15,190 Topics

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print "Maya Data Out > %s ",pickle.loads(process.stdout.read()) File "C:\Python26\lib\pickle.py", line 1374, in loads return Unpickler(file).load() File "C:\Python26\lib\pickle.py", line 858, in load dispatch[key](self) File "C:\Python26\lib\pickle.py", line 994, in load_tuple k = self.marker() File "C:\Python26\lib\pickle.py", line 874, in marker while stack[k] is not mark: k = k-1 IndexError: list index out of …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for sym366

I'm not really good wih the Big O notation so I was wondering if any one can help me find the Big O notation of this code for each of its function when they are best , worst, and adverage case and a brief explantation of why it's that. Sorry …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for giancan

Dear friends, I need our help for a new task. I have a gps track (sequence of lat long and altitude) and I would like to know if there is a way to make an offset (or a parallel line if you prefer) of this line to its right and …

Member Avatar for giancan
Member Avatar for Cosmo_Kramer

I am writing the following functions I cannot tell where I should leave off with the "bootstrapping" that the first function searchMaze() is supposed to be doing, the wording is not getting through my dense head. searchMaze(maze, start_pos, finish_pos) This function takes a maze data structure as created by readMazeFile(), …

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Member Avatar for jrcagle

Generators are essentially dynamic sequences, making their official debut in Python 2.5. That got me to thinking: can we make a circular list with them? Why yes, we can...

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

You can alternately show one of two lines drawn on the Tkinter canvas by simply moving them on and off the canvas screen. This beats a cumbersome create and delete cycle.

Member Avatar for lewashby

Below is a short program I'M working of from udacity.com but I can't figure out why I'M getting the value 6 from the first call to the function. # Define a procedure, biggest, that takes three # numbers as inputs and returns the largest of # those three numbers. def …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for tizzqman

I need help with a program i am doing. it is a cryptography program. i am given a regular alphabet and a key. i need to use the user input and use the regular alphabet and use the corresponding letter in the key and that becomes the new letter. i …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for slasel

I am using turtle graphics with Tkinter however the problem is that the turtle graphics window comes over my root window and covers it! Is there a way to solve this? Note: i am using turtle inside functions if that makes any difference... import ImageTk import tkMessageBox from Tkinter import* …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

A closer look at the Tkinter GUI toolkit Toplevel Window and how to lift and lower it respective to other windows.

Member Avatar for slasel

If u run this code then click on the button helicase, u'd notice that there is a space btw radiobutton 1 and the rest! why? how can i fix this? I am sorry i know my code is too long but i don't know which section of it was causing …

Member Avatar for slasel
Member Avatar for elbert.leach

# This program reads numbers from a file into a list. def main(): # Open a file for reading. infile = open('text.txt', 'r') sentences = infile.readlines() # Read the contents of the file into a list. infile.close() # Close the file. index = 0 # Convert each element to an …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for silversonicaxel

hi, just a simple question on a wx.TextCtrl element. i have this text field where on an application, where the user can add a string on it. i want a text field with a red text on it. so i've generated this code: self.hRepositoryTextfield = wx.TextCtrl(self.hPanel) self.hRepositoryTextfield.SetDefaultStyle(wx.TextAttr(wx.RED)) if the user …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for slasel

I want one picture to be displayed in the canvas then the another to be displayed in the canvasafter 2 seconds. i used time.speed(2) and canvas.delay(2000) but nothing works! Any help please?! import ImageTk import tkMessageBox from Tkinter import* from turtle import * import time root = Tk()#main window canvas …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for krystosan

I implemented whole UI and logic into one py file now I thing it would be good if I separate the UI file from the logic, and to run the UI I shoud run the file that contains logic that inturn loads the UI... I have `RenderUI.py` module that contains …

Member Avatar for krystosan
Member Avatar for slasel

Hello, I need help with creating 6 buttons can I do that using some loop and how can that be done? each button has a different image and different text...their bg, and dimensions are the same Also after creating all the buttons I want to make a callback function for …

Member Avatar for slasel
Member Avatar for slasel

I have a problem...how can i arrange widgets inside a frame using grid? I get all sorts of weird results with widgets coming over each othe

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Member Avatar for pinbustersrule

I've just started using python in my computer technology class. One thing I can't figure out is how to have python put the lists inside a string into alphabetical order. If anyone has any easy answer, it will be much appreciated. Also, my teacher told me he would give extra …

Member Avatar for noonecares
Member Avatar for giancan

Dear friends, sorry for my ignorance about python containers but I have the need to store (and access) 4 different values per file in folder, namely the filename (with its path) and 3 other values (string or None). When I access the database, I will need to know the 3 …

Member Avatar for ZZucker
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Comparing a number of different approaches to finding the closest pair of numeric elements in a list. The timing is done with the mpmath module, but you can also use Python module timeit.

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for biancairis93

I have to create a class of Persons that will hold information about their name,age,NI number.These details are read from a file that would look like : 55512 Bart Simpson 45 45622 John Smith 58 46231 Alicia Sands 27 My duty is to read each line from this file and …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for elvis1

Hi I am a Pyth noob and wanted to import a text file .To each line of the text file , assign a (fixed) name and sum a number (in increments of 1 from the first line to the last)using the while command for an assigned name. Lets say I …

Member Avatar for noonecares
Member Avatar for rmbrown09

I'll keep the story short here but to sum things up: I have always liked computers. Hardware has always been my thing. I have my own custom built desktop and love changing and messing with it every day. I also work (part time) as an IT guy for small business. …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jecelone

There are websites such as http://www.cars.com that provide information about secondhand vehicles. Design a base class for vehicle with fields such as model, year, total mileage, vehicle identification number (VIN), EPA class, EPA mileage, engine, transmission, and options. Design subclasses for car, truck, SUV, and minivan. Think about the specific …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for andy_piles

I want to write a client-side code that makes a HTTP Request using urllib2 functions. The server side code should make an appropriate respone to the HTTP Request.

Member Avatar for _Fletcher

I'm having some trouble with vpython for my first-year programming project. The code below is a solar system simulator and I'm having issues with pausing animations and restarting them. I also tried to add a feature where if you click on a planet it will refocus the camera on the …

Member Avatar for andrewie101
Member Avatar for inaxassan

The human body has many organs (heart, lungs, brain, and kidney, to name a few). We could think of the human body as complex object made up of simpler objects (organ). a) Create classes for heart and brain. Think about what the functions of the heart and brain are in …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Python is entirely object oriented and using classes is made relatively simple. Beginners have a certain angst when it comes to using classes. There is a hump in the learning curve, which I like to overcome with this example. Inheritance really makes sense and saves you a lot of extra …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for vegaseat

An approach to create multiple GUI buttons (or other widgets) using list comprehension. In this case I used the Tkinter GUI toolkit that comes with the Python installation.

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for krystosan

how do i make use of seticon inherited by QCheckBox to display icon with exclusive checkboxes i found a link here but doesnt have any example how to do so http://riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Docs/PyQt4/html/qabstractbutton.html#setIcon

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The End.