15,127 Topics
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Hi. I have to do a MVC project and I don't know exactly how to do it. on the clientside I will have an input form the data (at least two codes and up to 8) will be sent to the server (best way?) then the server will access a … | |
How would one write a pseudo:after css element as a HTML tag place it specifically in the mark-up then create a css rule all at the start of the loading of the DOM ? | |
Hello, Recently I wa trying to develop an audio player of sound cloud as I got inspiration from here http://en.israelstory.org/episode/whats-love-got/ you can click file 1 by 1 and notice on the player hw is it playing I also tried to do the same but it's not orking when I clicked … | |
Hello, I would like to create FAQ with a dropdown text if I click the > and it should open a new text sentence right underneath it. Could anyone teach me or advice me where to find a jquery like that? + Far far away, behind the word mountains, far … | |
<script> $(function() { $( "#city_name" ).autocomplete({ source: 'search.php' }); }); </script> any body help pass parameters to search.php | |
I am persevering with Javascript slowly, and attempting to modify a code I saw that I thought would work for me - click to change/enlarge image and attach appropriate caption. I have: function showPreview(path){ var theImageElement=document.getElementById("img"); var theCaptionElement=document.getElementById("legend"); theImageElement.src = path; /*if(path == "../WSRUxhtml/photo/LImg/Barfleur.jpg"){ theCaptionElement.innerHTML="Barfleur arriving at Portsmouth"; } else … | |
Does anyone have a pure JavaScript sample of an http GET that works in the Microsft Edge browser? | |
Hello I have created a website recently and my client is saying that your website is not secured I have easily created new tables and even a kid can get in to your database and modify your database. is this because I have used this <a id="svgtriangle_f9" xlink:href="mainpage.php?apart=1&floor=9" class="portfolio-link" onmousemove="ShowTooltip(evt, … | |
I have two dates var date1="2015-09-18 06:08:50"; var date2="2015-09-18 06:08:51"; I am suffering to get greater one date2. any body help me. | |
Doesn't exist. But I would love that it did. 2 days ago, I made search for it, I found this one pearl of a function, you just called it and it would perform just that. Today, I can't find it for heavens. I have been through about 5 fiddle's, about … | |
How can i create a custom protocol with ws scheame ? ex: ws://localhost/echo or ws://localhost:8080/echo with node js ? | |
HI, I've just run into something peculiar. Let me explain the functionality of the site I'm working on first http://antonioborrillo.co.uk/agency_test/home.html . Every time the site gets resized - if you resize the browser window or if you change orientation on the device you 're using - I recalculate the height … | |
Hello, I have a database with MAMP and I have created a music table which contains musicId and musicUrl columns. Now in my websiteI created an HTML player that gets its sources from "src" syntax. The player is fixed at the bottom just like soundcloud player. I want to display … | |
Hello everyone, I would like to ask you guys that suppose i have an app that i devloped in nodejs and listening on port (3000) , in client side i have added (var io = io.connect();)and domain name is www.domainname.com That node app I developed, I test im my local … | |
Hi,i have a table like this : <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates and open the template in the editor. --> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <style> table{border-collapse: collapse;} tr th, tr td{border: … | |
**First Page** <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Insert title here</title> </head> <body> <h1> Register </h1> <form method="post" action="welcome.jsp"> <table> <tr><td>Email</td><td><input type="text" name="email"></td></tr> <tr><td>Full name</td><td><input type="text" name="name"></td></tr> <tr><td>Password</td><td><input type="password" name="password"></td></tr> <tr><td rowspan="2">Gender</td><td><input type="radio" name="gender">Male</td></tr><tr><td><input type="radio" name="gender">Female</td></tr> … | |
Hello i have implemented a Facebook invite friends script to my website so that my users may invite their facebook friends to the website. The scripts show only one of the friends and there is no option (link or what ever) for the user to invite even the one friend … | |
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Hi all, I wonder if you can help me at all, as I run into an annoying problem. I created an automated crossfade but when I click on the controller I want it to change into a manual one, but unfortunately the manual one doesn't work as expected. You can … | |
| I need some guidance in this I have registration form in which there will be button clicking on which open a new form without refreshing a page and again clicking on same button hides form it's user will to fill that form.Here is snapshot what i actually want.I want to … |
Hi, I have just started learning nodejs. And i am using socket.io modules. I have write code where one user can send message to another specific user.. but my code is not working, idk why ? Here is my client side script --> var mysql = require("mysql"); var fs = … | |
I need your help I am using Onchange in a form to submit a dropdown data to the database, but something boring when i select the data the page get refreshed, so if i was down the page then after selecting the page takes me up again before i finish … | |
In the page below if the screen is to small or is resized it causes the data in the table cells to be out of sight. I would either like there to be a scroll bar at the bottom of the page or I'd like for the data in the … | |
forexample I can go to [Click Here](http://www.msn.com/) and open developer tools and write this code `document.querySelector('.news a').click()` and it will open news. Now I want a program to do this automatically for me. write a javascript code that do this for me actully this was just a simple example I … | |
for example I have this html code: <select id="mySelect"> <option value="0">apple</option> <option value="1">orange</option> <option value="2">banana</option> <option value="3">tomato</option> </select> 1-how can I select ` <option value="2">banana</option> ` (by passing the value attribute to selector function)then click on it with javascript with out using jquery 2-Is there any way to select this … | |
Hey Everybody, I hope everyone is keeping well. I am trying to develop a search box on a website in JQuery/Ajax but I am running ino some issues. The problem I have is I have some very strict parameters that I can work to: I can not use PHP. I … | |
Hi good evening, In a page I show a list of students with checkboxes dynamically and one message box. When the user submit if no checkboxes (atleast one check box) selected, I want to show one alert meassage like "Please select atleast one student"; I did in javascript like this … | |
Hi! Is there anyway of creating a tool tip which will display an unlimited amount of text and stay displayed whilst the user hovers over an object? The alt text function doesn't seem to work in Firefox and disappears after a certain amount of time. And the title function doesn't … | |
On several web pages I have made under different host the images usually don't show up. The paths are correct. Is it a problem with the server? |
The End.