39,326 Topics
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Hi all, I am posting this thread to learn a bit of how mod_rewrite works. I want to specificly learn to make dynamic urls from websites, become seo friendly: [B]MADE UP LINK, DONT FOLLOW[/B] [url]www.sitename.php/index.php?sid=2&pid=231[/url] [B]MADE UP LINK, DONT FOLLOW[/B] look like: [url]www.sitename/furnitures/sofas[/url] And learn how to prevent duplicate content … | |
Alright so whatever i do i cant get this to work. Now...im not a wizzard or anything but why does it have to be so damn hard to find out if its more than 2 minutes or more in difference by the time in database to now. The "timed" in … | |
Hello Guys! :) I am just wondering how I would be able to echo a random [B]hour[/B] timestamp. Any help would be appreciated! Yours, Public-Image | |
Hi everyone! I'm trying to add the class="" to an image tag in php but I can't make it work. The code is this: [code] echo "<td width=\"$columnWidth%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"$url\"><img class="pImageCenter" src=\"$image\" border=\"1\" /><br>$name</a></td>\r\n"; [/code] Help please | |
Hi, I am new to php development! I have email table in my database which has email records. On the page read_emails.php, i have two buttons, one is of Reply and second is of Delete. My delete button is not deleting the email record in the database.[B] Please help me … | |
hello all. i have this simple script to send emails to my subscribers. i've broken the sending into 20 emails per batch to get around getting a timeout error in my browser. without bias from using PEAR in sending multiple emails, any comments to improve the code will be appreciated. … | |
Hi all.. I've learnt a bit of html and css in the last week, and am eager to start with more complex website actions than simply posting widgets.. For instance, allowing comments to be made and feedback etc.. I was wondering whether PHP is a good place to start for … | |
I wrote a regular expression for [url]www.servicesonclick.com/products.php?brandid=27&pname=Acer[/url] that redirects to [url]http://www.servicesonclick.com/Acer[/url] and similar to [url]www.servicesonclick.com/products.php?brandid=29&pname=Gigabyte[/url] also redirects to [url]http://www.servicesonclick.com/Gigabyte[/url] and so on but its not working.. I dont want to retain brandid only retain pname. Here it is the [CODE] Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^servicesonclick\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ … | |
Hello at update form i have upload file and i want if it have value does not change I used this code to upload at insert form [CODE]$lfile = basename( $_FILES['file']['name']) ; $target_path = "files/"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['file']['name']); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { echo"file uploaded" } else{ echo "There … | |
Dear experts! I want to following Technical Questions help. [B]Q1) Technical Questions [/B] a) In vbulletin where is the code to edit how items are displayed? b) Write, in pseudocode or PHP, a small program that calculates the sum of the first 540 natural numbers. Start numbering from 0. C) … | |
Can someone tell me wy image/png dos not workinig in IE Her i have the code [CODE]<?php session_start(); if(!session_is_registered(myusername)) { header("location:../../../weinachtfeier.php"); } ?> <body bgcolor="blue"> <?php if (isset($_POST['senden'])) { if($_FILES['cover']['size'] === 0 || empty($_FILES['cover']['tmp_name']) || $_FILES['pic']['size'] === 0 || empty($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name'])) { echo("<form action='albums.php' <div style='background-color: blue; border: solid red 3px; … | |
Hello everybody, So this week I am coming up with two questions, they are probably silly questions but I have googled and come up with nothing. [B]1)[/B]Figured out number 1 by myself, accidently had a / where it wasn't supposed to be. [B]2)[/B]This one I have not tried to hard … | |
hello, i am creating a api, but i have run into a problem, its not returning anything when i call the action "profile" but everything else if working perfectly, please can you help me diagnose and ammend this problem thanks... [url]http://api.bititude.com/blueniverse/wardrobe.php?action=profile&friend=patch[/url] [CODE]<?php //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Title: Blueniverse Developers API // // … | |
I have written some sql codes in a file named sql.sql and I want to install my database using this file. How can I do it? Please help me out.... here is the sql code from the file sql.sql [CODE] CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS wm; USE wm; CREATE TABLE … | |
