32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for bangor_boy

[CODE] private JButton[] buttons; private static final Character firstChar = 'A'; private static final Character lastChar = 'D'; /** Creates a new instance of ButtonPanel */ public ButtonPanel() { buttons = new JButton[4]; setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2)); Character label = firstChar; for (JButton b: buttons) { b = new JButton("" + label); …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Neversleepin

Hi, i'm trying to copy all txt files from a directory into one file to another directory. But i have the following error: "FileStreamsTest: java.io.FileNotFoundException: . (Accès refused)"" My txt files are located in the project folder of NetBeans. here is my code: [CODE]package FileStreamTest; import java.io.*; class FileStreamsTest { …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for Ambislm

This is my sample application which provides result as follows: [CODE]Array Values : arr[0][0] :6 arr[0][1] :0 arr[0][2] :0 arr[1][0] :0 arr[1][1] :0 arr[1][2] :0[/CODE] am using the jQuery Highcharts: [CODE]chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', defaultSeriesType: 'column' }, title: { text: document.chart.chartTitle.value }, series: [{ name: 'USA', …

Member Avatar for shack99

Hey again, I'm having another problem unfortunately. We were asked to create a tree that has binary tree properties as well as max heap property. (take A(7),C(8) and B(3) ; the tree should be so that the it should alphabetically represent a binary tree and numerically represent a heap) I …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for aligajani

How do I put the jar file in eclipse inside the workspace folder so it does not have to be re linked or re path changed when I use it in another computer. Currently, my problem is that even when I keep the JDBC MYSQL connector (jar) file in the …

Member Avatar for mbouster

I have the following problem and I dont undesratnd how to use arralists to implement. I have a customer class which I want to hold some primitive data types as name , id , address etc. To implement this using arraylists I must declare it as below? [CODE]Arraylist Customer =new …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi guys, I've been looking into reflection and was wondering if anyone had any good tutorials or a good use for it. I understand how it works but can't think of an example of when it would actually be used. A website with a task that needs reflection to solve …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for sumeetdesaeee

I am new to JSON... I have been told to use it with XStream in my project.. I searched on net... But, I did not get any satisfactory information.... So, can anyone please tell in simple language what is JSON n basically why is it used?

Member Avatar for sumeetdesaeee
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I have a problem with this code and I do not know what is causing it. [CODE]// The "ArrowKeys" class. import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class ArrowKeys2 extends Applet implements KeyListener, Runnable { int x = 50, dx, y = 50, dy, a = 0, score, total, locx, …

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Member Avatar for satish.sahoo

Hello I want to develop a program in which I query a string to any search websites like Yahoo,Bing etc.. and get search results(only the websites) to display in a list box.So is there any way to get the search results ? Thanks From Satish

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Hakoo

Hello All, I have confusion in command Class. Its constructor has 3 parameters. First 2 parameters I can understand. but [CODE]Command.Screen[/CODE] and priority parameter I could not understand. I tried to Google also, and refer different kind of ebooks, but still i cant understand. So please help me.

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Member Avatar for ranjani jai

I have a label,4 radio button.I have retrieved data from sql.I need to display the retrieved question in label and its 4 option in each of radio button.I got it working to display one question.my trouble is in button click.when next button is clicked question should change...any more ideas is …

Member Avatar for rahini
Member Avatar for juniper2009

Dear All First of all I wish you a very happy new year. I have been trying to understand the depreciation matters. As you can see in the codes below, There are 3 handleEvent methods used as pressbutton action , radio button selection action and dropdown list selection action. Now …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for ranjani jai

I am working for online examination project. my work is to generate random number without repetition. i tried and i am getting numbers to be repeated sometime.... I need to know how to check the repetition in the generated number. random r=new random(); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { int j=r.nextint(10); System.out.println(j); }

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Member Avatar for NoviceChrilill

HI, I have now for more than 24 hours tried to figure out how I return the index number of the second smallest integer in an unsorted array. Some how, I do not get the index number returned, can any one see what I´m missing? As the program runs now, …

Member Avatar for unique72
Member Avatar for java1

how do i go about making a java music player? i have very basic knowledge in java and i learn best when i jump into a project..which in this case is a music player i would like it to play mp3 files with a nice looking GUI unfortunately...i have no …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

ok i want to make a program to show a teacher at my school so i can get into computer Ap which teaches you java(but they say u have to know stuff to get in it makes no sense i am in highschool). here is some seudocode and the code …

Member Avatar for Nmanpure Pkr
Member Avatar for JavaStudentCode

Dear All, I'm taking a course online for school on how to code with Java. My current assignment is to have the computer read in a text file and make it split it into 5 different arrays. I am really bad with Psuedocode so if you answer like that it …

Member Avatar for Katana24
Member Avatar for java666

Hi, I need help with an assignment for a class I'm taking. The assignment requirements are as follows: 1.Carefully study the class structure in Products.java. Here is Products.java: [CODE]abstract class Product { protected float price; // return the price of a particular product abstract float price(); } class ComputerPart extends …

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Member Avatar for sariberri

Pleaseee help me guys. I can't figure out why the elements in my array are null. I'm reading in from a file and take each line and saving it as a variable in the object and then adding the object to the array. This is what I have so far...when …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for makeUbleed

I'am beginner in Java, and I'am having a lot of problems while typing or making the sum of numbers. The fact is that I want to calculate the sum of pressed numbers until I press -9999, meanwhile when I press -9999, I want program me to show the sum of …

Member Avatar for javinpaul
Member Avatar for hanvyj

I am trying to refer to the class a nested class is 'in'... The 'this' keyword refers to the nested class, so I need something like super.this (except not at all like that) :/ I think the code below describes what I am trying to do: [CODE]public class Nest { …

Member Avatar for hanvyj
Member Avatar for Avengerofsok

Hi, This is my first forum post and I'm very new to both the daniweb and programming community. I've been working on a project for a month or so and it involves clicking JButton to change the values of the text associated with the JButton clicked. Everything runs fine except …

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Member Avatar for Janu Sam

Hi I am new to Java. I am trying to develop a tool in which I am trying to download a file from a link. When I go to that link using my java program, IE is opened and its default File Download window is showing. But I need to …

Member Avatar for Janu Sam
Member Avatar for rohit2

How can we set a default path in our system to save a downloaded file in the "File Download" dialog box of Internet Explorer using a java program?

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for dangari

Hi guys. I have previously been developing a Java application using 2 Windows Vista PCs that both have MySQL as the database. I have always created a user for each PC (specifying their IPs as allowed hosts to connect) on the other and then in the application the code for …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for christos312

Hello to all. I have build a Java GUI application and now i want to convert and transfer it to an applet. I assume that whatever i have in [CODE]public void main[/CODE] will now go to the init() method of the JApplet. Now the problem is to embed it to …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for rohit2

Can any one help me how to make a Java Application GUI independent of screen resolution.. Now my application uses jFrame and it gets problems when resolution of screen changes.. plz help...

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Geowil

[code] //Address Book Part 1 //IT 215 //George Williams import java.util.Scanner; class menuOperations { //Initilize Arrays to store information String[] fNames = new String[5]; String[] lNames = new String[5]; String[] dAddress = new String[5]; String[] dCity = new String[5]; String[] dState = new String[5]; int[] dZip = new int[5]; int[] …

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The End.