32,199 Topics

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Hi friends If we will override nonstatic methods or if we will overload non static methods means shall we say it is the run time polymorphism? Is that so how to give example for compile time polymorphism in java? If i will override static method means, friends are saying it …

Member Avatar for Zetlin
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey everyone, my if-statements are working as expected. Actually, they are not working at all. The syntax is right but they are never run. The program terminates before it runs them. [code] public static void main (String args[]){ Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); Display fName = new Display(); // creating …

Member Avatar for aman rathi
Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

this is in execute method() { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, env); } System.out.println(r.execute(" C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.6.0_21\\bin\\javac demo.java” , null)); System.out.println(r.execute(" C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.6.0_21\\bin\\java demo”, null)); i want to run demo.java from this code i used timer class also. i got the error "Illegal execution time" i dont know why when i run …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for jaango123

Hi All, Currently we are using the code below to fire soap requests, with an input xml and the endpoint url. However, I would like to sign the input soap request using a jks file. How can I modify the code to perform the sign action as well. [url]http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-soapcl/[/url]

Member Avatar for muthu1802

How to Load data with refrential integrity in java (Teradata). if I ran the work flow the data should be loaded to final table. so that i need to populate the source tables with proper refrential data. how to populate refrential data to the source table properly. Thanks in advance.

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Member Avatar for sathya88
Member Avatar for smi ensi

utilisateurs.java [ICODE]package Model; import Model.base.BaseUtilisateurs; /** * This is the object class that relates to the utilisateurs table. * Any customizations belong here. */ public class Utilisateurs extends BaseUtilisateurs { /*[CONSTRUCTOR MARKER BEGIN]*/ public Utilisateurs () { super(); } /** * Constructor for primary key */ public Utilisateurs (java.lang.Integer _iduser) …

Member Avatar for pro_learner

Guys,i have to develop a simulator for Merge sort algo in java.I'm familiar with Java.But i have no idea how to do that.Java applet is easy? or it can be done as a Desktop app.My idea is to do as a desktop application.The programme should allow user to input a …

Member Avatar for pro_learner
Member Avatar for sathya88
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Hi...I did some book exercices..i want to ask you are these code right or not? Question1---Write a programme to display a random choices from a set of 3 choices for breakfast.... i wrote this code... public class Exercice3_1 { public static void main(String[] args) { String breakFast = null; int …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for techy23

Hi! Could Someone please explain me the difference between[I][B] "Pass By Value"[/B][/I] & [B][I]"Pass By Reference"[/I][/B] In Java? I can't understand it clearly. Please give some [I][B][COLOR="Green"]easy example[/COLOR][/B][/I] and little [COLOR="Red"][B][I]description[/I][/B][/COLOR]? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.:-/

Member Avatar for Muralidharan.E
Member Avatar for madhub2v
Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sathya88

hi... am develop simulator project...using java (java run time environment) for that can use applet method or java gui frame method.. suggest me..

Member Avatar for sathya88
Member Avatar for andy9673

Im really bad at programming just started recently and i was wondering how would you combine these for loops since they look the same except for the paramaters this program makes stairs. Thanks a bunch [code]import java.util.Scanner; public class example { public static final int SUB_HEIGHT = 4; public static …

Member Avatar for JeffGrigg
Member Avatar for carmzy

Hi.. Can you help me to understand clearly ,what is abstract class? And how i will used it, how it behaves in a class. Thank you in advance!

Member Avatar for Um num num
Member Avatar for mike101290

Here is my code. my problem now is how to convert it to GUI. [CODE]public class ProductController extends ProductModel{ public String getPname(int barCode){ return this.pname(barCode); } public double getPrice(int barCode) { return this.price(barCode); } public void displayCartControl( int retryTrigger ){ this.displayShoppingCart(retryTrigger); } } [/CODE] [CODE]public class ProductModel { public static …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for akasekaihime

I am working on my java code using combo box.............I compiled it and it says process complete....BUT.....I cannot view it in applet viewer.....whenever I click the play button, it displays "java.lang.NoSuchMethoderror:main" "Exception in thread "main"............. what do these mean???? How can I make it be displayed in the applet viewer?? …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for vishal1949

I was writing a program that involves the console inputting integers and strings. For my project i prompt the user to enter the number of strings he would like. Then i prompt the user to enter the strings so i could order them alphabetically. I am supposed to use any …

Member Avatar for Muralidharan.E
Member Avatar for ramjeev
Member Avatar for carloskire

Hello. This java app I'm developing on NetBeans 7. When i run the project, line 4 below: [code=java]FileReader input = new FileReader("projects");[/code] is not executed and apparently stops execution. Only when debuggin the file or running step by step are the next lines executed. No execution past line 4, except …

Member Avatar for carloskire
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hello, Are we allowed to assign different values to just one variable? For example, gender = [Female, female, fEmale] so if one a user enters any of the specified ones then he/she will be taken to the next step/level. I'm just doing a tute at the moment and coming up …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Majestics

i have added a picture panel in jscroll pane [code] scrollpane.add(pic1); [/code] now i want that on run time when user click on another pic panel it will be shown at pic1 scroll pane, so i simply use this code [code] scrollpane.add(pic2); [/code] but it doesnt work , so i …

Member Avatar for SamuelD
Member Avatar for jpleas

As we can tell from the last coding experince I am clearly not the best at this coding thing. I know now what I need help with and how to ask so this project is "Writing a Java class definition and instantiating the class in a program" Write the definition …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Kronk Vaesir

[B]Can anyone help me. I have been bangin my head on this one for two days. variable number may not have been initialized. code to enter single digit number and return largest of ten. code is as follows.[/B] [code] // Java packages import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Counter { // main …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for madhub2v

How Comparable is marker interface when it is having int compareTo(Object o) method... we can say it as just interface...??

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for abhinavM

I have to read an Excel file and transfer the contents to the database using Java swing.The excel file contains questions for the surveys with options for answers or responses.The database should have a table say Question with columns "Question No., Question, Option 1, Option 2 and so on".I have …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ganeshtr24
Member Avatar for Muralidharan.E
Member Avatar for asif49

[CODE] if (fileScan.hasNext(posPattern)) { posCB = fileScan.nextInt() + 1; for (int i = posCB; i > 0; i--) { String writeByte = fileScan.next(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("E:\\dataReadable.txt")); out.write(writeByte); out.close(); }//for } [/CODE] Using a for loop, how would I write to the file without clearing the contents, so …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for Muralidharan.E

[CODE]class Test{ static String str[]; public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("args "+args); System.out.println("str "+str); } }[/CODE] [U]Output[/U] args [Ljava.lang.String;@3e25a5 str null My doubt is ... How some object address is printing for args when it has not initialise. In case it has got initilised ,without array size specifiction how its …

Member Avatar for Zetlin
Member Avatar for jex310

Can you fix the numberformatexception [code]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Main extends JFrame implements ActionListener { int inputtedxend,inputtedyend,inputtedSAngle,inputtedarcAngle; int inputtedxpoint,inputtedypoint,inputtedx,inputtedy,inputtedwidth,inputtedheight; JLabel title=new JLabel("Choose a Grapic Method: "); String select []={"","DrawLine","DrawOval","DrawRect","DrawArc","DrawString","DrawRoundRect","fillRect","fillOval", "fillArc"}; JLabel xend=new JLabel("Enter X end point:"); JTextField inputxend=new JTextField("",5); JLabel yend=new JLabel("Enter Y end point:"); JTextField …

Member Avatar for Muralidharan.E

The End.