15,127 Topics
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Ok I dunno why this isn't working. The alert outside the droppable says 0 but the alert inside the droppable says undefined. Anybody have an idea as to why? I want to start keeping a running count to when a person drops an object into the match div. I dont … | |
Hi guys, if you have an anonymous function sitting within an each function and I would like to use the this parameter within the anonymous function, how would I do it? Currently it returns an error saying `"SyntaxError: missing formal parameter setTimeout(function(this){"`. I am trying to apply a delay of … | |
I have a div, absolutely positioned, originally non-visible that is shown at the position of an element icon (in elements listing) being clicked rendering its preview (top position of the preview is lined to the top of the icon clicked). When the element being clicked is positioned low on the … | |
Hello I have a combobox which has some values. When I click on it and select a item (with my mouse, for now) I want to get those values. Im not sure if its mousedown or comboboxchange or how its called. Now Im a completely noob when it comes to … | |
How to make HTML Page Full screen?? With "full screen" I mean that it should take all the space of user's screen,just like when we watch a video with the full screen model. I do not want the task bar/menu bar of the browser window display. Any suggestions?? | |
| Hello friends! I have 2 problems! I built an e-shop local and... 1) when I add a product and then publish it, it doesn't appear in it's category. Does anyone have an idea about what might goes wrong? 2) Sometimes, when I either click "Save" or "Save & Close" buttons … |
Hello, Is there's a way to detect the browser re size on the client side using the java script ? Thanks in advance for helping =) | |
Hello By the way Javascript works Im not sure if this is possible but I would like to debug Javascript much like debugging C# or/and Java; I put a breakpoint in a line and press (for example) F5 so it goes to the next line/function and pauses and keeps going … | |
Hi, I haved a form where elements in a rows can be added by clicking on "Add item". Once the item is added, use can remove that item by clickon on the "remove" link. One of the fileds in the row has integer value and I want to added the … | |
Hello Friends, I need your help again sample code `<div id="generic_photo125_addinputs"><ul><li><input type="button"/></li></ul></div>` The above code generated automatically, i like to hide the button inside the li, Now the problem is all the ids, class everything is generated dynamically,so i cant able to target the button based on the selector,Is it … | |
Hi.. I am doing an online quiz software.I have total 100 questions with 5 in each page.I want to go to a particular question number and I want to fix the focus on that question(Not on the top of the page).Each question is inside a label.I am calling a function … | |
Hello all, I have a frameset which contains two frames called 'menu' (to place my menu) and 'content' to place my main page. when you click a link in the 'menu' frame, the url opens in the 'content' frame. In the 'content' frame I have an iframe name 'bodyText'. I … | |
Hello I wish to convert the following jQuery each to fors....This way I can see it a lot clearer.... var draws = this.canvasListener.getDrawManager().getAll(); $j.each(draws, function(index, draw) { var points = draw.getPointManager().getAll(); $j.each(points, function(index, point) { }.bind(this)); } Yes, I know "each" is faster and better optimize but I dont care. … | |
Hi I have modified the dropbox script with the following <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ var dropbox = $('#dropbox'), message = $('.message', dropbox); dropbox.filedrop({ // The name of the $_FILES entry: paramname:'userfile', maxfiles: 10, maxfilesize: 50, url: '<?php echo base_url();?>ajax/post_file.php', uploadFinished:function(i,file,response){ $.data(file).addClass('done'); // response is the JSON object that post_file.php returns }, … | |
Hello guys, I'm building a website for tablets and i want o add the ability for the user to swipe down to another div. I've found some jquery plugins for this but only for left/right, and from some blogs that jquery doesn't support this ? Is that true and how … | |
Ive created a dropdown box dynamically getting datea from a database but when I try to get (or set) the first value, it always says undefined. Ive tried something like: $j("#mydiv").val(1); var somevariable = $j("#mydiv").val(); console.log ("print it out " + somevariable); And it says print it out undefined If … | |
