854 Topics

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Member Avatar for hughjc

Is anyone out there familiar with Findwhat verses Overture? In overture, the keywords are pretty expensive in my industry, though I was obtaining a decent conversion rates. I've been testing out findwhat, which is more cost effective, without much conversion success. Any feedback would be appreciated. Hugh

Member Avatar for seobook
Member Avatar for cmills83

Just starting out and I have no idea how to price any kind of internet marketing. I am researching keywords, creating a adwords campain with about 3 different campains to target 3 specific products. Also I am maintaining the campain and occasionally giving reports. In addition I wrote up a …

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Member Avatar for jewboy

Dani's last thread (in the advertising sales / affiliate section) triggered something in my brain. [B]Using PPC to promote ebay auction listings!!! [/B] What do you get when you combine Google, Yahoo, and eBay together? A MASSIVE reach when it comes to promoting your goods or services on eBay. I …

Member Avatar for ElementalDistor
Member Avatar for pulse

So, Google has come up with new Payment Methods - [quote]What forms of payment are available to me? [B]Local currency checks[/B]: Google will convert your earnings from US dollars into your local currency if this option is selected. Available to publishers in 43 countries, local currency checks are generally less …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

I just noticed that Google has gone back and readjusted all of their reports and figures for the month of February. A few dollars and cents were added to each day of my AdWords account. Along the same lines, I earned a few more dollars and cents via my AdSense …

Member Avatar for Tapanti
Member Avatar for paradox814

This is a question to those who have AdSense and use the Google search on there site: why do you have the google search box leave your website when you click submit (aka it goes to [url]http://www.google.com/custom?q=[/url]....)? Google has some APIs which allows you to query there servers and display …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for Dani

I was creating an AdWords ad for our SEO forum and I tried using: SEO Forum Google News and Techniques Free Webmaster Community and it came back with an error message saying: [i]You may not use the word "Google" in the text of your ad.[/i] Heh :)

Member Avatar for seobook
Member Avatar for Dani

Does anyone have any experience with MarketBanker? How does it perform against AdWords?

Member Avatar for seobook
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi all, How you doing? Okay I want to put the Google's AdWords conversion tracking JS on my site pages, but I'm confused about a few things... 1. On one board someone said that Google is just doing this to get our information. What do you think? 2. Am I …

Member Avatar for seobook
Member Avatar for rex_b

if you didn't know about. Free LINK!!! [url="http://www.forumshowcase.com"]www.forumshowcase.com[/url]

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ronit

Hi, A few questions. Answers on some will be great too.:p 1. How can one reach a higher CTR using Google AdWords? (I would love to read comments on AdWords from experienced users) 2. What can cause a steep drop of link popularity in Google in only one month? 3. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Please help me. I'm completely stumped. As of yesterday, AdWords just completely stopped working for me. Ads just completely stopped showing up. It is as if my campaign is paused, but it isn't. The campaign shows up as active. I have a pretty large budget. The ads are set to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi there, Can someone help me please. I loaded this program onto my server & actually paid someone to do it. :sad: Now I can't figure out how to use it & I already started my Ad Words Program. The guy who developed this disappeared, won't return e-mails, his forum …

Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. Okay, here's my question... I have AWStats on my server, but it's not enough for me. I want a program that will do the following... 1. Tell me exactly what site/ad a person came from just b4 they purchased. 2. Will tell …

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The End.