15,127 Topics
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Hello, I'm not sure exactly how to do this, but I was wondering if someone could help me out. I have variable $z, and it sets the number of poll options (fields) available ($z was originally a database item set by the administrator). Instead of having $z set by the … | |
Hi, I have a small problem and have been trying to figure out a solution for this without any success days. I did search the forum but didn't find any solution. This is my situation. I am generating a chart (using an opens source chart called amCharts) that allows me … | |
I'm not understanding this. I have a .cfm file which is processing a form submission and doing a number of tests on the form. If certain conditions are met, I need to alert the user and get confirmation. At that point in my code, I've put a standard confirm script: … | |
Hi, I am pretty new to web development so bare with me. I have a simple problem that I have been trying to solve it for a while now. I have 2 select boxes in a form that when the first select is changed the 2nd select will populate from … | |
Hi, I'm trying to write a form that has required fields. When the form is filled out with the required fields missing, I'm trying to have a pop-up that tells them what is missing and then cancels the submission of the form. At the moment I have the function below … | |
I have a problem in posting form elements through ajax, what am i doing wrong? Can anyone help me please :( [CODE]<?php error_reporting(5); $uid = "username"; $tid = 500; $photoTiding = "true"; $picName = "picname"; $pid = "pid"; include('sample_db.php'); //displaying users pic and textarea to comment. $user = "SELECT pic … | |
Ok I'm javascript newbie and I have to make script for displaying random images after click on dice picture. The problem is that the script shows only only 1 picture after the clcik and it won't continue with the next random images. [CODE]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function randomize(){ var delay … | |
I created a function wherein if a textField has no value/input, it will prompt an alert. However, the function is not working. Things I consider that makes it not work: 1) the "inp" variable 2) declaration at <form> tag 3) looping the all the textfields What do you think? Please … | |
Hi all, Not that great with javascript and need some help so thanks to whoever helps me out. Well I have run into a problem and cannot figure it out at all. I have a lightwindow inside a <p> tag inside a jquery slideout which is being called with both … | |
Could anyone tell me what would be the code for this effect please. I want the code for a button effect The button is for a graphic button, on clicking it it changes its graphic to an ('on' image), plays a sound effect, then changes graphic to the first image('off' … | |
[URL="http://docs.sun.com/source/816-6408-10/"]http://docs.sun.com/source/816-6408-10/[/URL] [B]This book is a reference manual for the JavaScript language, including both core and client-side JavaScript for version 1.3. JavaScript is Netscape's cross-platform, object-based scripting language for client and server applications.[/B] [B]Grabbed using Internet Download Manager Grabber for offline usage :[/B] [URL="http://www.fileserve.com/file/J8GQUgu"]http://www.fileserve.com/file/J8GQUgu[/URL] [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/?hagu8fzjf20mrww"]http://www.mediafire.com/?hagu8fzjf20mrww[/URL] | |
I have a radion box that has the values private public and friends but i cant't seem to get it to reset to the default value using javascript?? [code] document.getElementById('emailsetting').checked='private'; [/code] | |
Hi, I would like to have the same running clocks as on page: [url]http://marketindex.rbs.com/uk/Home.aspx[/url] I downloaded swf file: <URL SNIPPED> but can someone write how to create a code to display that object working on webpage? Thank you! | |
Hello, I have gridview which has checkboxes for Approve and Disapprove in each row. I have applied JQuery on the gridview on it for paging. Now i want to access the Datakey value for the checked and unchecked boxes in the gridview and accordingly save it to the database. I … | |
Hi everyone. I've run into another problem :( I have 3 JS files I want to include in my page. The first one is defined statically in the html file. The other two are loaded into the DOM using the following function: [CODE] function loadJsFile(pathToFile){ var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var … | |
Hi I am creating a drop down menu and i want to be able to select the elements that will be in the drop down list (the nested parts of my html <ul> list). I want to do this so that when the user hovers over the visible part of … | |
Below you will find my three codes. I am trying to make an order form that submits an order and writes the text in the black box. But the black box needs to be within the last red box, not sure why its not going in there. Also my alert … | |
Is there a way to create a div or some container in which there will be an image such that the image fills the container but retains its aspect ratio? So if the container is 100px x 100px and an image is 200px x 100px it will be resized to … | |
for example if I have two arrys arr1[10,20,30] arr2[40,50,60] can I get help on how to merge them to get arr1[10,20,30,40,50,60] | |
Hi there. I'm trying to figure out how to make this JS work with nested divs. Right now it looks for TagName 'div'. I have multiple nested divs and that seems to mess things up pretty good. I'm not sure how to add more detail to this code, like look … | |
hey guys, i was wondering if it is possible to edit the contents in a iframe to match your sites needs, like for example css/html. Is there any way this can be done in javascript or regular html? | |
hi this is my code. I want to validate new password with repeat password befor user press submit. [CODE]<p align="center">To reset your password, provide your current password</p> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="pcq.php"> <table border="0" align="center" class="mytable2" style="margin-left:175px" > <tr> <td>Current Password</td> <td> <input type="password" name="oldpass" style="width:150px;" /> </td> </tr> <tr> … | |
i have written an html document webpage in a form of (calculator)and have connected it with java so i want to create an event so that when i press the button(1) it will appear on the screen.i have already created an event for the "clear"in way that when i press … | |
Hi, When i'm click on the web page, the page turn off to balck color. is it possible? Help me.......... | |
what is the code for such kind of slider ads which this website have from bottom <snipped> i checked he have some .js format but not able to get the source code of that ad. Can someone help me to get the code. | |
Hey, I got a little problem with the jQuery AJAX thing, the function(data) part doesn't seem to get called I don't have idea why I've been trying to solve this, but with not luck.. Here is my checklogin function [code] function checkLogin() { var username = $('#name').attr('value'); var password = … | |
Let's say, user input on prompt is 1 so JavaScript will create one textfield. We'll test Assess() if its working. Type "1" on textField and click "Assess" button. No alert message appears. Please help. Thanks in advance. [CODE]<html> <head> <title>JavaScript</title> <style type="text/css"> font{ color:#663300; font-variant:small-caps; font-family:calibri; font-size:15; } </style> <script … | |
How can I get the real image dimension with javascript? I tried [CODE] function getImageSizeReal(imgLink){ var img = new Image() img.src = imgLink; return [img.width, img.height]; } [/CODE] However this only seems to be working sometimes in Opera . No luck in firefox or chrome (dunno about IE) Anyways to … | |
Hi, Hope every one will be fine, i am facing problem with JQuery Scrollable menu, i am trying to placing 2 scrollable panels on a single asp.net page. When there is one panel every thing works fine but when i copy and paste the code so my web page contains … | |
Hello Forums, I am using zRSS reader on my site: [url]http://www.zazar.net/developers/zrssfeed/[/url] Simple enough to use but was wondering how i can shorten the blog description for each entry? and even the title?? any ideas perhaps someone here can help me figure this out! Thanks, Jaime |
The End.