32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for pandalov101

Here it is: the user enters string and then then they enter a word from the sentnce they just entered in. then the program is supposed to take out the word they entered and then display the new sentence.. How to do this ???????? really need help PLEASE... :( this …

Member Avatar for gunjannigam
Member Avatar for tabel69

Hi out there. I have a project that I just cant seem to get to work. I just don't get programming! I have been working on this for three days, and all I am doing is going in circles. I can't seem to get the array to initialize. The assignment: …

Member Avatar for RichardCrickets

Hello, I am trying to create a collection that will store boolean relationships between a list of numbers. Normally I would create a 2d array but these numbers will always be dynamically changing. Sometimes there will be more numbers and sometimes less. What collection type can I use to store …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Kurosaki

Hi. I am kinda new to java and I really need help on this program that I have been assigned. Here is the assignment: [B] Assignment:[/B] Write a KochCurve program that uses DrawingTool and provides a drawKochCurve method for drawing Koch curves. Each drawKochCurve method can take the number of …

Member Avatar for gods_angel
Member Avatar for JuvenileMango

Hi, I'm completely new to Java, and I'm already lost with the installation. :p I'm on the custom install page and I see Source Code: Source code for classes that comprise the public API of Java. Public JRE: The standalone JRE. Any application can use this JRE. It registers Java …

Member Avatar for JuvenileMango
Member Avatar for Spnecer

Im doing a plane seat assignment. Were i use a File for: varible name = Keyboard.readVaribale(); and some part are in swedish but you smart guys might solv it e/w or otherwise i've to rewrite it :p. e/w the prolem is that i got the program working but i have …

Member Avatar for JasonDoyle

Is it possible to remove the animated gif from view once it had played once, i am using[CODE] tr = new MediaTracker(this); img = getImage(getCodeBase(),"test.gif"); tr.addImage(img,0); g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this);[/CODE] to display it but it just keeps playing over and over again. Is there a way to remove it after …

Member Avatar for JBeginer7891

Someone please help! I'm writing a program that enable a user to search for a patient Info when patient number is given. here is the search code snippet [code] public ArrayList searchPatient(String patientNum) { try { String sql = "SELECT fname, sname, location, dob, dor, race, gender, status, initials, idnum …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for rs25

Hi, I'm learning Java/Jsp. I just started a project to learn and have some Practical knowledge. But I'm stuck and confused Kindly suggest me so that I can proceed further.- The Project is a Knowledge System. It stores Lots of Questions their answers which is listed by Categories. There's 2 …

Member Avatar for rs25
Member Avatar for raff004

whats wrong with these code? the buttons don't add or remove the panel.. someone help me!??plss..:S [code=java] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class addremove extends JPanel implements ActionListener{ private JButton addbut; private JButton revbut; private JPanel panel1; private JPanel panel2; public addremove() { addbut = new …

Member Avatar for HerrLehmann
Member Avatar for NickT80

I have a project that needs to take an int "rating" and a string "title" and sort the list by rating then title. Needs major help. this is all i have so far. [CODE]public class Movie { private int rank; private String title; public Movie(int rank, String title) { this.rank …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for alkeshtech

Hi guys, I am writing a method which given an instance of a class and a type (as a string), it will return an instance of the named type constructed from the instance if possible, null otherwise. So say, class A{ A(B b) { .. } .. } class B …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for P00dle

I made a filechooser that enables the user to save a file. I used netbean's gui maker for it. I literally have just one thing stopping me from finishing my task: The save button does not actually do anything. You can click on it, but nothing happens. How do I …

Member Avatar for P00dle
Member Avatar for NickT80

I have a project where I want to combine 2 different arrays and then be able to sort them with either the int or string values. This is what I have so far. int [] myRatingList = { 5, 2, 4, 3, 1 }; String [] myTitleList = {"Top Gun" …

Member Avatar for gunjannigam
Member Avatar for NickT80

I have a project that needs to take an int "rating" and a string "title" and sort the list by rating then title. Needs major help. this is all i have so far. [CODE]public class Movie { private int rank; private String title; public Movie(int rank, String title) { this.rank …

