2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for ramsiva

i need to get record based on maximum created date any body help me date in mysql database structure is varchar. date is 150921141206 any body help me

Member Avatar for daniellemacey
Member Avatar for ZombieKnight93

I'm not looking for others to do my homework, I just want help with getting an idea one what to do. My class was given an assignment and one of the questions is: Create a query that will show the order id, item id, price, sales tax and subtotal for …

Member Avatar for daniellemacey
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi I want to stop direct download of videos file from my webiste folder. .htaccess is not working in godaddy windows server Please help me. eg: http://www.domain.com/folder/video.mp4 If paste the URL in the browser. it should not download the file from the server.

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for Mohamed_26

Hello, What are the different areas of databases I can focus on for my project? Thanks,

Member Avatar for Mohamed_26
Member Avatar for Faiz97

How To connet mssql to php please please please help meeee. I'll wait for you guys to answer

Member Avatar for Faiz97
Member Avatar for zachattack05

I am writing a custom MembershipProvider for ASP.NET and would like to record certain events in a table when they happen. I have the methods to do it, but I would like to get the value of the "ID" column of the row I insert into the table. I have …

Member Avatar for zachattack05
Member Avatar for Maideen

Hi Pls advice me the following calculation in stored Procedure my scenario is packing the magazine Example: Order = 6042 copies. 6042 have to be packed by 20 each. so 302 bundle. balance 2 copies. If I divide 6042 /20 Result is 302.10 . How can store 302 and 2 …

Member Avatar for Amr.Mohammad87
Member Avatar for shashigowda

Hii..this is mysql query $querry="SELECT CONCAT(`insert_id`, `type`) AS 'order_id' FROM orders WHERE email='$email'"; $order_id=mysql_query($querry); echo $order_id; i need to convert this into ** mysqli**. Any Help??

Member Avatar for shashigowda
Member Avatar for Trisha_1

My c++ program using visual studio 2012 has one error that i cant figure out what. The error says " 1 IntelliSense: expected a ';' " I do believe that the eror from my program is after this part: cout<<"\n @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"; cout<<"\n @@@@ @@@@"; cout<<"\n @@@@ @@"; cout<<"\n @@@@"; cout<<"\n …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for andrian.mutua.7

hello A newbie in database constuction, need help in adding automated sms functionality in mysql database. A user needs to sent a certain sms with certain keywords like 'location' to the system. the system refines a search according to the location content then sents back the data back to the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jack_14

My current connection and echo code is as follwed: <?php $myServer = "Server_Name"; $myUser = "User"; $myPass = "Pass"; $myDB = "DB_Name"; //connection to the database $dbhandle = sqlsrv_connect($myServer, $myUser, $myPass) or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer"); //select a database to work with $selected = mssql_select_db($myDB, $dbhandle) or …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello to all! I am facing problems in feartures of sql sever 2008. I installed it but i could not find management studio in it. then i installed managemenet studio2008 separately. but when i opened management studio then there was no interface for making database but only interface was for …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for kayecng

I want to show the total qty of these query (total qty from datagridview where ActualQty value will update the values of Used Column) `SELECT COUNT(Software) AS ActualQty FROM tblswlogs WHERE Software='MS EXCEL'` and (**Total** will appear in textbox) `SELECT MAX(used + initialqty) As Total FROM tblswlist WHERE Software = …

Member Avatar for mcglk
Member Avatar for hollinar

Hi.. I have a big problem, hope that you can help... I have windows 2003 server with CA brightstor 11.0 (Build 2670) and is making backup to all my SQL Servers. so I need to restore a database where the MDF file is 4 GB and the LDF file 111 …

Member Avatar for marimeli
Member Avatar for strRusty_gal

Can someone please help to advise below question? I need to do a SUM of the amount column based on the CreateDate date range From 10th of previous month to 10th of this month Below is the database table Amount CreateDate 151.00 5 July 2015 567.50 19 July 2015 558.00 …

