3,842 Topics

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Member Avatar for vipra

Hi all I'm in a situation where i have 6-8 PC's presently used for sending & receiving emails & internet works, for this we me and my colleges are using individual dial up data card, now we want to switch to a Broad band Leased line ( ILP or Dedicated …

Member Avatar for mabbasj
Member Avatar for airpricing

I am using MS ACCESS, and have 4 tables to update, from 2 different tables/spreadsheet Where table tb1- Client Index, Name, address and zip. tb2- user index, Sales rep, client index tb3- user index, Managers tb4- client index, Sales Target Master 1 has Name, address, Sales target and sales rep …

Member Avatar for chuckc
Member Avatar for chuckc

In defining MS Access tables where a 1 to many relation exists what is the best way to define a table containing the “many” records. For example, a database with orders and line-items might have the “line item” table with an order-number and a line-number which would define a unique …

Member Avatar for chuckc
Member Avatar for gcattley

I want to process data entered into an Access 2007 form and then append the data to a table within the database. I started with a simple form with a button running a macro which ran an APPEND query, and this was fine until we needed to add some conditional …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for musicalbento

I've been employed to fix a friend's PC troubles and apparently his monitor automatically goes into "sleep" mode whenever the CPU is turned on. Once it passes the initial loading stage (Where the "DELL" screen shows up and the loading bar fills) it goes into sleep mode. I've tried removing …

Member Avatar for musicalbento
Member Avatar for pmav99

Hi everyone. I have a problem with a GUI application i have written with wxPython when i run it under windows. The strange thing is that the code runs exactly as expected in Linux... What the code does: It calculates the area of bars of reinforcement and it checks if …

Member Avatar for Blake98

Hi i need some help. i am trying to run a process that will move records from one table to the other and i am getting this error msg " Description: Catastrophic failure - Number: -2147418113" in the detailed error log but on the interface m getting something like Error …

Member Avatar for vegaseat

This program uses the Python win32 extension module to get information on disk or flash drives for Windows machines. Specify the drive with its letter. If no drive letter is specified, the current drive is applied.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for urania

I have a small project in c# and ms-access I use query builder to manage my tables in ms-access. the problem is, select qeury works great, update query works great, delete doesn't work , and there is no error msg!!!!!!1 please help!! [CODE] OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(); string queryString …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for Seten

Hello, Lately because of a hotfix an application running on IIS server showed fatal errors and was disabled by IIS. I would like to do the diagnose of the problem. Do you know a site where can I get some useful how-to start or hints about the Microsoft IIS Diagnostics …

Member Avatar for asmikwen

Hello, Being on Access, I would like to transfer some data onto Mysql. But I cannot. Is there an easy way to transfer data onto Mysql? I am thinking that it should not be that hard to do. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for adi.shoukat
Member Avatar for decay

I have a customer form, connected to an orderform with an order details subform. I want to select a customer record in my customer form and click a button (that I have setup) and it opens that customer record (using customer ID) in my order form. I created a button …

Member Avatar for Badjelly
Member Avatar for Cosa

Hi, I recently imported about 18,000 records from filemaker into access. I initially exported the data as a csv file, i then opened it with excel and saved it as an xls spread sheet. Once i cleaned all the data i proceeded to import it into access, however i now …

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

If the new [URL="http://www.flickr.com/photos/searchengineland/4117327765/"]Google interface design[/URL] is any indication, it appears that Google might actually be feeling a little heat, or at least some influence, from Bing. [URL="http://searchengineland.com/staff"]Danny Sullivan[/URL], who has been covering search for years, had a [URL="http://searchengineland.com/google-streamlines-search-options-30143"]post in his Search Engine Land blog [/URL]last week about the new …

Member Avatar for vijendrasnv
Member Avatar for tincho87

Hi everyone, sorry about my english. Im having a problem and i don't know how to fix it. I have a plugin-based application that i'm developing. Every plugin has a reference to a dll that has different static classes with functions. When i run the application with all the dlls …

