2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for neti1987

hi! I hope this is the place for my my question: I work on a file tagging system. I write it in java and use MySQL as my DB. I have a table that contain only one field: file's path. when directory is renamed, it's path changes. and that's mean, …

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Member Avatar for dwel

I'm trying to restore previously backup text file into sql server on specified database. Could it be possible using VB.NET? if possible please help me..

Member Avatar for dwel
Member Avatar for dwel
Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hai all, i am working on a project, my project have 3(bronze, silver, gold) types of payments, payments are done through the paypal the expiry date is one month. if user reach the expirydate we must send email to him, after expirydate is passed his payment type change to bronze(it …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for redgie44

Ok I am currently learning php through wordpress and I have a small project to create a running website which displays the results. CUrrently I can display the results for a certain race that I hard code: [code] <?php // Connects to your Database mysql_connect("XX.XX.XX.XX", "admin", "pwd") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("db") …

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Member Avatar for CFApprentice

Hi there, I’m very new to ColdFusion and I’m still going through the learning process. I have a report to create in CF and I don’t know how to start: I have three tables in 2 databases: tblEmployeID with EMPLOYEEID, EMPNAME, MGRName (this is in SQL 2000) tblCategories with CODEID, …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for juniorj

i want to display a selected record from my database to the data report in VB6. i used the foll. code, where cuno is the value of a textbox. i m passing the value of cuno through a module. SELECT * FROM Bill WHERE ID=cuno but when i run it, …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for detoxx

I hope you can help me. I'm working on a program that will open any Access database that might be on the system. The problem I'm having is that I cant get get the SQL statement to show all the tables within the database. The code im using is as …

Member Avatar for detoxx
Member Avatar for ragedsparrow

HEy everyone. I've been workign on this for a few days now and it's due tomorrow, so I thought I would ask a developer community for any input. Here is what is supposed to be happening. The Server starts. The Client Starts. The user enters a table name into the …

Member Avatar for ragedsparrow
Member Avatar for touseef4pk

Plz help me out to resolve a conflict. I have made untiring efforts to resolve but coudln't. I have showed my data in gridivew now in windows forms now i want that when i make chages on the gridview using it like an excel sheet. These changes should also be …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rambok4

[code] try Dim da As String = "+100acs+" Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=RAHUL-034890AF0\SERVER2005;Initial Catalog=user_accounts; Integrated Security =True") Dim command As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("Insert into sales_details (bill_number,product_id,quantity,rate,amount) VALUES ('" + da + " ','" + Ddpproducts.SelectedItem.ToString + " ','" + Textquant.Text + "','" + Ddpproducts.SelectedValue + "','" …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for Mr.B

Allo all, I'm using a DataSet to collect a random comparison from a database, and then passing those values to Public Variables, then constructing two Insert Statements (which shows on screen, and is valid). With the [B]two Insert Statements[/B], I'm using two buttons (in an ASP.NET Page) that Call a …

Member Avatar for end3r

Hy, I seek your help in solving the following problem: I have a select which returns columns like ( without count_same which I need to create by counting the same name): ID | NAME | no_items | count_same ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 | A | 1 | 2 2 | A | …

Member Avatar for end3r
Member Avatar for InfoMan4ever

[B]Hello everybody, hello Dani:icon_cool:![/B] I'm doing my homework of 'Data Base', exactly in the chapter: Relational Algebra, here I am, I can't find a specific relation (or the SQL corresponding query) :icon_confused:! Here the schema: [COLOR="Green"]MEAL(guest,date); MENU(dish,date); PREFERENCE(person,dish);[/COLOR] I wanna find the SQL query (or the relation in Relational Algebra):[COLOR="Green"]"the …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for Abemanden

Hi, i've tried several times, but haven't succed in making this: Classroom2 Name: | Date: Oliver | 12-10-10 Homer | 12-10-10 [COLOR="red"]Peter | 11-11-10[/COLOR] Classroom1 Name: | Date: James | 20-10-10 Lars | 20-10-10 [COLOR="red"]John | 11-11-10[/COLOR] How do i make a SQL statement that ONLY selects the lastest dates …

Member Avatar for Abemanden
Member Avatar for miweiser

I'm just going to post my pages here if someone will take a look and let me know where to go from here...sorry, I could have attached files if you would prefer. I am not sure what needs to be in my VB page if anything more is required nor …

Member Avatar for miweiser
Member Avatar for Umaid

Well I am interested in fetching 3 records because i need to show them on one screen as the program starts, and reason for showing 3 recording is to maintain next , now and previous button. Whenever i click next button so it should increment by +1 everytime and show …

Member Avatar for raymondhsu09

Hi everyone, This is the error i am getting when i try to do SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(). My application runs on multiple threads and constantly opens, executes and close connection. This error i am getting after running the application for some time. Error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results …

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Member Avatar for rukshilag

hi - i have coded a seacrch box and its results are displayed in a tabular form. i have also a print button which when pressed shud create a pdf based on that table that is displayed. for this i have a separate page called pdf.php. i am using ezpdf …

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

hi all im looking to use a select mysql query - but im trying to query the database against a users logged in sessions. I have the sessions working correctly but I am unsure how to included the session data in my sql select query. here is my users session …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for danielgraham

Hi, Does anyone know how i can AutiFix (ie check that all tables and primary keys are setup) an SQL database? A company i was working for a few years ago had this facility on their software and i was really handy. Daniel.

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for richasr

Hi, i'm not sure this is in the right place but here goes: I'm currently using ADO in VBScript to access a SQL Server database and one of my current issues is returning the full error message that a stored procedure generates. I can get a brief error description and …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for CoderDude123

Hi there, I am making (more like, have already made) an IRC bot in Java. I would like to be able to query a shoutcast server with my bot and return basic information (such as now playing, bitrate, etc). I have scoured google and only found php code which i …

Member Avatar for chandruswami

Hi, In C#, i got sql Exception which consists of 2 lines. I need only the 2nd line of that Exception only. Ex: The transaction ended in the trigger. Table Validation failed - Name: x; Condition: m!=0 i need "Table Validation failed - Name: x; Condition: m!=0" only. I have …

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Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi, Question 1 i am developing a project in C#.Net, and when a form loads data from the SQL client database is added to four combo boxes in the form, i need to change the data in the combo box when the check box is ticked. I wrote a code …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi, i am doing a project in C#.NET desktop application. how can I make a upload, retrieve functionality in C#.NET desktop application for pdf documents, I am using a sql client for the moment, so i need to upload the file(file path, content, title in to the database) how can …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sacarias40

Does anybody have any ideas of how to make an advanced search function? I would like to accept a string as the search query. i want it to run a query on the string as a whole, and for each word in the query. The problem is here: The results …

Member Avatar for sacarias40
Member Avatar for cool_jatish

hi........ can anyone tell me the connection strings to connect JAVA JAPPLET to sql server 2005 database and also the execution of SQL statement in java thanks

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sniigg

Hi, I have [code] SessionData sdc = new SessionData(); [/code] And all the properties of sdc are stored in a table in sql server. I want to retrieve the properties of the sdc dynamically. And i know [code] sdc. reader1["xmlname"]= [/code] is a wrong way of doing it. So can …

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Member Avatar for ErikV

Hay, I had a question about a login system that i want to create. I have SQL express 2005 with value's ( business name, passwords e.d. ). This system we use to fill in what we did at the company, and how much time we spend on it. This system …

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The End.