3,842 Topics

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Member Avatar for nkk

Hey guys, I'd posted earlier about creating a database for a vaccination clinic is a slum. All the responses were really helpful (thank you!) but I'm encountering some further problems. In a table named "Table Children" I have a "Date of Birth field" and and an "Age at the time …

Member Avatar for nkk
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

We seem to have reached one of those pivotal moments that come along every so often where the big three--Google, Microsoft and Apple-are fighting particularly hard to gain a dominant position. Of course, this is a constant battle, but for some reason it feels more acute to me lately. Maybe …

Member Avatar for happygeek

So just how many great ideas did you have last year? IBM managed to come up with 4895 during the course of 2009 that were good enough to be granted patents from the US Patent and Trademarks Office, cementing the Big Blue reputation as being King of the Patents. That …

Member Avatar for thizzle
Member Avatar for itzshaheer

I made a query for inserting a value from text box to MS ACCESS db [CODE] sql = "INSERT INTO Equipment (port_number,display_name,equipment,tonnage,user_privilage) VALUES (" & CLng(txtPort.Text) & ", '" & CStr(txtDisplay.Text) & "', '" & CStr(txtCA.Text) & "', " & CLng(txtTonnage.Text) & ", '" & CStr(cmbUser.Text) & "')"[/CODE] Actually I …

Member Avatar for vbdotnetlover
Member Avatar for mcwoof

I've heard that OS 10.6 is fairly safe for the moment from mac specific bugs, but I want to make sure I'm not carrying around windows bugs as I'll be using this in a mixed environment. So which programme is best at protecting macs from windows viruses ? Cheers!

Member Avatar for Inverse
Member Avatar for architact

Hello, I am developing a site and right now I am facing a problem when I try to upload the code on the server, everything is fine and working there except the flash files, the ".swf" files are showing on the page when access them through the website but they …

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990
Member Avatar for bluewire2000

Hi, i use simple login with a login page where user place u/n and p/w. The data are compared to store data from access db. If matches, open a secure page. So far so goob. In secure page i wanr to show a gridview with user's data, so he can …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

According to[URL="http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/jan2010/tc20100119_759795.htm"] various reports[/URL], Apple has approached Microsoft about making Bing the default search engine on the iPhone. I'm sure it's all enough to make Steve Ballmer come out from behind his desk and do a happy dance. His little search engine that could is being portrayed as the anti-Google, …

Member Avatar for DavidAKnopf
Member Avatar for makymakaru

can anybody explain what the difference between the 2 codes below? i'm using visual basic 6 and i'm connecting access dbase. and one other thing, i'm trying to connect access 2007 with my vb6 but i can't remember the code, i know the code below works with access 2003 and …

Member Avatar for codefixer
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In a [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/print/magazine/content/10_04/b4164028483414.htm"]very interesting read[/URL] in BusinessWeek last week, writer Peter Burrows describes what he sees as the start of war between Apple and Google with the big prize being the Mobile Ad market. Burrows further speculates that it's possible this could escalate to the point where Apple will make …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for Psychoticus

Hi guys, Just wondering if there is a way to detect the windows version, form say 95 to win7, in vb.net? pardon my ignorance but im not a big coder and norm only do python. Thanks in advance. Cheers, James

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for xthuman

Hi I am a new user in access and created a database to use in accounting practice. I want to create a query control that will show the opening balance, plus fees less closing balance = 0 as all data are imported from another system. The problem is that the …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for coldfire101

Hi, I need to write a program to send data from a particular excel sheet in a workbook to a notepad. Say,I've an xl sheet with the following columns: "Name,Age,Salary" with values "john,24,1000" respectievely,Now I need a C# program to read the xl sheet and write the values onto the …

Member Avatar for pauldani
Member Avatar for Grand666

hi all, i hope this is in the right place. im a newbie and want to gain much experience with linux as server and maybe say 2 or 3 clients, all different OS's. at my work we have lots of pc's laying around and I have the okay from my …

