854 Topics

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Member Avatar for ak227

I skimmed through the forum but didn't see one thng. I have a website, and now i have to set rates for advertisements that I will get. I don't know the calculation system to set the rate per click. please help me in this context. thanks

Member Avatar for Apache4111
Member Avatar for makefriendme

i feel great to share my views regarding on the text links clicks, shopingg clicks and other online clicks. Since, these clicks generate a lots of money 1. text link ad is one in which you have written some text and it will be underlined and when some one brings …

Member Avatar for pramodashrith

hi,to all I am new to adsence :evil: , ok ,i don"t have personal web site ...can i give my friend web adrs..mean domain name

Member Avatar for pramodashrith
Member Avatar for harveycarpenter

Hi I've been using Google Adwords for a few days, and while I'm making sales, it's too expensive! I havn't really looked into overture much, but would like a few opinions... how successful has it been to you compared to google? Thanks

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for aarya

i have my site and i have put google adsense. but i wonder how it works. because. sometime i get .02 cents and sometimes .30 and sometimes .5 why that type of variation. on which factor it depends?as i am very new to adsense.i need some help thanks

Member Avatar for Soniqhost.com
Member Avatar for pramodashrith

Hi,recently i registered for google adwords but it asks to give the credit card details for regestration fees,has am I a student don't have it ,is there any other way to pay the money too google:confused: help me up plzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Rgds ASHRITH

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi there, I heard about scenting my PPC titles & the content of the ads. Can someone tell me step-by-step how to do it? Thank you Michelle

Member Avatar for ep2002
Member Avatar for ricky0161

hi will ppc click work for me i am trying to get some good traffic for my new dating website but don't wanna to pay loads for ppc for keywords like uk dating online dating etc has any one got any ideas how i can do this for cheaper

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Is it necessary to add the plural form of keywords into an AdWords campaign? In other words, would I need to have keywords: widget, widgets, blue widget, blue widgets, red widget, red widgets, etc?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

There's a new feature for Google AdWords ... You can essentially pick various demographics you wish to target, and the system will create a list of Google Network sites that are popular with that audience. The demographic information comes from comScore Media Metrix.

Member Avatar for shimon
Member Avatar for pedroz
Member Avatar for jewboy
Member Avatar for woofytalk

I'm trying to gain better positioning in my Adwords Campaign. So far the only way i know of to gain better positioning is to fine tune my keywords and increase my bid amount. I don't like increasing my bid amount because although it improves my position, it creates more risk. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for shimon

It's a brand new PPC model for Google Local. For example...If you do a search for "booksellers nyc" you will see Barnes & Noble. The GeoAd is the little coffee cup icon on the map. Click on that, and another box appears. If you click on the url, the advertiser …

Member Avatar for avivity

Hi, I am new to both google and overture and just started new campains with a low cost budget, to feel how it works. in oveerture i find it easy to bid, since it shows which one of my competitors bid what, so i can bid according to where i …

Member Avatar for shimon
Member Avatar for shimon

Why do you think this happens? The conversion rate increases the more time you spend on search. For example the first 1k you spend in search might yield a 1% conversion rate, yet the next 2k might yield a 3 or 4%. Without any refinement of the campaign. Is that …

Member Avatar for sph001
Member Avatar for shimon

[QUOTE]Demographic site selection is a way to find and run your ads on sites with the right audience for your AdWords campaigns. A demographic group is an audience that shares a particular trait or characteristic. This trait might be age, gender, income, or some other factor. If your product appeals …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for chundottu

Hi, Given below is a sample row from my customized adwords report. ------------------------------------------------------------ avg cpc =$0.37 cost=$1.10 conversions=2 conversion rate = 66.67% transactions = 2 cost/transaction = $0.55 total value =2 v value/cost = 181.80% value/click = 0.67 sales count = 0 sales value =0 Can you please tell me …

Member Avatar for paradax

hi all, I would like to discuss ways of generating traffic. Right now i am much busy and am facing a deadline on a project. But within this next week i will be focusing a lot of energy on this topic. If anyone has some tips that they would be …

Member Avatar for shimon
Member Avatar for skyhawk133

I signed up for Overture after they offered me a $100 credit last week. Today, I sent them this letter: [quote]To Whom It May Concern, Please cancel my Overture search account. I signed up just a few days ago looking forward to the recent improvements and competition with Google AdWords, …

Member Avatar for shimon
Member Avatar for Dani

I was just snooping around my AdWords campaign and I noticed that you can now set separate bids for search and content pages. How long have I been missing out on this feature? Does anyone use it? I've been using automatic bidding for awhile.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi there, I need help to figure out Google AdWords. A company set it up for me & I find it very complex. How do I lower my bids? My major competition just went out of biz & there's no need for me to bid that high anymore. Any help …

Member Avatar for gapexposure
Member Avatar for nickcegar
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jennyuk_2001

hi all i am from uk and i am a newbie in internet marketing but i find it interesting thats why i want to excel in this area.. Cheers Jenny

Member Avatar for romsourcing

I have subscribed two months ago to Google AdWords and it seems to me that the service is trying to make money from my account by blocking my keywords for underperformance (this is charged with $5) not by providing clicks to my website. :( Regards, Claudiu

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for musicnmovies

Although, Yahoo started their ad publishers network, they say its an invitation based. We are all eagerly awaiting for invitation. I hope CS Gal, hav already got one, havent you?

Member Avatar for musicnmovies
Member Avatar for ayk-retail

I am using Google pay per click for my domain and my domain automatically forwards to my Ebay auction of that domain name. Does anyone know if Google Adwords doesnt like domains that forward?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Sp!ke

I currently use Kanoodle, which used to pay me some decent money, but they have seriously lowered their CTR in the past two months for me, and it's hurting. Would the switch to Google be sensible, and would I make more money? (Looking now, I only made $5 in the …

Member Avatar for jewboy
Member Avatar for vjw757

i was wondering. if i have my adwords set for a max of $10 a day an noone clicks on the ads. do you still get charged the $10 a day. im new to google adwords

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for kfinancial

hey, just started a new pay per click site with some affiliates, great payouts and low rates for advertisers << URL SNIP >>

Member Avatar for pulse
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

hey i am using clicksor, because google hates me so i have a question what does ctr stand for, and how can i raise it, i am already at 26% and want to see how high i can get it before i lock it.

Member Avatar for Webvicious

The End.