853 Topics

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Member Avatar for SachinGK

Hi All , I am Building a Ad System for my website based on PPC. So My Question is PPC Means [B]Pay Per Unique Click[/B] or [B]Pay Per Click[/B]. How should i calculate the PPC for the following ? Say No of Clicks is 50 No of Unique Click is …

Member Avatar for lapunluyang

My Question is that does google goes soft on websites who are involved in PPC campaign. I would like to hear your comments on it.

Member Avatar for shaniadavid
Member Avatar for Lafaso870
Member Avatar for shaniadavid
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

If you know how to use PPC ads it's a great way to get more tageted traffic to your site. Pay per click, or PPC for short, is a form of online advertising that is used in search engines, advertising networks, and so on, and can either be by keyword …

Member Avatar for meganmatthew
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

Creating an effective software is the work of an expert. But after days of hard work there might be some problematic areas in a software. If light is thrown upon these areas on time, then the software can be made more user friendly and effective. There lies the importance of …

Member Avatar for qlipboard
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

Impressions are the amount of times the ad is viewed from your site. Generally you don't get paid for impressions if so it's usually like 3-4 cents per 1,000 impressions on that Ad

Member Avatar for shaniadavid
Member Avatar for coykiesaol

I know there is a tool that allows me and others to track any website changes being made to any page by any webmaster who is advertising in google adwords and is making changes to tweak his pages for higher conversions. What are the best 3 tools that can help …

Member Avatar for EdMc
Member Avatar for coykiesaol

I started to open a Yahoo PPC account. I got to the keywords entry point, and was restricted to 50 keywords. I didn't go any further because I can't narrow down the 150 keywords to 50 and remain competitive? Am I missing something?

Member Avatar for peekayb
Member Avatar for all1nfo

I have found some site use an ads pop-up to block their content, and force user to click the ads to make the block gone. Is it allowed by GA rules?

Member Avatar for peekayb
Member Avatar for coykiesaol

I am looking for networks that can help me to monetize web-site traffic in Asia - namely - SEA and Korea. What can you recommend? Does anyone has any experience with local networks. Thanks.

Member Avatar for peekayb
Member Avatar for Lafaso870
Member Avatar for nick3592

Google adsense is the king of the Internet marketing industry but are there really no other options other then adsense that pays fairly close to what google does for clicks?

Member Avatar for peekayb
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

I was looking at some ppc campaigns and I heard of CPV and PPV. I'm looking for some information about that, but I can't really find anything interesting. Can you guys help me with that? maybe get me some leads. Thanks

Member Avatar for peekayb
Member Avatar for coykiesaol
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Member Avatar for thetubedownload
Member Avatar for peekayb
Member Avatar for coykiesaol

Hi all, I understand that Adwords does not allow Online Pharmacy PPC campaigns even though they have the FDA approval... nevertheless I've seen some PPC results when searching on Google. I can also see that their keywords are directed to best seller (that are not allowed by Adwords either). Someone …

Member Avatar for peekayb
Member Avatar for Vadiysha

Hey guys! We are starting new PPC/CPA network called VertaMedia ([url]www.vertamedia.com[/url]), registration for a beta has been already opened. I would like you to look through our website and tell your opinions/thoughts/proposals. We have a range of respected partners, so this company has a big potential I guess. What bids …

Member Avatar for peekayb
Member Avatar for Dani

Adwords hasn't been loading for me for the past hour or two. It just keeps saying Loading... across the middle of the page, and keeps refreshing itself. Is it just me?

Member Avatar for luke041
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

When i search something on google and then click on a link, in the status bar it sometimes says adwords.google... And then, this redirects me to a website other than the URL stated in the search paragraph or it just redirects me to the google homepage.

Member Avatar for aylmerdric
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Not everything Apple touches turns to gold, a case in point is the .mac service which has recently been rebranded with not terribly clever moniker: MobileMe. What Apple fails to understand from the get-go is that people expect their cloud services to be free or at least extremely cheap and …

Member Avatar for bennn
Member Avatar for coykiesaol
Member Avatar for jennypagla201
Member Avatar for coykiesaol

Given below are the 21 CPM Sites which I came across. Explain the program which you are using/used and their complete details like minimum payout, payment procedure, CPM rates and more importantly your experience 1. Adagency1 2. Adpepper 3. AdSmart 4. Adtegrity 5. Ampira Media 6. BannerConnect 7. Bardzo Media …

Member Avatar for coykiesaol
Member Avatar for fcolor
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Google is making it much simpler to work out which photos you're allowed to use for what, and which you aren't. The company is allowing people to search for pictures and you can filter by what's available for reuse, what's available for reuse without modification and so on. It's using …

Member Avatar for Jia22
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

I'm sort of a rookie when it comes to PPC and would love to get some feedback on this. Any PPC experts in here wanna share some pointers for us. How do u get them to click the ads without violating the vendors guidelines. What kind of click through percentage …

Member Avatar for leahmarie
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

I've found PPC only good for analysis. I can get quick results and do split testing with PPC. Anyone out there (other then high end corporations) actually making a profit with PPC.

Member Avatar for marchal04

Deciding on your PPC budget can be confusing and a bit difficult to do, especially if you are new to the world of Internet Marketing. If you spend too much and get too little in terms of ROI's, then you're obviously going wrong somewhere. And, if you spend too little …

Member Avatar for PeterRossy
Member Avatar for lapunluyang
Member Avatar for flo-0001

How does it take to get a reply from google adsence for the aprovment and do u get a reply if the site is not aproved.

Member Avatar for farman007
Member Avatar for taylor123456

Hi guys, Does anyone know a tool that would allow you to automatically split test ads in AdWords? I have 17 PPC client campaigns and each one has close to 100 ad groups. Split testing ads in them manually using something like splittester.com is a nightmare. This would save me …

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