Member Avatar for Sanit

Hey guys, I have this assignment due soon and need some help with it. I don't want the solution handed to me, but I also don't want some extremely vague answers either. I want to learn from this. Basically, what I am making is a simple applet, that has 3 …

Member Avatar for gunjannigam
Member Avatar for balloonbob

Hello, need help programming a blackjack game for my computer science class. I have used a cirularlinkedlist to create this game. I have received a null pointer exception error. I think it has to do with my circularlinkedlist class. import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class CircularLinkedList { private ListNode last; public CircularLinkedList(){ …

Member Avatar for mellowmike
Member Avatar for gabec94

So I'm practicing recursion and trying to write a 'floodfill' program. The program creates a picture array with a bounded region (one of the boundaries should be the edge of the array), prints the array, flood fills a certain cell a certain color, and then prints the array a second …

Member Avatar for kilermage

[CODE]Running Compiler -------------------------------------- server.java:52: cannot access handling.Handlers.CommandManager bad class file: .\handling\Handlers\CommandManager.java file does not contain class handling.Handlers.CommandManager Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. public static CommandManager CommandManager = null; ^ Press any key to continue . . .[/CODE] What I did was …

Member Avatar for GiRL,IT

I need solution for this : Write a program for a grocery that reads products data and determine and display the product that has the highest price and the average price. A product has three pieces of data: id (int), name (String) and price (double). Your program should continue reading …

Member Avatar for GiRL,IT
Member Avatar for didi00

Hello everyone!!! Can someone help me with this: I need someone to tell me if the code is correct about this: It should create a table, insert something into the table (in this case random numbers), select from the table, and erase the table. [code] import java.sql.*; public class dbAccess …

Member Avatar for fellafds

Dear expert, I want to compare two images. I've no idea of image processing. please help me from where to start. Do image comparison follow some standard algorithms? what are all the possible ways of image comparison? how do industrialists do? please help....

Member Avatar for idcj
Member Avatar for deecy1

Assuming a one dimensional integer array a[] has been declared and created with 100 elements: for (int i = 0; i<=a.length; i++); a[i] = 5; Assuming int b [] [] = new int [3] [3]; b[1, 1] = 5; Strings students[] = {Pat, Tom, Mary, Anne};

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for musthafa.aj

Hi! i creating java apps to edit windows registry .... it is fine in Xp but in Vista its need admin privileges.. how do get it programmatic-ally... in .net app.manifest is there..but in java anything is for admin privil..

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for VinceAshbySmith

Hi all is it possible to delete the last line of a text file each time a method is called. I have the following method: [CODE] Writer output = null; File file = new File("playerData.xml"); try { output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, true)); output.write("\t" + "<player>" + "\n"); output.write("\t" + …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sulthana

input a number and convert it into binary, octal and hexadecimal using built in methods of integer class

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for rukshilag

Please help. i do not know how to do this as i am a java beginner. i only know to use a string and output. how do i do this with a loop? this shows to the side bit it should be in the middle.... like an upside down A …

Member Avatar for gunjannigam
Member Avatar for onsir

I want to get data sales item, its with compare table item with table sale although item in table sale nothing, data will show according with data item i have SQL like this [code] select i.code,s.date_sale from Item i left join(select * from Sale where date_sale <='2009-01-31') s on i.code=s.code; …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for ravikiran032

i have written the following code and it is not executing due to the following [B]error[/B] [COLOR="Red"]dec.java:7:integer number is too large :10000000000[/COLOR] [U][B]code[/B] [/U][CODE] import java.util.*; class dec{ public static void main(String args[]){ long dig,store,use,temp,temp1,end; int count=0,count1=0,ch; use=1000000000; end=10000000000; while(use<end){ dig=use; for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ temp=dig%10; dig=dig/10; ch=(10-i)%10; store=use; for(int k=0;k<10;k++){ temp1=store%10; …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Xamas

I'm going to put the text information to "data.bin" file in binary mode. Then i'm goint to read that information from file. I did by using "FileOutputStream", then "ObjectOutputStream" class and his "writeObject();" method, but this one just puts serialized object data to file, and as I understand - that's …

Member Avatar for javaAddict

The End.