how to implemet this part in the UML …

Member Avatar for sk8ergirl
Member Avatar for you207

Im new to java and I need a little help. I store the usernema, password and name in user.dat file. The user enters his usernema and password , if its a match it prints his name on the screen. If its not a match the user is asked to register-add …

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Member Avatar for srikanth2321

Hi, below is the code which I'm using to update a jar, unfortunately it is not updating the jar file which is in use by some program. I mean the jar itself has this code to update it's own file. The code is working if I want to update another …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

Hi, When I tried to run my main in netbeans I got this error java exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError I'm using netbeans 7 (macbook) ..what I tried to google the error and some people said that the Java Runtime is diffrnet than the JDK .. how can I solve …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for anjijava16
Member Avatar for PaulDel

I am trying to load multiple jpeg files into java using BufferedImage. I can load and display one file using; BufferedImage loadImg = loadImage('trial0001.jpg); When I try to add a second file, all I get is error messages. Thoughts please. Thanks

Member Avatar for PaulDel
Member Avatar for Twee Nguyen

I just begin studying Java programming language and I want to solve cubic equation, but I do not know how to solve it and count the cubic root in java. Could you help and guide for me, please?? Thank you so much!

Member Avatar for Twee Nguyen
Member Avatar for anestistsoukalis

**Hey there ! Here is my question:** I am facing with an easy problem i think. I am creating 4 objects. Then i make an ArrayList in which i am storing the 4 objects. The excercise is to delete the objects that are the **same(equals)** and then sort them by …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Start4me

I was thinking if it would be possible to create a JFrame, and make the title of it to change, such as make the title work as a counter that will display some text like: The window was opened for 1 second. The window was opened for 2 second. The …

Member Avatar for Seldar
Member Avatar for aVar++

Hello, I have a countdown timer. The countdown timer counts down in miliseconds. I have worked out hours by using the sum: (((millisUntilFinished / 1000) / 60) / 60) Now minutes, I did this today and I seriously can not see how minutes works, but it does, here is what …

Member Avatar for aVar++
Member Avatar for manel1989

hi everyone! I would like to know how you can put a matrix that came from c + + code in the Java console in an matrix in java. In fact, I send parameter to my c + + code from the java code, and the receipt of income is …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sciprog22

Hello, I am testing the following applet on my webpage: import javax.swing.*; public class Hello extends JApplet { public void init() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Hello World"); } } My Hello.html file from BlueJ: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <!-- This file automatically generated by BlueJ Java …

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Member Avatar for skyyadav

This is my output { { d: { a e } } { e: { b c d } } { b: { a e } } { c: { a e } } { a: { b c d } } } I used this to_string to print this …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for gustav.cajander

Hi! Im looking for the easiest way to include a couple of non jar-files in my java webstart bundle. I also want my code to look for the resources in the codebase rather than in my user.dir. At the moment i can't change the webstart working dir and that makes …

Member Avatar for hamza.khan.5473894

address book holds a collection of entries, each recording a person's first and last names, address, city, state, zip, and phone number. It must be possible to add a new person to an address book, to edit existing information about a person (except the person's name), and to delete a …

Member Avatar for Nguyễn Đình Đại
Member Avatar for Ed87

How do i set up netbeans IDE for use on Windows 8 Enteprise Are there any download links?. I want to use netbeans with the latest oracle database in development. ..How will i set up the connection strings to the database in such a case .Finally how can i use …


The End.