853 Topics

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Member Avatar for AnthonyHaney

If I'm relying on my ads to optimize and show the best performing ads with correct destination urls, what do you use for your Keyword URLs? An agency has recommended, as has bing rep, to just use the top level domain without any tracking such as www.example.com Thoughts? Experience?

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for AnthonyHaney

So, here's what a rep from an unnamed SEM agency said: "Google defaults to the ad destination, even if there is a keyword destination. However, when we change the URL destination in the ad, it won't impact the QS." I may have had a long day... but can someone chime …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for nfllivestream

How many PPC (Pay Per Click) site in the world? Which one has best paying rate? And how much pay for each click? I have a small blog http://www.rugbylivestreaming.com.au/. I want to use PPC ads for it. Need sugession asap.

Member Avatar for StockAdvisory
Member Avatar for ozstylo

hi all my google adwords campaign hits are not showing in the google analytis campaign property it shows only the organic traffic and campaign property shows empty can you guys tell me the reason

Member Avatar for ozstylo
Member Avatar for Fadaser

what PPC program do you use? is the same whether their effectiveness? and what to look for when choosing a PPC? I have several sites, most topics are different. I want to try making money this way, so need your advice.

Member Avatar for Manish02
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi again, I'm new to PPC, so pls. bare with me. Question... Out of ALL the pay per click SEs & sites, which one do you feel gives you the best ROI? I'm guessing Google, but just want to hear what others say. Oh can you please PM me, cuz …

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Member Avatar for marypablate

Share your experience forum members - How to start PPC? and what is the process step by step for PPC?

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Member Avatar for pmarius04

I do not know if it is the right category but I need some answers I decided to post here. A friend recommended me ,[Purebits](http://purebits.net/?ref=112) PPD Network. I searched for information about her and found out that although they are new to the market timely payment commitments. I am new …

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Member Avatar for starthinklone

Hi friends, We all know that Pay Per Click Campaign is an effective way to gather traffic and improve the Search Engine Ranking of any Website. It follow some tips for effecient implementation. Identify your Product or Service Keywords, Negative Words and PPC Construct your PPC Campaign Creating landing Pages …

Member Avatar for pmarius04
Member Avatar for asifalizaman

hi!guys ppc best sites are infolinks,googleadsense,bidvertiser,clicksor,adfly and much more join and start earning..thanks

Member Avatar for pmarius04
Member Avatar for infamous.jawad

Hello guys , I know that we can make new website and post articles and then if we connect that site with our ad sense account we can easily do income by posting more of the articles with high paid keywords and by adding the AD code to our site. …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for A.bilal

Hi guys, I have heard mediawhite.com is paying its publishers weekly, is that true, has anyone worked with them before? I have a console in AppNexus, do they really pay weekly? Need your suggestions. Thanks.

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Member Avatar for marypablate

I want to know a experienced opinion regarding - how to improve google PPC conversion? How to optimize our landing page, ad content, keywords match type, conversion tracking and many other views regarding it.

Member Avatar for abdul.awalbinkaium
Member Avatar for lara1anjela
Member Avatar for lara1anjela
Member Avatar for mrgadgets

I heard some gaming developer really enjoy using adsense on their gaming site so what is actually the benefit of using adsense on the gaming site?

Member Avatar for gujaratcarz
Member Avatar for chandru7

Hi anyone please help,how to create a login overlay while a page is loading for visitors,i am using wordpress 3.0

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for EricMack

As goes Google, so goes the rest of the universe -- or at least that's the fear this week after the start up-turned-giant-turned-common verb reported disappointing earnings that sent the Silicon Valley stock over a digital cliff after-hours Thursday. [ATTACH=right]15859[/ATTACH]The company pulled in 1.84 billion dollars for the quarter or …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jay 11

The highest-priced keyword in the United States last month sold on Google for $99.44 per click... Can you guess the keyword?

Member Avatar for jtumapat
Member Avatar for happygeek

Google has announced the availability of more than 1000 ‘Google Gadgets’ that can be run on any web site, differentiating them from the existing desktop gadgets which could only work locally by way of the Google Desktop software or on a personalized Google homepage. These bits of cobbled together HTML …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for technosaha

I added Qadabra about a week ago to my blogs [Techno World](http://www.technoworrlld.blogspot.com) and [Lab World](http://www.labworldd.blogspot.com).Together,I get around 500-600 visits daily.However,average eCPM is $0.3.One day,they gave me eCPM of $23 but on other days,it ranges from $0.1 to $0.3.They claim that with time,the ads become more relevant.Has anyone worked with qadabra …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for developer707

Hello to everyone. I have a Joomla! site in Albanian language, I decided to put google ads there but where I tried Google replied that my site language was not supported by them. Now if I create an English version of my site can I add google ads in the …

Member Avatar for shahalom
Member Avatar for likesonia

Hi all, Please share some useful tips for running PPC in good direction.How to select the Anchor Text for PPC.What are the basic things that we should care when running PPC?

Member Avatar for Andy456
Member Avatar for mitz

Hi guys About 4 years ago I posted a question on this forum asking "[Can you really make money from Adsense?](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/pay-per-click-advertising/threads/109618/is-anyone-making-money-with-google-adsense)" Well that thread is still going strong but I thought I would just give you the answer to my own question. YES Over the years I have litterally studied …

Member Avatar for jennysmith01
Member Avatar for Shahera
Member Avatar for micheal.burns1

Hello Everyone, I'm newbie to the world of PPC. But still quick friendly with most of the terms used in PPC. I'm very curious to learn PPC adcenter. Please guide me on how shall i prepare myself and pass this exam asap. Thanks in Advance, Mike

Member Avatar for micheal.burns1
Member Avatar for imamhossain.rony.90

hello, how can i earn adsense? i have a blog site, it has a good traffic, i try to register my blog to adsense account several time, but it was rejected by adsense. can you tell me that how can i recover this problem?

Member Avatar for asifalizaman
Member Avatar for slfisher

It's not unusual for a government IT department to warn its users about downloading malware onto their government-issued computers. It's more unusual, though, for the source of the malware to be the ads on the website of the newspaper of record. In July, the cyber security coordinators in the state …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for tadisaus2

Hello, I am using Google AdSense ads. I have one question about differences for US clicks and international clicks from Google AdSense. I mean how important is one click from US and many clicks from other countries like Philippines, China or others. I can bid for 5 cents per click …

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Member Avatar for shashank111

The End.