39,388 Topics
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---THIS DOES NOT WORK----- <?php if($string != 55) { echo '<form action ="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>". method = "POST"/>'; echo '<input type="submit" name="off" value="Turn OFF Grow Light"/>'; echo '</form>'; } ?> It display's the submit button, everything LOOK's great, but when I press the button, it goes to some screwy blank page. However, … | |
Dear devolepers, I have problem with my sql database, I want acces my sql database in my <LI> list plaese help to resolve this problem Here is my html sql database : my_db table : info_list Table columns : id,name,job,town,mobile1,mobile2,phone,adress i want to display town list in this <li> list … | |
Sir, my table look like this  I am using this query to insert data $query = "INSERT INTO history(user, login, logout, duration, user_ip, user_lo) VALUES ('".$muser."','".($date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."','".($date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."',1,'".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']."','myplace')"; But it says: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in C:\wamp\www\...... I am unable to know what is wrong in … | |
$multi=array(0=>array("object"=>"25","kr"=>"25","score"=>"50","start"=>"2016-07-01","end"=>"2016-08-15"), 1=>array("object"=>"31","kr"=>"19","score"=>"50","start"=>"2016-07-01","end"=>"2016-08-15"), 2=>array("object"=>"2","kr"=>"2","score"=>"4","start"=>"2016-07-01","end"=>"2016-08-15"), 3=>array("object"=>"4","kr"=>"4","score"=>"8","start"=>"2016-08-16","end"=>"2016-09-30"), 4=>array("object"=>"6","kr"=>"6","score"=>"12","start"=>"2016-08-16","end"=>"2016-09-30"), 5=>array("object"=>"9","kr"=>"9","score"=>"20","start"=>"2016-08-16","end"=>"2016-09-30")); $mydatearray=array("startone"=>"2016-07-01","startsec"=>"2016-08-16"); foreach ($multi as $key => $value) { if($value['start']==$mydatearray['startone']){ } else if($value['start']==$mydatearray['startsec']){ } } | |
Hello. I am new to PHP/MYSQL. My array looks like this: Array ( [1] => item1 [2] => 1tem2 [3] => item3 [4] => item4 [5] => item5 [6] => item6 ) Array ( [7] => item1 [8] => item2 ) Array ( [9] => item1 [10] => 1tem2 [11] … | |
Dear developers How to show contact details while clicking the particular name from <li> list Contact_list.php <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","user","pass","nilambu1_mydb"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM n_info "); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<li><a href='contact.php' data-transition='slidedown'> <img … | |
Hi! Having a hard time figuring out how to solve this problem at hand. basically i have several tables that are inter connected in some manners but i need to full all this data and format it in a manner that it will show the total number of trips and … | |
Hello, i am a new php and html developer. kindly assist me for my querys thanks in advance raj | |
hi...i've research fusion chart... and i find it nice .. I would like to retrieve from my database(SQL) and graph it using php is there anybody here experience working with fusion chart and php?... | |
Hi everyone, I really hope that you can help me diagnose an issue with my new API. I'm having the following issue: I'm not happy with the performance of the app client at http://app.dazah.com that connects to it ... It uses cURL to issue about 3-4 API requests per page … | |
Hi All, I am building a personal jukebox and looking to run this off of a raspberry pi, originally I started out using mopidy, but found all of the interfaces lack the general features that I really like and need, and the speed in actually touching some services and playing … | |
Hello guys, I need to host a video sharing site that support srt files for translating videos I've searched the Internet and found ClipBucket its a good script but you must pay for Subtitle extention is there any free script do such a thing? | |
I don't understand why I canot $_POST $row[Oras]. I get UNDEFINED VARIABLE :[CODE] <p><?php $qorase="SELECT Oras FROM oras"; if (isset($qorase) && !empty($qorase)) { echo"<!--" . $qorase . "-->"; $result = mysql_query($qorase) or die ("invalid query 4: " . mysql_error ());} ?> <select name="option" > <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo … | |
Dear developer! I found a script on the internet, by this script i can count leave days Like (2016-07-15) to (2016-07-22) without wekeend days. But i want count more records in one like (2016-07-15) to (2016-07-22) or (2015-01-11) to (2015-02-01).... I paste script on below please help me. Thank you. … | |