Okay, so here's the deal: I suck with forms and generating dynamic links. Here's the code that I'm working on [CODE=html]<div class="Normal_P"> <span class="Normal_C"> <form action="<?php getLink("http://www.atouchofmoore.net/certificate_stage3.php" array( <?php[/CODE] [CODE=php]if(mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) { while($d = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $options .= "\n\t<option value=\"{$d[2]}\">{$d[1]}: {$d[2]}</option>"; } } for($x=0;$x<$cert_num;$x++) { $cert = ($x+1); $get_data['cert"$x"'] = … | |
Hi everyone. So one of the last things of my shopping cart is to fix the currency. The problem is that it is on the left side like this $10, and I want it to be on the right like this 10$. Here is the file: [code] <?php header ('Content-type: … | |
hi, Its very urgent pls send me a source code in matlab for 3-D wavelet transform in image compression. | |
I am using a dropdown box with 6 options. On change I want ajax to return part of an HTML/PHP page that corresponds to one of the 6 questions. I was trying to put and if statement on the return page to determine the part that I wanted but I … | |
Another issue with sha1. I am creating users via a registration form, that when submitted, has made the password a sha1. [B]Registration script:[/B] [CODE] if($_POST['pass1']==$_POST['pass2']){ $password = sha1(mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST['pass1'])); } [/CODE] When the user log in, I have this script using sha1. [B]Login script:[/B] [CODE] $password = sha1(mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST['password'])); $sql=("SELECT … | |
Hello! So here's what i did i fetch data from my database in a table each row has a checkbox on in. Now what i already did is when i press submit the data that will be shown in the next form is the row that has check on the … | |
I need a simple solution I have invoice that i want to always diplay 10 rows, but if there is data in mysql it must first put those rows with data in on the invoice then subtract the number of rows and the difference will be the blank rows it … | |
Hi,I am working on this code.the problem is its not going to 2nd elseif(upload). need suggestion. [CODE]if(empty($mobile)) { echo '<script language="javascript">alert("Enter Phone Number")</script>;'; } elseif(!(empty($mobile))) { if((is_numeric($mobile))) { if((strlen($mobile)!=10)) echo '<script language="javascript">alert("phone number should be of 10 digit")</script>;'; } else { echo '<script language="javascript">alert("Please Enter valid phone number")</script>;'; } } … | |
hi I wrote php code do.php [CODE]<?php session_start(); ob_start(); $salladim = $_SESSION['salla']; $salladin = isset($_GET['url'])?$_GET['url']:'' ; if(!in_array($salladin,$salladim)) { header( 'refresh: 1; url='.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].'' ); echo '<h2>Hazirlaniyor...</h2>'; exit(); } [/CODE] file.php [CODE]<?php session_start(); function kodsalla($uzunluk) { $karakterler = "0123456789"."ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $kod = ""; while(strlen($kod) < $uzunluk) { $kod .= substr($karakterler, (rand() % strlen($karakterler)), … | |
Hi In my new project i have to give an option to convert an english text to chinese.Can any one help me to do this. Thank you | |
Hello, i am trying to create a php script that offers the following functions... wardrobe.php?friend=FRIENDNAME wardrobe.php?hash=HASHTAG but i dont want you to be able to use both at the same time, please could you help improve my code to become more stable, add error checking and also offer this feature … | |
Hi i am new to PHP, Can anyone fix this problem to me. i am writing a code to change password where i have already encoded a password and stored in database. and in a new changepassword form i have to do two things one is to get the oldpassword … | |
[CODE] $doc=new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($str); $doc->getElementById("MainTable")->getAttribute("id");[/CODE] Displays the error Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttribute() on a non-object Oh and $str is the HTML of a page :p D: Am I doing something wrong? :o | |
I need to retrieve a HTML file from an external site ([url]http://example.com/page.html[/url]) and parse it. Parsing it is fine, however I can't seem to find a way to retrieve the file given this: [LIST] [*]Cannot use cURL [*]Must work on PHP 4.3.9+ [*]Must retrieve the file as a HTTP request … | |
Hi, I am using sha1 for a registration form like this: [CODE] if($_POST['pass1']==$_POST['pass2']){ $password = sha1(mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST['pass1'])); } // This inserts an encrypted row in the DB, and works fine [/CODE] When i want to log in, well I cant login..This is the script: [CODE] $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST['email']); $password … | |
Hi, I have a php array as the following format array([4]=>6 [8]=>12 [3]=>5) and I would like to add 6+12+5 The problem I have is that neither number of array cells nor array_keys are known. Thanks a lot |
The End.