Reorder 5 divs dynamically...Right now i am able to swap between two divs using jquery....I want to reorder divs as per wish...For instance if there are 5 divs as div1,div2,div3,div4,div5 etc i must be able to reposition as any order (div4,div3,div2,div5,div1 etc or div3,div2,div5,div4,div1 etc).....I tried many javascript mentioned but … | |
hi i wnat to send 11 ans using jquery ajax request below is my function tell me how i can send 11 parameter and want to get these 11 values in php i send the request with one parameter and function work successfully tell me how i can send 11 … | |
Hello Im wondering if Thickbox is movable. If not, is there a alternative that I can quick change to (meaning almost no transtition) so I make a modal window movable....Must support iframes. | |
Aside from multiple-page access, when is it a better idea to use external js files than to embed scripts in a webpage? | |
My problem is that when I try to convert a unit, the result does not is displayed in the textbox this is my code <script type="text/javascript"> function convertVals() { // retrieve values and types of and for conversion var sel1_val1 = parseFloat(document.sel1.conv[sel1.conv.selectedIndex].value) var sel1_val2 = document.sel1.conv[sel1.conv.selectedIndex].value2.toLowerCase() var sel2_val1 = parseFloat(document.sel2.conv[sel2.conv.selectedIndex].value) … | |
i have a popup hover menu showing diner menus on our business website... couple issues. one, on iphone/ipads it is not showing up by curser, as it does with IE, or firefox... i noticed on chrome, it works, but i did an X and Y offset, that IE and Firefox … | |
<html> <head> <title>Grade Calculation</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function Add() { var a=parseInt(document.getElementById("fptxt").value); var b=parseInt(document.getElementById("sptxt").value); var c=parseInt(document.getElementById("fgtxt").value); var d=a+b+c; document.getElementById("sgtxt").value=d/3; } //grade equivalent if(sgtxt >= 95&& sgtxt < 100) { document.write("etxt").value=excellent; } else if(sgtxt >= 90&& sgtxt < 95) { document.write("etxt").value=VeryGood; } else if(sgtxt >= 85&& sgtxt < 89) { document.write("etxt").value=Good; } … | |
I am attaching the saved html of a usage report. Basically, it gives you daily usage by date. I needed a better data like the accumulated usage for the month to date of subscription, AND the percentage of quota use ..etc.. I wrote jquery to do that. My first attempt … | |
Hi. I have a select box with the id=1. I need a solution for: when changing the select box with the id=1 to appear another select box with the id=2 and when changing the select box with the id=2 to appear another with the id=3, and so on. I have … | |
Hi I have a problem with retrieving first populated, than selected by user quantity from the select dropdown menu. I have several the same numeric type of menus. They contain values 0-20. Event onchange causes the selected number to be displayed in an html div. It works fine. However, if … | |
Hello, I was following series of tutorials http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/build-a-contacts-manager-using-backbone-js-part-5/ 5 part is not finished yet. BUt I 4 parts are done. In 5th part there is written about .net, but I want to use php. The problem is - application worked fine when I was not using php - only html … | |
Hi, I'm coding a game, i have a form to create player. I use html5 storage to create this. But the problem is if you go to tools>local storage, the password is visible. I want to implement some sort of security to hide this password in javascript. Can someone tell … | |
I am using jquery.filedrop.js to create a HTML5 drop box for users. Currently I have it working about 2/3s the way I want it to. The company does yearly conferences, and I have a file path 'file/path/to/conferencefiles' where I save media (docs, images, vids, etc) based on the YEAR of … | |
Man that was a mouthful! Basically I have a page which when I click on a button, a jQuery (iframe) window comes up. Here there is a combobox that should be filled with values I read from a database. Ive been reading two pages: http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/107 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8019489/simple-ajax-jquery-script-how-can-i-get-information-for-each-of-the-rows-in-the But Im having problems … |
The End.