39,388 Topics
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Hello, I have the following array Array ( [0] => Array ( [cName] => 'Lexington Table Tennis Club (9/30/2014)' [local] => 'Castlewood Gym 201 Castlewood Dr. Lexington, KY 40505' [days_times] => 'Saturday - 2:30 - 6:00PM and Sunday - 9:15AM - 12:00PM' [contact] => 'Babak xxxx 859-xxx-2498' [marker] => '<-----CLUB … | |
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Hi, I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct place as this is related to nginx configuration and not specifically PHP scripts. If I am posting this in the wrong section, please let me know and I will post it in the correct location (unless a Mod is … | |
Hello Below is the code by which I trying to get AGE of students as on 31-March of current year in this format -> 6 years, 3 months, 14 days. But I am getting differnece in Days. I checked the age from this site [http://www.calculator.net/age-calculator.html ](http://www.calculator.net/age-calculator.html) Example 1. 19-12-2007 should … ![]() | |
Hello, I am building a multidimensional array with the following code: $array_two = array(); $arrayIndex=0; $loopCount=0; $second_index=""; foreach ($result as $myValue) { $loopCount = ($loopCount<5) ? $loopCount : 0; switch ($loopCount) { case '0': $second_index="cName"; break; case '1': $second_index="local"; break; case '2': $second_index="days_times"; break; case '3': $second_index="contact"; break; case '4': … | |
Hello, I have the following array: Array ( [2] => Champlain Valley TTC(1/31/2015) [5] => Old Shelburne Town School5420 Shelburne RdSherburne, VT 05482 [6] => Friday - 6:30 - 10:00PM [9] => Jack Devine802-877-3341 [10] => <-----NEXT_CLUB -----> [13] => Green Mountain Table Tennis Club(GMTTC)(6/30/2014) [16] => Knights of Columbus … | |
so want to auto create a whole html page i was thinking like this $newhtml = '<html><head></head><body>'.$variable.'</body></html>'; file_put_contents ('file.html',$newhtml); this would be the proper thing to do? | |
I currently am moving a client site from Joomla 1.6 to Joomla 2.5 by hand due to a malware infection (I don't normally do this for clients but they specifically requested me) and while I was able to move the data, I'm not able to get their custom template to … | |
I use Microsft Vista OS on my system,so getting started with my PHP programming has been my challenge since last month that i had choose to lay hands on PHP programming,majorly because MySQL refused to run in the XAMP server i have installed on my system. i have try various … | |
As you can see my current code doesnt work and i need your help guys...i want to filter in my search(textbox) and show the data filtered in there corresponding textboxes...can anyone help make my code work?? i've been looking in google for days already for the same idea of my … | |
hello everybody i have a form where require user email to be submit, for it i have made client side behavior, if email field is empty js alert the following currend is alert, but i want to show in popup (alert window) a div who allow users to login in … | |
Hello, I am trying to show an uneditable text through an input textbox. The following input text box is still editable, how to make it uneditable? <td>Page</td> <td><input type="text" size="50px" name="page" value="<?php echo $page; ?>"/></td> Thanks before. | |
why this wont work? if ( file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$dirfromroot)){ echo "<img id='imagen' src='$imgloc' >"; } else { echo 'No image to show!'; } also tried if ( file_exists($imgloc)){ echo "<img id='imagen' src='$imgloc' >"; } else { echo 'No image to show!'; } Thanks! | |
Hi, Hope you are ok. I made a website to recieve donations in from other people. It is possible to check if this coding hereunder are working or not? Thanks for your help. Donation page: <?php require "config.php"; require "dbconnection/connection.php"; // Determining the URL of the page: $url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); … | |
Hi I'd like to send one email to the registered user and a seperate email to the Administrator, with a separate body. I thought I could just duplicate the mail() but now neither email is being sent. Email 1 - Activation Email to the Registered User $to = "liz.banbury@gmail.com, ".$reg_email; … | |
What is the proper format for this code? There seems to be a problem with the session variable <?php $r = mysql_query("select * from tbl_student_master where email='@$_SESSION[email]'") or die(mysql_error()); | |
I have been racking my brain trying to think of how this would work to no success. Can anyone explain how this could be done? | |
Hello, i'm trying to solve this problem for 2 weeks with no luck. I'm using sql lite to pull data from my database but it doesnt show up the last item. I've tried to use an other server but again nothing! Even if i try to re-create the database the … | |
I was trying to display name and address phone no in mail and I perfectly done it using the following piece of code - </tr> <tr> <td align="left"><p>'.$admin_message['message'].'</P></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"><p>Kind Regards</P></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"><p>'.ucwords($finance_info['fi_schoolname']). '<br />'.ucwords($finance_info['fi_address']). ' <br /> Email :- '.ucwords($finance_info['fi_email']). '<br /> Contact:- '.ucwords($finance_info['fi_phoneno']).'</P> </td> … | |
Hello, I have two copies of the same website: one in the localhost and one is online. My offline website generates error after I login to the admin page: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\rustoleum\administrator\admin.php:9) in C:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\rustoleum\administrator\admin.php on line 52 … | |
/*SMS*/ $_objSmsProtocolGsm = new Com("ActiveXperts.SmsProtocolGsm"); $objMessage = new Com ("ActiveXperts.SmsMessage"); $objConstants = new Com ("ActiveXperts.SmsConstants"); $objMessage->Recipient = $cell; $objMessage->Format = $objConstants->asMESSAGEFORMAT_UNICODE; $objMessage->Data = "Your password is: " . $r; $_objSmsProtocolGsm->Device = "HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem #2"; $_objSmsProtocolGsm->DeviceSpeed = 0; if( $_objSmsProtocolGsm->LastError == 0 ){ $_objSmsProtocolGsm->Send( $objMessage ); } … | |
A php code sent a query to the database say credentials from login page for verifying and something was returned say TRUE OR FALSE as status. Now my question is, if I do not know the code of the developer who wrote the login form, does there exist any way … | |
Hello, I am trying to create a form which could upload image file and copy it to a certain folder and also updating the mysql database which store it's image name and title. input_image.php <div id="menu"> <center> <h2>Image Manager</h2> </center> <p> </p> <p>metode image managementnya masih konstruksi</p><center> <p> <?php include('../includes/koneksi.php'); $id … | |
why is this not working? :( <img src='<?php echo $imgloc; ?>' width='700'> | |
i am trying to develop my theme and problem about add slider in header so plz tell me how to add image slider in theme | |
Please Help me I want to enter the values in the textbox of form and save them and when i open the page the value entered should display in th text box if i want to change the value again edit option | |
Hi, I'm currently working on a site in which a user basically clicks a button repeatedly, gaining 1 extra point each time he clicks it. Anyway, I'm trying to do a MySQL update so that when the button is clicked, it updates his score in one of the MySQL tables: … | |
My dear friends, I'm stuck in the middle of my project because I'm unable to figure out how this problem could be resolved. I have to implement a time constraint ( admin supplied ), MCQ type of quiz with a fixed structure of only 4 options which is to be … | |
Hello, I want to insert single or double quotes into mysql without using \ or anything else i tried mysql_real_escape_string but it did not work it gives SQL Syntax Error : Check what to use near error...Plz Help... Here's the code... [CODE]<?php $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST["name"] : ""; $description … | |
anybody please help me to read id3 tag information name : myfile.mp3 artist : singer album name : private album bitrate : 320 kbps year : 2014 length : 5:15 size : 5MB downloads : 50 i need like this . please anybody tell me. send me any links if … ![]() |
The End.