10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for himmat.m4

Hi, I am working on web application in java. I need to copy table from local database to web table database. So please help me solve this query. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Orthodox73

Hello, I have table with test results. Every user have 3 records in the table RESULTS Table RESULTS contains fields USERID (int), TEST_POINTS (int), TEST_TIME (int); I need query to sort up results, but only the best result per user. Best result for user is one with MAX points for …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for rahulb310

[CODE]<?php ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); include("../config/dbconfig.php");//connect db $result = mysql_query('select * from salesreport'); $count = mysql_num_fields($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++){ $header .= mysql_field_name($result, $i)."\t"; } while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $line = ''; foreach($row as $value){ if(!isset($value) || $value == ""){ $value = "\t"; }else{ $value = str_replace('', '', $value); $value …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I have a database, test.db, with a table called Events. I tried this: [code] <?php try { // open the database $database = new PDO('sqlite:test.db'); $result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM Events'); foreach($result as $row) { // both of these lines produce a blank page //echo $row['EventName'] . ' | ' …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for Moderns

Hello, I am facing something strange. I will discuss it by very clear and simple example below. 1)I have function called Test() in [B]page1.php[/B] (gives correct output) as follows: function Test(){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE account_id = 4"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) $mobile_number = …

Member Avatar for bakir
Member Avatar for rime

Is it possible to copy a mysql database to an excel worksheet writting PHP code.. please help with code.

Member Avatar for rahulb310
Member Avatar for Shankye

I am new to SQL .. [code]SELECT status FROM statuses ORDER BY date;[/code] I know this will order by date but i want to alter the table and rearrange them by datestamp.. Is it possible to alter like that ?

Member Avatar for Shankye
Member Avatar for anita_86

Hi!This is my 1st thread. I wanted to ask that I have a common table for clients.If client is given quotation, hes status is 1, if given invoice, hes status is 2 and so on. If i want to display only the clients who have received the invoice, I fire …

Member Avatar for anita_86
Member Avatar for sahromo

I git this warning>> [CODE]Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP 2.0b1\www\HotelCalifornia\sites\reserve_room.php on line 85 Unknown column '' in 'where clause[/CODE] This is my code>> [CODE] <?php $user=$_GET['username']; $Custno=$_GET['Custno']; $RoomNo=$_GET['RoomNo']; $username="jasmine"; $password="price"; $db=mysql_connect("localhost" , $username, $password); mysql_select_db("hotel_cali", $db); $sql="SELECT Email FROM customer …

Member Avatar for bakir
Member Avatar for hameredhed

hello guys.. I am new to php. May I ask if it is possible to store a mysql result into a single cookie..(the mysql result has multiple rows..).if it is possible, how to do it.. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for bluetoot

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'reasons = '', birthplace = '' dob_month = 'January', dob_day = '' at line 8 Hello aLL I am developing an online registration form that …

Member Avatar for bluetoot
Member Avatar for jazzyb

I have table names 'payroll' with following data month , pay January , 1200 March , 1500 December , 2000 I want the following result Janury , 1200 February , 00 March , 1500 April , 00 May , 00 June , 00 July , 00 August , 00 September …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for daviddoria

Hi all, I am transitioning a bunch of data from html (yuck!) to some sort of separated schema. I was going to use xml: [code] <events> <event> <title> <date> <speaker> <description> </event> </events> [/code] but now I am wondering if I should use a real database instead. Can anyone comment …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hello people . i am writing a login system for administers , so i made the login page with this code : [CODE] <?php ##################################################### # created by : Awah Mohammed # # date : 23/12/2010 at 23:15 pm # # haha , i like writing such stuff in my …

Member Avatar for bakir
Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi, I am having an issue saving images to a MYSQL database as a BLOB, I have been for a few days now, I have used several different tutorials and even though the code works with no errors returned, nothing actually get put in my database. Here is my form …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform
Member Avatar for Richajr0

Hi I am pretty new to all this so bear with me. I have created some forms on dreamweaver which I want to populate mysql database when completed. I have created a table using phpmyAdmin through godaddy. I have created a record set which links to each form field. I …

