1,891 Topics
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Hi,I have a problem with this exercise compress all the directories that don't contain at least one file used in the last 15 days , with the same name of the directory thank you | |
hi, how can i pervent from crontab concurrent run ??? thats mean when my crontab Take too long , with this crontab another crontab not runs... please help me ... | |
Hey guys, I'm trying to create another shell script that does the following, but I am not sure where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated! •Reads student name, address, city, and email and phone number from the keyboard with meaningful headings for each of them on separate lines. … | |
Write a shell script that will accept any number of command line interger parameters a d do the following....I have to use a if statment for the lowest and highest values??? Determind the lowest and highest values? Determind the sum of all parameters entered? | |
hello every one I have a problem that drove me crazy last couple days I know I have to use loop structures but I can't figure out how to put the right pieces together. I'm not asking for a complete answer because I want to learn so please help me … | |
Hey guys, I am trying to write a shell script that does the following: •Display the user a prompt to enter his name •Read the name •Display the user a prompt to enter his age •Read the age •Display the message as “Hello, your name is …… and your age … | |
write a Unix shellscripthat will take the information from two files and combine into another file I created both files in vi and they are file1 David 734.854.5643 Roberto 313.432.4532 Sally 267.423.5412 Mary 435.432.7654 Ted 324.642.6743 Alice 234.576.3245 Frank 342.465.6754 and the second file is file2 Roberto Tuesday 2 Sally … | |
hy guyz, I want to create a windows 'shell'(CLI based) in C++ (like Windows cmd) which has ability to Create folder or file, copy and paste and delete folders or files... So plz help me and tell me the which libraries will use because i have no idea about this. … | |
Hello everyone, I have this little for loop that I want to convert to a while loop. It accepts unknown number from the command line parameters and then add them all up and display the sum, here is the for loop: [CODE]sum=0 for x in $* do sum=`expr $sum + … | |
I'm trying to call a function from an if statement that is inside a for loop. I need to send the $i in "for i in *" to a function but i can find nothing that works. ex. [code] # Perform actual file grab for i in /Users/* ; do … | |
Hi, i am working on a script that will filter out the unique trace of error logs from a log file. The log file might contain different types of exception traces(like Null Pointer Exception, Illegal Argument Exception etc.) and i want to retrieve each such exception trace and also count … | |
what is the use of [code]unix-stream("path/to/file");[/code] I can't seem to find it anywhere. | |
mY QUERY IS RELATED TO.. How can i set coloumn width in unix... Like for ex. i am having a file, whose content is like ------------------------------ aba bba baba abba baba baaa addd ffff fffff ----------------------------------- i want it to be like ----------------------------------- aba bba baba abba baba baaa addd … | |
Hi , I want to run a shell script which is present in another user's id after switching it to that user in the same script. but it is not taking it. I m using the su command for that. [code] su - user1 -c "./${HOME}/script1.sh" [/code] it just says … | |
i am having problem in suppressing the output to display on the screen. below the output that i am getting. hfdkjd...OK hadfhkj...OK code : #!/bin/bash ASMM/bin/xacct test -i i have also tried by redirecting into the file, but to no avail. plz help me with this | |
This is homework. I was writing a bash script that accepts a list of group names on the command line and produces a group report detailing the group id and the number of group members identified in /etc/passwd for each group. Output will look like: Group Report Group GID Count … | |
I have finally written this code, but the prob with this is that when it is prompting for password it doesnt send any password to the ftp machine, we have to do it manually, but after typing it manually, it take the password line as command and shows that that … | |
Hi I have written the below code for ftp transfer. can u please help me how to trap whether it is successful or not. [code]ftp -n `awk '$1 ~ /db_server_IP/ { print $3 }' $CONFIG_FILE` <<END quote USER `awk '$1 ~ /db_user/ { print $3 }' $CONFIG_FILE` quote PASS `awk … | |
i am getting output as XYZ... ABC... This is \t\t\033[40m\033[32mUP\033[0m instead of XYZ... ABC... This is UP i am trying to diplay "UP" in green colour. below is the code: #!/bin/bash var=` /export/home/GT/AM/bin/xacct test -i | grep OK | wc -l` if [[ var -eq 2 ]]; then echo "This … | |
Hi everyone, I am trying to change hundreds of data files using sed command. Text file1 have 10 lines which look like the following [QUOTE]{ x=34280; y...} { x=34281; y...} { x=34282; y...} { x=34283; y...} { x=34284; y...} { x=34285; y...} { x=34286; y...} { x=34287; y...} { x=34288; … | |
Hello everyone. I'm trying to code the cd shell command in c. I used chdir function to code it but the problem is that when I execute the program on the terminal it doesn't change the directory. I kept a series printfs and conditions to test if it changes, though … | |
I want to write a shell script to automate the ftp session, in that it should take the inputs like the server ip , username , password from a different file who path i'll pass. and also the validations that if the server path exits or not. | |
I have to run a shell script and store whatever is performed in it into a log file. the path can be altered for the log file. how can i do that ? | |
Hi Guys, how to call one shell script from another script inside a loop ? any suggestion most welcome. Prakash | |
Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a script that will list all files and their details within a directory - so for example, if I have the structure /home/ /home/folder1/ /home/folder2/ /home/folder3/ It will print something like +---------------------------- | /home/folder1/ +---------------------------- | *files here* | *size* +---------------------------- | /home/folder2 +---------------------------- … | |
I have an unusual situation where I had a hard drive with some bad sectors and moved the data to a new drive. I did the move with cp -Rfp and >& logfile. I moved the data (~285GB) with about 20 copy commands. The >& should have given me information … | |
Hello. I am writing a script to do some copying of files. I feel confident that I can do that part, but before I even start doing the actual copies, it compares the last modified dates of two files.. I know this seems a very basic question that I would … | |
I am very new in Sugarcrm. I want to send Email in some intervals to all my contacts that I had added in my Sugarcrm account. Is there any facility for the same? If yes then how can I implement it? I want that I will be able to use … | |
Hi, I am writing my output using printf(...) procedure. Sometimes I would like to use bold font.like this [CODE]interface(.... turn bold on :-) .....) printf("something in bold\n"); interface(.... turn bold off :-) ....) printf("something not in bold\n"); Is any way to do this?[/CODE] |
The End.