2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for zizo.ahmed.779

hello everybody...nice to back again i m working on project to calculate measures and numbers and insert data inside datagridview(dgv) from number.text and measure.text but if value of measure.text present in dgv son update number cell with new value + present value problem is how to do so.... i tried …

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Member Avatar for Hari om
Member Avatar for Ian_7

Trying to write a CTE query where I will get the Max and Min of charge encounters. I am relatively new to the world of using 'Common Table Expression' so bear with me. When I try to parse this I get syntax error messages near keyword statements 'with ' and …

Member Avatar for MaxMaherC
Member Avatar for Mohamed_26

Hello ALl, I have found this project online which I would like to do. The link for the project is http://1000projects.org/network-intrusion-detection-system.html#comment-249119. If I am correct, this application if built properly is meant to look at all the packets and store them into SQL server?. I have got many problems before …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for younes.keraressi

Hey, i dont know how this is called but i have ideas and if it possilbe that someone can help Help me about this: i have file index.php and 2 folders called: blue, red. in these 2 folders therse a pages that content the same backgroundcolor as the foloders name. …

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Member Avatar for salimmejdoub

hello i'm beginner at programming and i want to connec to my database with PHP PDO with SQL SERVER 2008 R2 the problem at the begining it appears to me an error with this message "could not find driver" after a little searching about this i found how to download …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I am trying to update my record but nothing is happening please help me out update.php <?php require_once("connection.php"); if(isset($_POST["update"])) { $uid = $_POST["uid"]; $user_name = $_POST["uname"]; $f_name = $_POST["fname"]; $l_name = $_POST["lname"]; $company = $_POST["company"]; $address = $_POST["address"]; $phone = $_POST["phone"]; $fax = $_POST["fax"]; $mobile = $_POST["mobile"]; $email = …

Member Avatar for UK-1991
Member Avatar for shaqib

Dear all, I have two identical mysql server with same databases and tables structures but with different data. ServerA ServerB Database Shaqib Database Shaqib Table users Table users ID | Name | Phone ID | Name | Phone 1 |Test1 | 123456 1 |Test13 | 1256456 2 |Test2 | 785632 …

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Member Avatar for donz365

Hi, I am working on a wbsite for a training centre. I am querying a web service for the list of their courses. There are three parametres in the query: centre, coursetype and courselocation. When querying it directly or using SoapUI it can be queried using 1, 2, 3 or …

Member Avatar for donz365
Member Avatar for necrovore

Hi, I have been working on a application that used sqlserver 2008 R2. we had used filestream that was there in 2008 r2. there was a decision to move from 2008 R2 to 2012 express. Now i understand that file table is a new addition to 2012 and will do …

Member Avatar for necrovore
Member Avatar for phoenix254

Someone can help me to find my error: $query=mysqli_query($con," SELECT * FROM item WHERE ITEM = $ITEM ") or die ( mysqli_error($con)); i reciveing this error,i dont know wherer is syntax error. *You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Amogha
Member Avatar for DaveAmour

# Performing Selective Includes in Entity Framework with the Fluent API # When we are using Entity Framework as our data access choice to work with SQL Server then there are some potential pitfalls. One of these pitfalls is doing selective includes. What do I mean by selective includes? To …

Member Avatar for punji

I'm trying to query from two tables but whenever i run my php script i get this error, any help would be highly appreciated Database query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to …

Member Avatar for punji
Member Avatar for hussain_786
Member Avatar for Dipanjana

Hi . I want to know how pass the data from the datagrid to textbox through query string with only the ID of the selected row being passed as query i.e when I select a particular row all the attributes of that row should be displayed on the textboxes of …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for Sutarusu

Ok, here is what I get when I run the query. 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near newmessage`int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT `0`,`companyi' at line 4 Here is what …

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Member Avatar for westsiderailway

Hello everyone, Dim SI As String = "" SI = CheckedListBox1.SelectedItem Dim TextcommandSQL As String = "" Dim myCOLUMN As String = "" myCOLUMN = ComboBox1.SelectedItem TextcommandSQL = "SELECT * FROM test_table where " & myCOLUMN & " = " & SI MsgBox(TextcommandSQL) Dim con As New SqlConnection con.ConnectionString = …