Member Avatar for tincho87
Member Avatar for Amos76

I am trying to capture the COUNT of employees who are off by running a query from a table that has employee name and START DATE and END DATE of their vacation days throughout the years. I need to pull all employees who are GONE over a period of DATES …

Member Avatar for cVz

I get the following message when executing a stored procedure. [COLOR="Red"]The query has exceeded the maximum number of result sets that can be displayed in the results grid. Only the first 100 result sets are displayed in the grid.[/COLOR] However , i cannot change the fact that the SP uses …

Member Avatar for Warragul

The select case construct is moving to the Case Else line every time the programme loops, even though there are "Longvue" & "Roseleigh" entries in the worksheet.[code]Option Explicit Option Compare Text Sub Complete() Dim HOComplete As Range Dim Client As String Dim JobNumber As Range Dim workrange1 As Range Dim …

Member Avatar for Stevoni
Member Avatar for khess

Welcome to the 10th installment of the Crystal Ball Sunday series. This is an exciting time to be involved with Linux because the temperature is right for some Linux vendor consolidation. In my August 22nd post, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3012.html"]Microsoft and Novell: Buying In or Selling Out[/URL], I subtly predicted that [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] would …

Member Avatar for blink22
Member Avatar for blackviper04

OK I have an assignment on my Access course, I find this site really good and require some help if possible. Basically I have a login screen which checks the Access Database I am using the code I have is this: [code] Username = txtUsername.Text Password = txtPassword.Text 'Following code …

Member Avatar for Smith5646
Member Avatar for NorthDakota

Hi all :) I'd like to make a little vb.net program that executes searches on a msaccess database. I use a textbox to get the value to search and than i'd like to search all the values that has the textbox value in the middle. So, the queries should look …

Member Avatar for NorthDakota
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

My thanks to @girlygeekdom on Twitter for highlighting what must be the most surreal Internet marketing plan ever - [URL="http://www.sugababeslovewindows7.com/index.html"]British girl band the Sugababes are being used to promote Windows 7[/URL]. There is a website called 'sugababeslovewindows7' to announce it. I'm as flummoxed as anyone by this. Let's take to …

Member Avatar for webagentspro
Member Avatar for dh111

Is this the right place to ask the following? I have 2 tables in two different MS Access DB's. Access allows the ability of inserting data from DBA.table1 into DBB.table1, using the format [dba].[table1].[dbb].[table1]. Here's my problem. Using a single SQL Statement I can't figure out the following. DBA.table1 has …

Member Avatar for huangzhi
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

When I installed windows 7 I opted to do a fresh clean install, but the key I purchased was an upgrade key and required that I performed an upgrade. The disk itself was bootable so I performed a clean install and modified some registry keys and ran a vb script …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok I have been looking for this for a while it is the ultimate list of repositories for the Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake distro. It will give you so many program choices you wont know what to do. simply goto your terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (I chose gedit …

Member Avatar for ingalex
Member Avatar for juice_0032

I am attempting to use VB2008 Express to Display, Edit, and Append an Access database. I can display information fine, but for some reason updating the database is posing an issue. The code below runs fine and doesn't throw any exceptions. However the Access database itself does not update. When …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for EddieC

With its release on Monday of the [url=http://www.microsoft.com/hpc/en/us/default.aspx]first public beta of Windows HPC Server 2008 RC2[/url], Microsoft also was touting features introduced in the [url=http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/dd582936.aspx]second beta of Visual Studio 2010[/url]. Expected in March, Redmond's next IDE will simplify development of new applications and modification of existing ones to take advantage …

Member Avatar for noey699

I am learning how to program through the windows.h library and was following a tutorial. After I copied the code to just create a window I got a lot of errors here is the code [code=c] #include <windows.h> #define WNDCLASSNAME "wndclass" //the needed global variables using namespace std; HWND handleWin; …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for Avenger0A

Hey guys, im new here and i was wondering if some people could help me out? ive recently been employed in an IT company, and although i am quite familiar with c++, i have been asked to work on making a custom Ribbon in Excel (creating a new tab for …


The End.