32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for OVOXO

So I'm looking for a way to assign a set of numbers in a random way in a 2d array. The array is {1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10} How would I assign these values randomly in a 5 row and 4 column array? Or is there a way to generate a random number for …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for gourav1

my question is that can we send e-mail through code written in java? i know that it can be made in php but don't knoe about java...if answer is yes, then can u give me hint that how to proceed means what to use(API, servlets or jsp or link from …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for nyaneshi

I am a first year I.T student. We haven't really been taught PROPERLY about throws Exceptions and FileReaders. So I need help, why my program keeps telling me I have a InputMismatchException? Netbeans doesn't show any errors in my codes. and i just added a Method for Lowest Grade[since that's …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Majestics

Its a simple problem... I placed the socket code under a button, if server is present it respond very quickly if not it takes time to respond.... I want to shorter that time , is there any way?

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for vaironl

Hello forum, Vaironl here. I have a small question, I'm making a new screen using the GridBagLayout, since my old screen was using absolute positioning. I'm using a JScrollPane and setting a subPanel in it. THe subPanel contains 40 labels saying Ingredient. For some reasong the Ingredient Scroller will take …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hello folks, I am trying to add a JFrame object into JTabbedPane, but I am getting a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. Here's my code snipt. [code] // other codes... JTabbedPane tabs = new JTabbedPane(); tabs.addTab("Flight Information",flightInfoPane); <-------------- line 28 // other codes... private FlightInfoPane flightInfoPane = new FlightInfoPane(); [/code] Here I have flightInfoPane …

Member Avatar for test.tracker
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I was watching a video on how they made Watson (the robot that was on jeopardy), and another one where a person made a simulation where triangles (animals) learned when to get food, and such, and then taught their offsprings, and then they learned more, and then the intelligence developed. …

Member Avatar for harinath_2007
Member Avatar for asif49

Suppose you have a supermarket, and every item which belongs in that supermarket is stored in one place. Then you have sections of the supermarket like "Food & Cuisine", "Entertainment" and so on. The user of your program needs to be able to list every item within the supermarket, then …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi, [CODE] public Record get(VideoObj v) { // TODO if((v ==null) || (v=="")) return null; else return ??; } [/CODE] Recor and VideoObj are classes. if the methos return type is Record, can someone tell me what should I return? thanks

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I am making a java game, and I have heard that when I use the Math.random() method it has greater chances of generating some numbers. is this true, and if so how can I fix it. If not which method generates numbers unequally? Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for toferdagofer

I am trying to compare two arrays of objects to verify that they have the same values. It is returning false when it should be returning true. Im not sure what I am doing wrong when comparing the two arrays. Class : arrayObject [CODE]import java.util.*; public class arrayObject { private …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for sha11e

I have seen some people talking about it and my question is... I have a program that opens a input and output stream, when the program gets the message '#end' it should terminate the program. Does it really matter if I close the in-and output streams and then close the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for CodeJava1

could some one explain the code below [CODE]import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.ArrayList; final class InventorySet { /** @invariant <code>_data != null</code> */ private final Map<VideoObj,Record> _data = new HashMap<VideoObj,Record>(); InventorySet() { } /** * Return the number of Records. */ public int size() { // fill in …

Member Avatar for CodeJava1
Member Avatar for Joshua73

Hi i am doing a student grade lab where the student enters a grade they got on a test and they get a letter grade. My program only gives the user a F even if it should be another grade. This is my code. [CODE]strT1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter 1st test score:"); …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Joshua73
Member Avatar for Rasmalai

the following program uses 2 arrays a & b of sizes m & n, both the arrays take values from user. third array is of size m+n. i hv to merge these two arrays into third one. but becoz of 1 error i m unable to do this. i hv …

Member Avatar for Rasmalai
Member Avatar for boris90

I have this code: [CODE] /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package se211.dz14; import java.util.Scanner; /** * * @author Boris */ public class Month { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void …

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Member Avatar for sharathg.satya

hi all Here i am trying to a code in which the run method is not being called when the thread is started.. Can anyone help me please.. Here is my code [CODE]import java.awt.*; public class Games extends Frame implements Runnable { int x=250,y=470; Thread t=new Thread(); Games() { setVisible(true); …

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Member Avatar for vinay.tmr
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I want to create a JAR library but not sure how to in MyEclipse. Im currently doing it manually using jar command but I cant seem to get it correctly The library code is: [code] public class LibAdd { public static int addtwonumbers (int a,int b) { return a+b; …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for wallet123

[CODE]class DoWhileDemo { public static void main(String[] args){ int count = 1; do { System.out.println("Count is: " + count); count++; } while (count <= 11); } }[/CODE] can someone please rxplain to me how does Do while statements work? and how can i use it in my program?: [CODE]public static …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for wallet123

im trying to do a program like this: i need to do a program like this: Automatic Teller Machine [B] Balance [D] Deposit [W] Withdrawal [Q] Quit select you OPtions: once i have chosen an option then i should proceed here if i choose b: YOur Balance is __ if …

Member Avatar for wallet123
Member Avatar for xxvicoxx

Hello guys well I have been working in this arraylist that is now driving me crazy! Bascially I wrote a CAR class which has some methods in it, however now I created an arraylist so it could store cars from the other class and at the same time have access …

Member Avatar for jeff-fisher
Member Avatar for ajacintha

I am new to Java Swing, I have created a JFrame which should get displayed when there is mouse focused over it and should be hidden when the mouse is not over it. Should i add a window listener for it.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for adarshcu

Hi, I'm not quite sure if there is a thread for Eclipse related query separately. But since this is a java related one. I'm posting it here. Is it possible that i can have PMD check run on a project by default ? Instead of clicking on my source file …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for ajacintha

I have created a frame , which cannot be maximized , but i want to make the frame non drag gable, want the frame in fixed position.

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for rhfh

Hi everybody, Good morning...need to ask some question.. Below is my code for the cinema booking system. [code] import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Scanner; public class CinemaBooking { final int rows = 7, cols = 4; char[][] seats = new char[rows][cols]; ArrayList<String> reservedSeats = new ArrayList<String>(); public static void main(String[] …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for Empireryan

Greetings all. I'm preparing for my java data structure/algorithms class and I'm starting a personal code repository of sorts and such. I started out with c++ and my question is this: I'm implementing a controller class and a class full of sorting and search methods in java. Instead of copying …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I have this line of code (repeated with a bit of change) [CODE] if (ropeChosen == 1){ g.drawImage(rope, 321, 0, 10, 505, this); g.drawImage(rope, 521, 0, 10, 704, this); g.drawImage(rope, 721, 0, 10, 703, this); g.drawImage(rope, 921, 0, 10, 702, this); if (p.idol2){ g.drawImage (idol, 275,485,100,100,this); }else{ g.drawImage (snake, 300,505,50,100,this); …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for curtissumpter

[code=java] final String cardListStrings[] = {"First Card", "Next Card", "Previous Card", "Last Card"}; cardList = new JList(cardListStrings); cardList.setVisibleRowCount(4); cardList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); cardList.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { System.out.println("Inside List Event Handler"); if (cardList.getSelectedIndex()== 0) { cardManager.first(deck); System.out.println("First Card"); } if (cardList.getSelectedIndex()== 1) { cardManager.next(deck); System.out.println("Next Card"); } if (cardList.getSelectedIndex() …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp

The End.