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Member Avatar for Dipanjana

Hi , i hv created 2 tables : a Department table with fields Deptname , Deptid and Employee table with Empid , Empname, Salary . I have created a datagrid with fields empname , address , Salary , Deptname and edit and delete command columns . By clicking on edit …

Member Avatar for tarunap
Member Avatar for sanjay@srvmedia

id name class marks 1 H 1 60 2 H 2 50 3 S 1 70 4 S 2 60 5 V 1 55 6 V 2 80 7 K 1 60 8 K 2 70 This is my table structure. I want mysql query to get result like id …

Member Avatar for jj.dcruz
Member Avatar for Quazy

Hello I am creating a little application, using VB.net, and Access database. I want to count the number of records whitch have more than 6 hours difference between records. Is it possible to have a query to count the number of recordset where the "Time End" and "Time Start" of …

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Member Avatar for m-soft

Hello, I am trying to learn c# and sql server and I am not sure how should I proceed in the following situation: I have a database with 2 tables: Clients and OrdersFromClients I am trying to make a form with a listbox in which I will display all the …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for altjen

hi. few days ago I open a microsoft azure account and create a virtual machine. download SQL server managment and do everything ready. open TCP port 1433 and my DSN name is btca.cloudapp.net now I cant connect with the database inside it... what to do. Im looking everything but nothing …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

hi. few days ago I create a Azure account and create a Virtual machine. download and install SQL server managment, open TCP port 1433. but cant connect to my app.. my DNS is btca.cloudapp.net but cant connect. tried to connect with DSN & IP but nothing happening. any suggestion?

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

hi. few days ago I create a Azure Account and create a Virtual Machine install SQL server managment. open TCP port 1433. but now I cant connect to my app... my DNS is btca.cloudapp.net but cant connect the code with the database... please help me...

Member Avatar for Israel_2

So I have this simple query that if I run it on sql server management studio it gives me results. Select name, count(*) As thecount from Restaurants group by name I am using codeigniter and a wrapper library for datatables called [ignited datatable](https://github.com/IgnitedDatatables/Ignited-Datatables/wiki/Function-Reference) . I am using it because its …

Member Avatar for ahmedsa

Hi guys I make program to select data every day automatically by timer every second in c# In sql server 2005 i write the following query ALTER proc [dbo].[JeddahSalesAll] as SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dbo.[Jeddah-Live$Sales Header].No_) AS [S.N], dbo.[Jeddah-Live$Sales Line].[Document No_] AS 'OrderNo', dbo.[Jeddah-Live$Sales Header].[Bill-to Name] AS 'CustomerNo', dbo.[Jeddah-Live$Sales …

Member Avatar for JerrimePatient
Member Avatar for SoMa_2

I have images generated by while loop php based on how many course user have when user press on one of those images it will send him to that course page but all images send to one course page this my php code in** home page ** <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","FYP","123","FYP"); $sql= …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello, I was wondering if the following mysql query can be constructed in a much more efficient way? SELECT distinct(cr.email), m.fname, m.lname, m.email, (SELECT count(*) FROM campaignRecipts where email=cr.email )as ttlsent, (SELECT count(received) FROM campaignRecipts where received='yes' and email=cr.email )as ttlreceived, ((SELECT count(received) FROM campaignRecipts where received='yes' and email=cr.email )/(SELECT …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for phoenix254

$result = mysqli_query($con,$addtothedb); $cur = "USERS/"; echo $des = $cur.$email.'/'; if($result){ if ( mkdir($des,0777) ) { //http://pastebin.com/7J0BM5fD echo "<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; echo $file_name = $_FILES['file']['name']= 'mfix.png'; echo "<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; echo $file_tmp =$_FILES['file']['tmp_name']= 'mfix.png'; echo "<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $des.$mfix); echo "<img src='<?php echo $mfix ;?>' alt='Image' style='width:100px;height:100px'>"; /*echo "<img …

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The End.