7,168 Topics
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Hi all, I have doubt, please clarify it, Want to know whether any feedback form can be given in Google search engine. Please check the below link and help me out. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=gold+rate+in+chennai&rlz=1C1GIWA_enIN652IN652&oq=gold&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j69i59l2j69i61l2.959j0j9&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 If its possible through SEO Techniques. Please suggest me how to do it and help me in clearing … | |
No matter what I type in the search box, it only returns links to member profiles, if any. | |
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What are benefits of 301 & 302 redirection in SEO? How does this help out.? | |
Hello everyone since from last month Google Ordered Lists Extension not working suddenly, I have try reinstallation but won’t use anyone has idea about it. | |
I am work in my seo site do all seo techniq is use but not in google index page. | |
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Is G+ the beginning of Social Networking 3.0? Is it better than Facebook? Why? What? ANYBODY!!!! | |
Hey Everybody, I hope everyone is keeping well. I am trying to develop a search box on a website in JQuery/Ajax but I am running ino some issues. The problem I have is I have some very strict parameters that I can work to: I can not use PHP. I … | |
Google Plus Heats Up the Competition Against Facebook... | |
Hi Can any one tell how can I get top ranking with in a month? What SEO technique I should use? | |
Let's all share the websites and techniques that we use to get free Twitter followers, Facebook likes, and Google +1s from. Here are my top 3 websites that I use: 1) Tweers.com - Followers, Likes, +1s, Stumbles, YouTube Views 2) Twiends.com - Followers 3) TwitClub.com - Followers | |
Any one can give me a links or projects about How to use Microcontroller Pic16F628 | |
Hi.. I have new sartups of social commerce how can i promote my business online any one have idea please suggest me my business name is OWNOW | |
Firefox is default browser but Thunderbird email links have stopped opening in the browser in the last few days. Have tried most of Mozilla's recommendations but nothing has worked so far. | |
If you want to increase traffic then I would say that only content would help you today, try to create as much content as you can on your website, forums, blogs, article directories, they would be indexed in Google and you would get some traffic, but make sure that you … | |
Hi all, I just joined the forum hoping to find an answer to this problem. When I try to open "My eBooks" folder in Win XP Pro, I get an error message that says "My eBooks is not accessable" "the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable". The first thing … | |
How to search a string in table i.e. searchstring = "Gandhi Chowk" actual code: if(isset($_POST['companyId'])){ $companyId = $_POST['companyId']; } if(isset($_POST['RouteName'])){ $routeName = '%'.$_POST['routeName'].'%'; } if(isset($_POST['cityName'])){ $cityName = $_POST['cityName']; } // We Will prepare SQL Query $STM = $dbh->prepare("SELECT routeName FROM route WHERE routeName LIKE :route"); // bind paramenters, Named paramenters … | |
I am using article to document share same for example: I write 400 words article and it is word formate and i submite this article to article site.. what can i submit this article to documents sharing website. those content are same | |
Hello, I am trying to style google map: like: http://www.akronyms.net/demo/arvin-html/v_1.5/ How? Here is a references: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/styling What I do not understand is to create a grey map I should include the following array variable: var styleArray = [ { featureType: "all", stylers: [ { saturation: -80 } ] },{ featureType: … | |
Hi everyone, I need some tips, how to improve my website for google ranking? | |
Hi, I am trying to import the package com.google.android.gms.gcm.GoogleCloudMessaging into my project. I get an error saying the cannot resolve symbol. Can you please help me. Thanks in advanced. | |
I'm at my wits end, perhaps after working non stop for 7 hrs. I'm trying to develop a simple search engine using Php and Mysql. I have borrowed my idea of doing this from a wonderful [youtube tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPmBJhhuwSM) by nick frosty. Unlike Nick, i'm not doing this the procedural way … | |
Hi All, I have a JSP which contains a form , when the form is submitted the control comes to servlet . this is working fine in IE. but in google chrome it going to error page . When i debugged from the develper tools , i found one difference … | |
Noob Question. I need some clarifications with using class as a reference datatype or if you have any links that direct to a straightforward explanation,i'd highly appreciate that. (I had been surfing the net for hours, read some books but the explanation is either vague or just an introduction.) | |
Hello all, There is my table in database. want to delete multiple rows from MYSQL database. I have created this selectcon.php file to select various links and delete them using checkboxes. but it doesn't here is my code <!DOCTYPE html> <?php include("emty.php"); ?> <center> <?php include("dbcon.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * … | |
Hello i have created an API account for oauth services. I did it so that our users could log in to our website through their google acount credentials i want to use that google API so that the users could import their contacts to out website and i am getting … |
The End.