4,228 Topics

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Member Avatar for abu taher

yesterday I press the power button 6/7 times. then the pc start. it occurred many time. but now this time it not start. I check all connection and all parts. all things are ok. So what I need to do now?

Member Avatar for sheikhali449
Member Avatar for joshywins

[[COLOR="Red"]B]I am thinking of making my own computer. I have a budget of around £350, what parts should i buy? I have never made a computer before and i'm planning on using it for music, writing documents ect[/B][/COLOR]

Member Avatar for sheikhali449
Member Avatar for Desmondtutu

I cannot boot from my CD ROM, i have changed the CD ROM SEVERAL TIMES BUT IT WILL NOT BOOT FOM IT. i have also changed the bootable cd severla times but to nom aveil. please help

Member Avatar for sheikhali449
Member Avatar for malrofo

Being on a core i5 sandybridge mobile processor, I have the option to have dual core, hyperthreading, or both enabled. Which should be disabled to lengthen the battery life and still have decent performance?

Member Avatar for sheikhali449
Member Avatar for tubby123

Hey guys, Is android an OS or firmware ? I understand that the firmware is programmed onto the hardware, and runs the OS. BIOS is Firmware, and Windows is OS. So, what's the firmware for Android OS ? What runs the Android code ?

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for sahanxiii

I have a DELL INSPIRON and I have trouble starting up my laptop. The power button does not work properly. This had happened for a few months and I just started it up by pressing it hard and for a long time. And now my battery is damaged and I …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for babaji1234

I have a customized computer intel core i3 Ati Radeon 5673 Intel dh67vr 1 TB hardrive I updated my bios it completed sucessfully but when it reboooted my monitor keeps on saying no input then goes to sleep. Please help!

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for wilko1995

hi there, I recently bought a new graphics card for my computer but the problem im having is that i cant use the screen with the new gfx untill its installed but i dont know how to install it without a screen... :/ please help

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for scuzzle

I have a motherboard K7AMA2 with Socker 462, my problem is, when i plugged the cable to the power supply, my computer start automatically, the cpu fan also running but nothing can view in screen, there's also no beeps. I tried to pulled out all IDE cables power, and jumper …

Member Avatar for firdousahmad
Member Avatar for Cronicle8

Good morning, I'm coding a game which ovject is to capture the feed of a webcam, then apply some filters to detect movement, so far i've managed to get the webcam to work but when i apply the filters it says "Bitmap locked" i've managed to solve that error, right …

Member Avatar for Cronicle8
Member Avatar for jonathon2412

I have a Dell Dimensions 2400 which I can't get to power up. There was a lightning hit relatively near where I live and a small crack came from my computer when it did. Does this mean that it is knacked? Also would this wipe the 2 hard drives I …

Member Avatar for bnuppp
Member Avatar for comp4323

Once, i loaded the the default settings in my bios menu and after that my pc went off and when i tried to turn it on, it just showed the light and went off.. its happenning repeatedly... what do i do ? can any1 tell me what could be the …

Member Avatar for bnuppp
Member Avatar for grh1107

currently I'm rewriting old euler solutions into classes so i can store them in a library. I wrote a program that digitizes a number so it can check to see if it a pallindrome, The base class digitize dynamically allocates memory for the size of a number and stores each …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for rewind24

It's my first post on this forum so pleasre bare with me. Yesterday i tried fitting a new RAM card on my motherboard, and it took me a while to see that it wouldn't fit (though it was a DDR2 and should have). I thought it was in , but …

Member Avatar for gajendra_rajput
Member Avatar for flidshaflihliah

Just bought computer at store and it was working.Then I turned it off and put more memory in it.When I tried to turn the computer on it worked,but it wouldn't display on the monitor.How do I fix this?

