32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi all, I Just connected to internet booting from my USB external HDD which have Mandriva 2010 installed. I need to set it up for may Regular programming. So help me to Install JDK and Eclipse. I'm right now checking Sun.com but I know there are Java people using Linux …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Fedhell

Hello all, I am currently studying for my DataStructures final examination and there is one thing that i just can never grasb. I cant seem to be able to recursivly define abstract data structures such as linked bags, lists, sets, stacks, queues, deques, ect... I can never seem to figure …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for LKH

my computer os is window vista, i create a java program using the notepad but i can't compile file and run the program output in command prompt. when i compile the file: javac welcome.java 'javac' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. it …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for jerseycoaster

I have a slew of Java updates on my old Dell laptop, that take up over 1 GB of disk space. Do I need to keep them all? Can I remove the older ones without loss of performance?

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for so-so

What is the problem here please :'( [code]import java.math.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Q5 { public static void main(String []args) { double n; String Output=""; int t=0; int supervisingyears=0; for(t=0;t<=25;t++) { n=220/(1+10 * math.pow(0.83,t)); if (n<80) supervisingyears++; output=output+"\n Number of Supervising Years"+supervisingyears+"\n"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,output); } } }[/code]

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for shack99

Hey, I’m really new to java..so I'm really not sure what some of the errors mean , when I run this program it reads data from the file and all but I can’t get it store new data in a new file, the file “exo” does get created though. Here’s …

Member Avatar for shack99
Member Avatar for kdkanishka

I want to write a Java Applet which interacts with some HTML elements in the same page. for eg : changing text in a HTML textfield I know how to do this using JavaScript using [COLOR="Green"]getElementById()[/COLOR] function. I think Java Applets also provide such method. If you are aware with …

Member Avatar for HazardTW

I do contract work for a small Wireless ISP in my rural area and am creating a desktop app to keep track of jobs and scheduling. The main part of my app visually is a calendar and in each visible day there will be lists as containers for jobs belonging …

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Member Avatar for kiranpvsr

Hello everyone, Can anyone tell me how to create the hierarchial structure of replies to a particular message using Java. In most of the Internet Forums, you will find that when you click on a message, the replies to it will be shown in a hierarchial manner based on the …

Member Avatar for kiranpvsr
Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai
Member Avatar for onsir

while i click date i want to get that date. i have used this method but i can't to get data is clicked i used JCalendar [code] public Employee() { super("", true, true, true, true); setSize(50, 50); initComponents(); jdcDateBirth.addMouseListener(new MouseListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ System.out.println("is birth " + jdcDateBirth.getDate() ); …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sree22_happy
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sambafriends

import java.io.*; package world; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } istored this java file in world folder; and i set the class path as F:> set classpath = .;f:\; because my world folder in that drive but when i am compiling it …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Iz3k34l

I am new to java and trying to figure this out, the error im getting is; week1SR4Frame.java:28: week1SR4Frame is not abstract and does not override abstract method windowDeactivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) in java.awt.event.WindowListener public class week1SR4Frame extends JFrame implements WindowListener, ActionListener I am trying to "endButton.addActionListener(this);" i have added the above code also …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for BobBrown

I am needing to make a program add and multiple from two different entries and display the total on a different line. I am needing the syntax on how to add and multiply. A web reference page would be good as well. All I have is two classes at this …

Member Avatar for BobBrown
Member Avatar for m-e-g-a-z

Hi..im creating a mastermind AI where the computer is very smart and could do with some advise on how to code this in java i.e using arrays and linked lists....i am also new to AI and could do with some advice.

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for JasonDoyle
Member Avatar for gods_angel

ok so here are the instructions for this project: Write a KochCurve program that uses DrawingTool and provides a drawKochCurve method for drawing Koch curves. Each drawKochCurve method can take the number of levels and an initial size as its parameters. Sample usage of the method to draw a 6 …

Member Avatar for persianprez
Member Avatar for aleite

[code=java] Hello! I'm learning a little bit how to programme in java and I have a work to do. I have to read a file with a lot of lines where each line has 3 numbers: 2 doubles and 1 int (4.5 3.5 7). I'm trying to do like this …

Member Avatar for gunjannigam
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I love to learn the hard way i.e with real world examples. I thought to make MP3 Player, but I changed mind and now I want to make small SQLIte driven app. How do you manipulate SQLite with Java? I'm googling to see if I will catch noobish things :-/

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Son of a gun

Is it possible to simply check a java String argument is present and return a boolean true or return false if the argument is of a Null value?

Member Avatar for Son of a gun
Member Avatar for lovesjavamuch

hi! i now implementing laptop playing guitar where my touchpad is to do strumming and keyboard keys is to change chords. when i pressed a key and moving the mouse cursor i can do the strumming, now my problem is when i released the key i still can do the …

Member Avatar for JasonDoyle
Member Avatar for anevins

I'm starting a main class but when i refer the name back to my other java class, it cannot find the constructor when it is clearly there, in the right file directory. I'll give you the code from my constructor and the code i'm using in the main class. Constructor …

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Member Avatar for JasonDoyle

Is it possible to have AVI's play in Java Applets at specific times, eg: when a button is pushed?

Member Avatar for JasonDoyle
Member Avatar for Camzie

Hi there I need help!!!! How do you read and write from an .ini file by using java sockets????

Member Avatar for Camzie
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, In my application I transfer a lot of images from server to client. The problem is the size of the image, so I tried to encode it using [URL="http://objectplanet.com/pngencoder/"]this encoder[/URL] - objectplanet png encoder. The problem is nothing seems to happen, image size is the same. [CODE] //img is …

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Member Avatar for snehapatil

Hello to all, I am creating one java applet in which i have to use many JButtons. So i used an array of J Button. Now my program is able to create buttons but it is not able to use ActionListener or ActionCommand.... I am sending a part of code …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for TheStig01

Hi all, Last night i started coding a database with java. The way i was going to do it was through netbeans with a database connection to an sql database. Then i went to school and told my teacher how i was going to do it and he told me …

Member Avatar for TheStig01
Member Avatar for izzy234

Hi, I'm having some difficultly figuring out how to put a value to my combobox items. For example I have 3 states listed in the combobox. [code=java]String[] stateStrings = {"Michigan", "Wisconsin", "Illinois"}; JComboBox jComboBox = new JComboBox (stateStrings); jComboBox.setSelectedIndex(2); jPanel3.add(jComboBox);[/code] I need to put different yearly interest rates or APR …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for helpwithjava88

hi. I need java for an online game, runescape. I go to the java site and get to the downloads page, but as soon as I click the yellow download button and decide wherer to save the file and click ok, I get a message saying my connection, compuserve, has …

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The End.