Hello, I created four scripts written in php. Scripts are used to import/export data between two databases (one database is on local machine and second one is on server as web shop). Scripts are not basic import/export, because I had a lot of details on what to do with the … | |
Which CMS platform do you use? Do you prefer Joomla or Wordpress? From your observations which one is best for SEO in terms of available free components. Please share other comparison factors. ![]() | |
include("conn.php"); $studid=$_POST['studid']; $reg=$_POST['reg']; $sname=$_POST['sname']; $fname=$_POST['fname']; $dob=$_POST['dob']; $course=$_POST['course']; $contact=$_POST['contact']; $address=$_POST['address']; $img=$_POST['img']; //Image Upload $name=time(); $uploaddir = "../img/"; $uploadfile = $uploaddir .$name. basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile); $fpath=$_FILES['userfile']['name']; if($fpath=="") { $fpath=$img; } if($img=="") { $img="default.gif"; } mysql_query("update student set sname='$sname', fname='$fname', dob='$dob', contact='$contact', address='$address', simg='$fpath' where studid=$studid"); | |
How to add new languages in this example? <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Load the Google Transliterate API google.load("elements", "1", { packages: "transliteration" }); var transliterationControl; function onLoad() { var options = { sourceLanguage: 'en', destinationLanguage: ['ar','hi','kn','ml','ta','te'], transliterationEnabled: true, shortcutKey: 'ctrl+g' }; … | |
Dear Experts I use datepicker as <input style="background-color:#FFC;" type="text" size="9" name="date" id="datepicker-13" value="<?php echo date('d-m-Y', strtotime($date));?>"> <script> var j = jQuery.noConflict(); j(document).ready(function(){ j("#datepicker-13"). datepicker({dateFormat:'dd-mm-yy'}); <!-- j( "#datepicker-13" ).datepicker("show"); --> }); </script> This datepicker pick any date but I want it to select date between this ranges $date1='2016-07-01' $date2='2017-06-30' Suppose If … | |
Is it possible to do pagination in Drilldown Graph? | |
I currently have a binary string that has been encoded with base64_encode(). However, I need to represent this string only with 0-9a-zA-Z characters. I am currently wrapping the string in bin2hex() to represent it with 0-9a-f. However, for transport reasons, I would like to compress the string by representing it … | |
Sir I have this variable $date="2016-07-18" I want to get DATA from 2016-07-01 to 2016-07-17. In other words I want to get DATA of month given in $date (July) but excluding current date (18) How to write query $query = "select * from arrival where ........; Please help | |
How to set a image as default as fixed like background and remaining images will have to change dynamically? in HTML, CSS | |
Customers pick When finished If on the book, such as the selection of Van Dyke VT01 from 1/07/59 - 2/07/59-day period, you will not be able to book your car again. It is based on the availability of the vehicle. I made a separate table Storage booking Van table separately … | |
I have an Array containing arrays with 8 values, I want to group **date** element having same **teacher_name**, **school_name** and **month_year**. Below is my array: Array ( [0] => Array ( [teacher_name] => CF [school_name] => School 1 [month_year] => Jun 16 [starttime] => 04:04 PM [endtime] => 05:04 PM … ![]() | |
Hi everyone, I have a submit form on my website that display's to the user once is has been submitted, The problem I have is the text is being displayed as Chris & Amy\&#39;s 30th It should be displayed as Chris & Amy's 30th What is the best way to … | |
how to use php variable as a html variable? <?php $num=array(); for($i=0;$i<5;$i++) echo '<input type="number" name="$num[$i]">'; ?> i need to display the inputted number in the array. it's not working. please help | |
I have a simple form that I want the user to input their name and submit a picture. The name user name and photoname will goto the database. The form submits to the database, and fileuploads and renames correctly. My issue is how to I return the renamed filename to … | |
Hello this is going to be a long post so thanks in advance for just reading it. I think it will help many users. I want to store additional data and to add new rows to a table. I know about mysql and php but i am not familiar with … | |
how can i pass the value of $lat and $long in the while loop going to the script for googlemap.. kindly see the code below; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){ $station = $row['STATION']; $pei = $row['PEIS']; $pga= $row['PGA']; $pgv= $row['PGV']; $lat = $row['LAT']; $lon = $row['LON']; } <script> function initMap() { var … |
The End.