32,205 Topics
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Hi...! I'm working on a notepad project,in save or saveas option just like the real notepad i want that the file automaticly save as .txt file if in the option below i choose "all files" it saves a file and if i choose "text documnet" save as *.txt file how … | |
Chaps, I have tried to upload some java files on the forum (it's an exercise I was working on and after having done I tohught I would make the code available for everybody to use, in case anybody wants it), but there doesn't seem to be anyway to upload them, … | |
Hi I have a WSDL file. from that file how do create a java clinet application. apprecate if someone could reference me to some links appreciate it thanks | |
Dana Tamir, Enterprise Security Director for [Trusteer](http://www.trusteer.com/) has recently uncovered a variation of the TorRAT banking data malware which has been actively configured to target Twitter users. The attack works by "injecting Javascript code into the victim’s Twitter account page" Tamir says, adding that the malware "collects the user’s authentication … | |
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Can someone give me an example on how to reverse an inputted string? example is..when you inputted "shoes" the output would be "seohs",,then it wil determine if the inputted string is a Palindrome or not.. | |
I have been having some trouble with this action listener scenareo, and I am doing it exactly like what my java book says to do, and something is still not working. In the action listener the if statement is not working correctly. Here is an example of my code. The … | |
Hi everyone, I am a C/C++ winapi developer and have to rewrite a "Dialog based" application in java, so that it will execute as an applet in any browser. My java skills are very few, since my knowledge is limited to past college classes. The application is not a large … | |
Hi these day i am trying learning ckeditor so i used CKEditor jar available for the java developer when i run given code on tomcat server this ode will not give anything please tell me <ckeditor:replace replace="editor1" basePath="/ckeditor/" config="<%= ConfigurationHelper.createConfig() %>" events="<%= ConfigurationHelper.createEventHandlers() %>" /> what is wrong or it … | |
anyone can help me? i have a task from my teacher. He asked me to make a simple image processing program that can process 2D image with this feature: -the program can make a translation, rotation (an angle of rotation with arbitrary), scaling, and shearing. -the program can make an … | |
public class homework8_2 public static void main(String [] args) { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); int selections = 0; DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.0000"); do { showMenu(); selections = keyboard.nextInt(); System.out.println("please input the amount of meters"); double meters = keyboard.nextDouble(); if (selections == 1) { double kilometers; kilometers = showKilometers(meters); … | |
When you make an app that sends sms msgs using the android bulit in or the smsmanager, are those text msgs sent for free? or they are sent as part of whatever text contract the user has? does anyone know? | |
Hi, I'll quickly explain what i am trying to do before telling the problem i am facing. **Requirement:** 1. Store the contents of a file into an object. 2. Send the object through HTTP socket to another client server. 3. Have the server fetch the file contents from the object. … | |
Hi, what are the essential steps have to be done before installing eclipse j2ee on ubuntu manually give me valuable tips, thanks for your time. | |
hi, I'm new in Java and Hadoop. I'm in need of MapReduce code for large EEG data file split in Java. Based on channels(electrodes attached on head) and time, data have to be splitted. In mapper file splitting takes palce and in reducer it process the splitted data. For parallel … | |
Well I have a question and not sure if it's right. Here's the question(Long one). Applications. Build a class called Precinct. The record for a voter will consist of aname (String) and a political party(Boolean)(Two party). The SignInQueue method takes two parameters, a voter name and a party, and places … | |
Hey Guys, please I need help badly. Thank You I read a text file from my hard disk which contains as follows.... void main() { int A = 5; int B = 5; int C ; C = A + B; cout << C ; } So, what I need … | |
how do I put hexadecimal values into a byte array?? I did the following private byte[] buffer=new byte[] { (byte)0xC8, 00, 0x09, 0x4A, 32, 0x4D, 45, 76, 33, 0x2E, 30, 32, 00, 05, 00, 00 }; but when i print them using System.out.print(...), the output is -56 0 9 74 … | |
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { DefaultListModel list = (DefaultListModel) jList1.getModel(); String sql = "Select * from salesorder"; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/userauthentication", "root", ""); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) { Integer id = rs.getInt("id"); list.addElement(id); } jList1.setModel(list); } catch (Exception e) { … | |
My professor gave us an assignment that I am not entirely sure how to start correctly. She gave us 2 java classes as well to use. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated... So basically, two things need to be done. I need to create two more classes, ExternalHashing and IndexHashTable...and … | |
I have to do a second assigment on doubly linked lists. Problem description: Create a class to implement a doubly linked list to store student records. Besides the basic operations, the class should include a sorting method that allow the user to sort the records in the list. Programming Requirements: … | |
I've been trying to install Java 3d on mac but to no avail, the official instructions don't even seem to work, does anyone know the correct and exact procedure to install Java3D on a mac. | |
| hey guys, this is my code so far, it genarate 10 numbers between 100-1000 what I want to ask how I can let the program ask how many numbers I need to genarate , and whats the lowers bound, instead of 10, the i can choose any number ? also … |
<bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean" p:packagesToScan="jpatest.engine"> <property name="dataSource"> <bean class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver" /> <property name="url" value="jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost:3050/testdb" /> <property name="username" value="xxxxxxxx" /> <property name="password" value="yyyyyy" /> </bean> </property> <property name="jpaVendorAdapter"> <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter"> <property name="database" value="DEFAULT" /> <property name="showSql" value="true" /> <property name="databasePlatform" value="org.hibernate.dialect.FirebirdDialect" /> </bean> </property> <property name="loadTimeWeaver"> <bean class="org.springframework.instrument.classloading.InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver" /> </property> … | |
HI all, please any one help,its very urgent.I need to store one table in an object (collection) then want to retrieve. so i have confusion which is the best method to use whether list,map,set........ etc and my table values are upto 11 records. | |
I am beginner on java and i am having trouble while compiling below given code on CMD. **This code is taken from a book.** > E:\sher\SkyDrive\Exercise Files\L04>javac Student.java > > E:\sher\SkyDrive\Exercise Files\L04>java Student > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main > // Student.java /* Demostrates the most basic features of … | |
Part of a program I did. I don't understand why it doesn't work. import java.util.Scanner; public class Reports { public static void main(String args[]) { int[][] sales = new int[6][4]; String [] company = {"Dallas","Chicago","Boston","New York","Seattle","Washington"}; EnterData(sales,company); Highest(sales,company); } public static void EnterData(int sales[][],String company[]) { Scanner input = new … | |
I need to convert python code to javascript. do anyone here know javascript? please give your mail id i will sent the python code to your mail! thanks in advance :) | |
Well I need help one of the two questions which are similar to the topic I'm asking. The first question that I solve was "Taller method should return true if the tree on which the method is invoked has a greater height than the tree passes as a paramter". public … |
The End.