Member Avatar for Firewolf
Member Avatar for dor.marchan

Hello All, I am in a roadblock right now and I really need some help on the code below. What I wanted to do is close all opened workbooks. This code does the work IF there is at least one or more opened workbooks. My problem is IF there is …

Member Avatar for dor.marchan
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi I have an application installed. I need to have a functionality that prevents user from uninstalling the application if application is currently running. I uninstall appliation from Add/Remove programs. I have functionality in my system that allows it to be minimized to the task bar and to system tray. …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for goldriverdancer

Dear all, I've thus far created a simple Access database to keep track of all the pumps my (mining) company uses. What I want to do, is create a form which will automatically archive previous data if new data is written into it. For example, I have a pump that …

Member Avatar for goldriverdancer
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Office 2010 awaits us later this year, and I've been wondering what it could possibly offer customers that would compel us to buy or upgrade to this software. Office software in general progressed about as far as most of us needed it to go somewhere in the 90s. Since then …

Member Avatar for bogdan5844
Member Avatar for skyyforever

Hello, I'm developing an application which has, among the others, a windows form with data grid and combo box. User has to select a value from combo box and I use the selected value to read data from database and fill the data grid. Everything works fine, but sometimes there …

Member Avatar for skyyforever
Member Avatar for sat4star
Member Avatar for SimonLeefe

I have an Excel workbook containing named variables across several worksheets. In one of these worksheets I have a "run solver" button, which kicks off a VBA routine. The first thing this routine does is allocate values of variables picked up from the workbook to local variables inside the VBA …

Member Avatar for SimonLeefe
Member Avatar for skwatamkar

how can i insert an image to ms-access database using java swing form and vice versa.

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for sayedamin

Dear All, I have a small database which has two tables, table A = Stock and table B = Sold, these both has same fields including quantity, I have all my items in stock table, but what I want to do is when I sold something and entered in sold …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for yssirhc

I'm trying to paste some text into a memo field and am getting the message "The text is too long to be edited". The text is 64K, which I believe is the max. I even did a character count on it that came to 64,360 and the limit I learned …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for khess

I have a feeling that the desktop operating system as we know it is on its last leg. The reason I make such a bold statement is that cloud computing will replace our fat, bloated, virus-riddled, failure-prone desktop with something far more agile and elegant: A lightweight browser-based system. This …

Member Avatar for lrh9
Member Avatar for capiono

I was wondering if it was possible to this: example [CODE] if exists(Select * From table) select item from table set returnValue = 1 Else set returnValue = 0 [/CODE] Or if there any other way of doing this this

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for wish4129

Hi guys, i would like to ask that is there anyway to embedded an excel file into a vb.net project? i know the way to read an excel file from vb.net, but i would wanna know is there anyway i can include the excel file inside the vb.net program. This …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for EddieC

While most eyes this week were trained on Las Vegas and the Consumer Electronics Show, Microsoft was gearing up to speak with retailers at the [url=http://www.nrf.com/]National Retail Federation[/url]'s annual [url=http://events.nrf.com/annual2010/Public/MainHall.aspx?ID=5938&sortMenu=101000&exp=3%2f13%2f2009+10%3a07%3a54+AM]Conference and Expo[/url] in New York City running tomorrow through Tuesday. The company [url=http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/press/2010/jan10/01-08nrf10ma.mspx]announced yesterday[/url] that it will be demonstrating new …

Member Avatar for khess

While companies worldwide look for ways to reduce costs, shed dead weight from their labor resources and streamline their businesses, it makes me wonder if Linux will survive the global economic meltdown. Oh, I know it will survive in terms of us geeks who use it and tout its goodness. …

Member Avatar for samuel_1991
Member Avatar for stranoblaze

i keep getting these pop up notifications with the red badge and white X on the bottom right of my computer. it won't allow me to open up any websites in Explorer. it also won't allow me to run any of my anti-virus and ad-aware software as if it's blocking …

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The End.