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for htdspro

I own an HP laptop, model Pavillion g6. The screen is extremely dim, I can really only see the screen and icons when holding a flashlight to the screen. I connected the laptop to an external monitor, works perfectly, so video card should be ok. Checked all display properties, brightness, …

Member Avatar for htdspro
Member Avatar for snitch321

![photo1](/attachments/small/0/photo1.JPG "align-left") Essentially, a power cut happened to the building, and then a flashing amber light showed up on the back of the server's psu supplies, along with a constant beeping sound. All can be seen from the Picture attached-bearing in mind i logged on to the server and all …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for nishad_forums

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H67MA-D2H. Processor: intel Core i5 2.8GHz Power supply: Maximum 400Watt. no external graphics card. my pc hangs after 10-15 mins after boot up. after i cut down power i touched the north bridge and it's too hot. i have no experience with hardware, so i dont know what …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for browe47

I have an older desktop that I installed Xubuntu on and had it running smooth. The other day I turned on the computer to a screeching noise from the hardware and the monitor would not recognize that the computer was on. I turned the computer off then checked all cables …

Member Avatar for browe47
Member Avatar for seijidinzuala

Last week my laptop was damaged and went to a aservicing centre..they said that the motherboard's south bus is damaged,though I think that it should be a south bridge not bus..I don't have much knowledge on computer hardwares,so to repair it,should I change the whole motherboard or the south bridge …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Kerry W

My mother always said that precious things are often small, and after using this product I couldn’t agree more! Installed, the Power2U USB ![118](/attachments/small/3/118.JPG "align-right") outlet looks just like a normal outlet but don’t let that fool you. This small gem is quite big in its infinite uses; whether its …

Member Avatar for MastAvalons

I think there are memory leak in my application, perhaps the problem is in a part of code status = myPubSubSubscribe.Receive(fsReceivedTopic, myBufferSubscribe, myHeader, 0); if (status == PS_ENGINE_UNAVAIL) { printf("Unable to connect to the pubsub engine: %s\n", PSPubSub::Status2String(status)); myBufferPublish.FreeBuffer(); myBufferPublish.~PSBuffer(); myPubSubPublish.~PSPubSub(); myBufferSubscribe.~PSBuffer(); myPubSubSubscribe.~PSPubSub(); return; }

Member Avatar for Topiary
Member Avatar for chrisfernam

Hi guys, i have a toshiba laptop the model is a305-s6858 and i'm wondering if my laptop contains a pci express card and can i use for example a vidock? I just want to add an external graphic card to my laptop in order to be able to play games …

Member Avatar for chrisfernam
Member Avatar for YancePants100

Hi so my girlfriend's mom has a Dell Dimension B110 and the HDD may be fried, and i want to take my Toshiba mk8034gsk HDD and boot up the desktop to see if i can teel if the Dell HDD is fried or has a virus. I need any help …

Member Avatar for YancePants100
Member Avatar for nope200

My sisters laptop has had overheating problems so we took the back cover off one night and unscrewed the CPU fan which had I guess the heat sink connected and was covering the proccessor.all I did was turn the proccessor screw thing and took out the proccessor to look at …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for stickdynasty

I have an Acer Aspire 5552 with 4 gigs of RAM and an AMD Athlon II P340 Dual-Core Processor 2.2 GHz. I was wondering if it is worth the money to upgrade my RAM from two 2 gigabyte sticks to two 4 gigabyte sticks. I don't know if the upgrade …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for coroneshotel2

Trying to download from windows windows 8 release preview its saying cpu is not compatible when its a i5 cpu clarkdale 650-- asrock h55m motherboard bios america megatrends socket 1156 lga --family 6- bios p2.20 a lot of people on blogs and windows answers are having same problem i have …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for optiontips

I need some help finding a motherboard. I can tell you what I 'think' I want and maybe you can tell me what I 'really' want. I have 3 fairly new external eSATA drives. They are 4TB (2x2TB) each with hardware RAID. Each is set to RAID 1 mirrored drives. …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Chuckleluck

The title explains it well. I wish to know which variables I need to delete when my program closes. I assume you don't have to use the delete keyword on *every* variable that you initialize. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Chuckleluck
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys i need an urgent help. i have been givien an acer aspirs 5516 laptop to repair but i am facing some problem. The laptop has have water poured on it. but when you boot it the power LED comes on and the fan start to run for some …

Member Avatar for JorgeM

The End.