Member Avatar for Richajr0
Member Avatar for eshko

Hello every one! I'm developing one simple site, and I need to make an "archive" script. My MySQL Table looks like: [CODE] | id | title | content | is_deleted | pub_date | [/CODE] *pub_date is in PHP time() format. Example: 1258150430 So, what I want to make is an …

Member Avatar for chocalate
Member Avatar for Mr_PoP

[CODE] #include "includes.h" MYSQL *con; con=mysql_real_connect(con, server,user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0); //mysql check: int act; int reb; reb=mysql_query(con,"SELECT * FROM cq_rebirth"); act=mysql_query(con,"SELECT * FROM cq_action"); if(act !=0 || reb !=0){ cout << mysql_error(con); return 1; } [/CODE] Error: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now i …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for fantasma

Hi There I've been hammering my head with this for quite a while, and every solution I've tried didn't work, so I was wandering if you could help me with this. I've got a small div that is displayed for each record existing in the database, in order that, later, …

Member Avatar for fantasma
Member Avatar for Infame

Hi! I use a paginate feature on my website, it works great on the front page, but when I use it in the comment section I get this: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/content/56/6296656/html/comments.php on line 77 code: [CODE] $query = "SELECT where …

Member Avatar for harrypinto11
Member Avatar for LastFather
Member Avatar for bjeffries

Im not even sure if these are called variables. But I am trying to call information from the database a different way than I usually do. This is what is not working: [CODE]$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id'], $con); /* once the file is imported, the variables set above will become available to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dennishall

Hi All: I have 2 php files feeding one MySql record. I have an INSERT query in file1.php working fine, it then sends me to a highly animated form file2.php that calls a processor.php file. The processor.php file needs to update the mySql record. I have [U]tested[/U] the processor file …

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for bjeffries

I am currently trying to set up my Database for a small store. I would use something like Zen-Cart but I dont think that is necessary at this level. What I am stumped on is what cell setting within my products table would I put the actual paypal code in …

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for dennishall

Hi: I'm having an issue posting to MySQL using the animated_form.html below. My objective is to have 4 db entries posted to MySQL when the user clicks on the <a href="javascript: submitform()"><input alt="Show Results" id="btn_results" src="a_data/form_btn_show_results.png" type="image"></a> image. The form uses jquery and it produces 0 results in MySQL. Using …

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for khurram.1987

Hi, i am trying to connect to MySQL database [ICODE]mysql[/ICODE] using JAVA .. using code given below, [CODE]import java.sql.*; public class dbExample{ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Listing all table name in Database!"); Connection con = null; String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/"; String db = "mydb"; String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; …

Member Avatar for khurram.1987
Member Avatar for ShArKsss

Okay, So I want an array to get userinformation by the username that is provided. But in the other tables, it only has a ID field to link with... [CODE]$sql = "mos_users.id as userid, block, username, email, lastvisitDate, firstname, lastname, avatar, cb_age, userip FROM mos_users, mos_comprofiler, mos_comprofiler_plug_iplog WHERE mos_users.username = …

Member Avatar for ShArKsss
Member Avatar for balle

Hello, I made a PM system but the thing that makes it read isn't working. Can you take a look at it anybody? [code] $postid = $_GET['postid']; mysql_query("UPDATE pm SET read=1 where id=$postid") or die(mysql_error()); [/code] And it gives this error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check …

Member Avatar for balle
Member Avatar for vedro-compota

Hello )) Please tell me - How to receive surnames of students and their mark in all subjects? in this form -[CODE] SURNAME1 1hismark1 1hismark1 1hismark1 1hismark1..... SURNAME2 2hismark1 2hismark1 2hismark1 2hismark1.....[/CODE] I use this database - [CODE] table STUDENT ( STUDENT_ID NUMERIC not null, SURNAME VARCHAR(60), ); table SUBJECT …

Member Avatar for vedro-compota
Member Avatar for srinath p

Hi,I,m taking mysql database backup through code behind,by using process.start method.It's taking backup but the problem is that after execution of process.start method,it's showing one command prompt for 2-3 seconds and executing.I dont want to show that command prompt.Please help me how can i do that?

Member Avatar for jlego

The End.