Member Avatar for strRusty_gal
Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Hello all, I have an MS SQL table. There are two columns I need to work on: HOURS_DURATION and MINUTES_DURATION. They are of INT type. As you may see in the photo I am attaching: [TABLE SAMPLE IMAGE](http://prntscr.com/8gzg7c) Now, I am making a fast report. And for now I have …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi I have firewall.log file in my c:\ driver I wonder what destination IP adresses and 3 ports the scanner have attacked most in the attack. SELECT DISTINCT dst-ip FROM c:\firewall.log WHERE dst-port !!!! I apriciate your help

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

Hi guys. I am looking for a software tools that can analyse data from several sources like databases: Oracle,Mysql,Access,MsSql e.t.c and draw graphs,dashboards or other data visualisation objects. The software should also be able to read excel sheet and analyse the data and give output in variuos graphs/pie charts. It …

Member Avatar for alain.marion85

In the work I came up against a situation when the working database at the end of day went to the Suspect Mode. And the archive was in many hours before. To transfer it in normal mode, until isn't made repaired base it was impossible. DBCC checkdb also refused to …

Member Avatar for GervaseParrish
Member Avatar for Dipanjana

I have SSRS column chart in which data of percentage complete for half day and full day is shown . The 4 legend series are half day complete,half day incomplete,full day complete and full day incomplete.Months are shown in x axis and percentage in interval of 10 on y axis …

Member Avatar for emilejaxiv

My SQL2000 server crashed, and I was able to recover the data and log files. I had to reinstall from scratch after that. I found that I can use the sp_attach_db procedure to create databases on the new server from the data and log files. That recovery procedure worked, at …

Member Avatar for amarbista
Member Avatar for nimz143

Hi all ! I'm using vs2008, sqlserver2008 and vb.net as language. I would like to ask, i got this line of error when i'm debugging my code **----Too many arguments to 'Public Function getDrawingNumber(PlcCode As String) As System.Data.DataSet'.----** below is my program code : Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, …

Member Avatar for nimz143
Member Avatar for Dipanjana

I have added month name in category field, percentage on y axis , data in series field and data has values : half day complete, full day complete,half day incomplete and full day incomplete, I have added count(Data) in data field . I am able to get the data values …

Member Avatar for felixwiener

The Database ID 5, Page (1:9248), slot 0 for LOB data type node does not exist. This is usually caused by transactions that can read uncommitted data on a data page. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE I am having above error on sql 2008 R2 , i have identified the table which …

Member Avatar for masoodhossain
Member Avatar for rony001

I am new to sql server .I have recently downloaded Sqlserver 2008 and connected from vb.net . I am trying to create dynamic tables with two columns such as name,amount by passing table names from text box . CREATE TABLE " & TblName & "( [Name] TEXT(10), [Amount] TEXT(6))] table1 …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for samuelz

am trying to find out what is wrong with my sql statement below, i get the following error: "The multi-part identifier "P1Totals.StudentTotals" could not be bound" what am i doing wrong? UPDATE StudentRegistration SET Year ='2016', Term = 'Term 1' where P1Totals.StudentTotals >='300' and P1Totals.StudentTotals <='400'

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for JerrimePatient

for example. name of field: f1 = "field1", f2 = "field2", f3 = "field3", f4 = "field4" how can I update the value of f2 and f3 without changing the value of f1 and f4. f2 = "new field2", f2 = "new field3" the new value of fields are. f1 …

Member Avatar for JerrimePatient
Member Avatar for mmonclair

Here's my scenario: I have been trying to re-establish mirroring on my SQL Server 2008 R2 instance since a VMWare outage took it down a few months ago. Here are the servers I'm using: Primary- prodDB.mydomain.com, on DataCenter1 Mirror- recoveryDB.mydomain.com, on DataCenter2 Witness- testDB.mydomain.com, on DataCenter2 DataCenter1 and DataCenter2 are …

Member Avatar for amishraa

My apologies for posting Teradata question on MS SQL thread due to there not being one for TD. I am trying to get last 3 months of data but running across an error using month(current date - interval '3' month) because it uses current date to determine previous months and …

Member Avatar for Maideen

Hi. I am Sorry that I don't know how to ask question for my Scenario. Thats why I just used "How to update qty into table2 from table1? " This is the scenario of one of my customer Table-1 Subscription Master(News Paper) - Received Subscription CustCode Name Copies date Agent …

Member Avatar for simplypixie

The End.